Walking Pad/Treadmill Recommendations

I'm in the market for a walking pad/treadmill I can stick under my standing desk so that I get a few steps throughout the day and hopefully end the day feeling a little less stiff and sore.

There seems to be a huge variation in price and I've seen things from $200-800+. I'm not sure if the cheaper ones are worth buying or if I'll be sticking it out for hard rubbish within the year. Can anyone give any opinions?


  • You'd probably see more benefit from 30 minutes of strenuous exercise that gets your heart pounding (cardio) than six hours of gentle walking at your desk. Or maybe lower your standing desk, buying a chair, and getting one of those resistive pedal things.

    • Is the "more benefit " for more calories burnt or more cardiovascular benefit?

  • +1

    Good idea I guess I’m theory but I feel I’d have some real issues trying to read anything more than a few lines and reply while trying to walk at same time…

  • +1

    Its very hard to read, write, be in meetings when you are 'walking about'.

    Save the money, close laptop @ 5pm and walk around the block or park, its free, get fresh air, see other people.

    • +1

      see other people.

      me: profuse sweating but not from the cardio

  • There's an under desk cycles I've seen that might work too.

  • +1

    I've had a cheap walking pad off ebay for more than a year and it is still going fine. It is just for walking not running so I don't think I put much stress on the motor or anything.

    It's good if you're naturally a bit restless - like you tend to walk around when on the phone,  I have no issues typing, or talking in meetings, but I do have to stand still for anything that requires fine mouse movements.

    It's similar to a standing desk in that some people get them and then realise they end up keeping it in sit mode all the time, and other people love it and stand most of the day.

  • Following because I'm also interested. However I'm not sure how it would work underneath a fixed desk that has a standing desk topper. If I raise the standing desk topper would there be enough room or would my legs hit the fixed desk? Hrm….

  • I respect your creativity, OP but this isn’t going to work how you’re imagining it. When you walk, you move and when you move, it’s hard to operate a keyboard and mouse as you need to be still for that. Buy a treadmill to use after work, not during. Do not go cheap because you get what you pay for. Alternatively, look into one of those circulation boosters? 🤷‍♂️

    • When you walk, you move and when you move, it’s hard to operate a keyboard and mouse as you need to be still for that

      True, but I spend a good half my day in meetings and walking helps me focus on the actual meeting. It satisfies my need to fidget, otherwise I get distracted doing other work when I need to be paying attention to the meeting.

      • What did you end up with mate?
        In the market for one too now :)

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