With all the Amazon headphones deals posted recently, I thought it'd be a good time to give a shoutout to the local option. TBH this is less of a deal post and more of a reminder since apparently, this is the new normal price; the last time it was posted at this price was this March. That doesn't make it any less of a bargain, these headphones are fantastic, especially for this discounted price. I find it to sound neutral with a slight warmth. They got some pretty raving reviews from renowned audiophiles such as Tyll Hertsens (https://www.stereophile.com/content/focal-clear-over-ear-ope…). Some complaints I've heard are the durability of the headbands and the stiff cable.
B-stock is also available for 200$ cheaper here: https://addictedtoaudio.com.au/products/focal-clear-open-bac…
Note that this is different from the newer Focal Clear MG, which is more expensive and considered to be inferior to this one. Here's a comparison by Crinacle: https://crinacle.com/2021/03/22/crinnotes-focal-clear-mg-qui…
wow this is some pro headset? will it also amplify those strange voices in the head?? :D