• expired

$5 Bonus Cashback on $50 Spend in One Transaction at Amazon on All Categories @ Cashrewards (Activation Required)


Happy Prime Day everyone. A nice bonus when you activate then spend $50 or more in one transaction at Amazon. We have up to 15% cashback today ($30 cap), and all tiers have a cashback component so all categories are eligible (see terms below). Make sure you clear your Amazon cart before clicking/tapping 'Shop Now' from Cashrewards. Thanks for your support as always. Stay safe, and enjoy :)

Please read the following terms & tips carefully:

  1. To be eligible for the AUD $5 bonus, you must first activate the promotion on this page, then shop as normal via Amazon Australia at Cashrewards.
  2. After activation, transaction must be made between 9am AEST 11 July 2023 and 11:59pm AEST 11 July 2023.
  3. Bonus is eligible on qualifying purchases of AUD $50 in a single transaction. Qualifying purchase price is calculated inclusive of GST, after any discounts, but excludes any shipping costs. Sales may report to Cashrewards ex-GST so the purchase amount shown in your account may be less than $50 - you will still be eligible for the bonus if the actual qualifying purchase price is $50 or more.
  4. Bonus will be added automatically to your Cashrewards account as pending upon activation of this offer. Under some conditions there may be a delay of up to 60 minutes for the bonus to show in your account after activation.
  5. Bonus will be approved within 7 days of any associated qualifying purchase being approved, as per the terms of the store.
  6. Bonus is over and above the advertised store cashback rates which still apply to the transaction.
  7. Amazon reports orders with multiple items as separate entries into your Cashrewards account - these are still eligible.
  8. Transaction is valid if made online via desktop browser, Cashrewards mobile app, Cashrewards Notifier, or mobile browser.
  9. Bonus is limited to one per Cashrewards account. Additional transactions do not qualify for additional bonuses.
  10. Bonus is paid on eligible purchases, excluding delivery, taxes & GST.
  11. Fraudulent activity will result in rewards being forfeited and accounts closed.

Bonus is eligible for:

12. Items added to cart after clicking from Cashrewards.
13. Purchase of products paid with gift cards.
14. The first (new) Subscribe & Save order. Subsequent orders are ineligible.
15. Pre-orders, but only if the item is scheduled to be shipped within 60 days of purchase.

Bonus is ineligible on the following:

16. Purchase of vouchers, gift cards, Kindle Unlimited, Audible, mobile apps, Amazon Prime subscriptions & renewals.
17. Second and subsequent Subscribe & Save orders (only first Subscribe & Save orders are eligible).
18. Purchases paid with any Amazon credit as partial or full payment.
19. Use of any promotional codes entered manually in Amazon's 'Promotion Code' field.
20. Items added to cart prior to clicking from Cashrewards.
21. Items purchased from your Amazon wish list or 'saved for later' list.
22. Items that are cancelled, returned, exchanged or refunded.
23. GST, other taxes and delivery fees.
24. Fraudulent transactions.

Handy tips:

Amazon tracking typically takes 1-3 days to report into accounts (Amazon tracking is not instant). Do not activate the bonus unless you intend using it - it will decline after 14 days unless a qualifying purchase is made. For tracking success, ensure you disable 3rd party plugins (AdBlock, uBlock, Pi-hole, Honey, etc), VPNs, avoid browsers such as Brave, close any additional browser tabs, and don't click away to other sites looking for codes etc after clicking from Cashrewards as tracking will be lost. Cashrewards must be your last click (not 3-Camels etc). Try our iOS/Android mobile app for great tracking results. Use our Help Centre & Contact form here for any questions or issues.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3764)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

This is part of Amazon Prime Day sale for 2023

Related Stores

Amazon AU
Amazon AU

closed Comments

  • +2

    Now we are talking! Thanks TA

  • Thanks TA!

  • Thanks TA.

  • Will wait for that 15% cashback today

    • keep stacking

    • +7

      unless i got something confused it's already active, only applies to "Amazon Devices" & "Shoes, Handbags & Accessories" categories?

  • thanks again TA. great timing

  • cheers

  • Great!

  • +1

    Thanks TA. Was waiting for the Cashrewards bonus cashback before buying my kindle paperwhite :)

  • Perfect. I’m in the market for an SSD at about $65.

  • +3

    Will 'Prime Savings Save $10 promo code: 10PRIME' void all cashback?

    • What is the T&C for this code? Works on anything?

        • Use of any promotional codes entered manually in Amazon's 'Promotion Code' field.

        I guess if the check out process adds the code automatically, it should be ok and will not void the cashback. I'd prefer confirmation from someone in the know though.

    • Edit: The code needs to be entered manually. TA, can you confirm that using this code will void cashback please?

  • +15

    Oooh, glad I read the T&C carefully, number 18 (Purchases paid with any Amazon credit as partial or full payment is a disqualification) would have caught me.

    • +1

      is there a way to not use the credit during purchase ? i got the $10 from last gift card deal.

      • +2

        Untick the box at checkout

        • thanks

        • +3

          For the noobs like me, the checkbox is in the payment method section, and you have to click on "Change" button.

    • +2

      This has always been the case

    • +5

      Gift cards OK, that $10 promotional credit when you bought the $150 gift card last week is not :)

      1. Purchase of products paid with gift cards.
    • Does Amazon gift card bought on Amazon site counts as Amazon credit ?

  • Hey TA what if the purchase was made mere minutes before seeing this and activating?

    Will it still count?

    • Probably easier for you to cancel and reorder.

    • No. Just cancel and reorder.

      • ok thanks

        Edit: oh lame now i can't order it after cancelling :/

  • +5

    Want to confirm that add multiple items to a single transaction will still get Cashback? Do items that have a coupon discount still count towards the deal?

    • Same, @tightarse ?

      • 'Amazon reports orders with multiple items as separate entries into your Cashrewards account - these are still eligible.'

  • Hi TA, would this only be for items shipped and sold by Amazon or also included third party sellers?

    • As long as it's on Amazon AU, doesn't matter who the seller is.

  • F**k just bought a dash cam off Amazon!

    • Just cancel and reorder?

      • -3

        stupid Prime and their fast shipping.. was too late

        • Wow, people not happy with fast shipping now?

        • Just buy something else lol

  • Can't seem to find this in the App (only the up to 15% offer)?

    • +1

      You can't activate the bonus on the CR App. Please activate it on desktop, then tap & purchase via the CR App if you wish :)

      • Great thank you!

      • I cant fi d the tracking. Does it take few hours to track?

        • As I've mentioned numerous times in this thread, please see the 'handy tips' at the base of the OP and my comment here. Thank you.

  • -1

    activated it but it is not pending in account yet (been 5 mins)

    • +1

      Please read dot point (4) in the OP.

      • LOL, read the first half. thanks

  • hi Tightarse, the cashreward prime day up to 15% cash back capped at $30. is it just one per account/customer or we can just keep putting different orders in and all 15% capped at $30?

    • +4

      Hi. It's a $30 cap per member account as per the rate on the merchant page. Here are the full terms:

      During the 24 hour promo, cashback for Amazon Australia is capped at $30 in total per member account, irrespective of the number of transactions made. Valid 12am to 11:59pm AEST 11/07/2023.

      So the total amount of cashback you can earn today at Amazon (across all categories) is $30. As an example, if your first purchase earns $26 cashback, your second purchase can only earn up to another $4 cashback, even if you spend $500. Not sure if I've explained this well, but hope it helps.

      • I am correct that the usual 7% is uncapped though? So if you're buying something worth more than $428, it's better to wait till tomorrow and just get the usual rate?

  • +1

    A bit confused on the subscribe and save clauses. If I’ve previously S&S an item and then cancelled the subscription after I’ve received the item. When I go to S&S again is that considered a 1st or 2nd+ S&S?

    • +2

      Its worked for me in the past. I think it only counts as second subscription if you have not cancelled.

      • +1

        Appreciate the response mate!

  • How do I checkout in one transaction with a normal item and a subscribe and save item? When I go to 'set up now' in subscribe and save, the cart doesn't include the other item I've already put in there. Needing to pay for both together to get >$50 in one transaction.

    • +4

      Add them both to cart as normal, at checkout page there’s a box for 10% subscribe and save. Tick for each item

      • The tick box for 10% subscribe and save is disappear. Did Amazon just cancel out all subscribe and save?

  • +2

    Ineligible - ‘Items purchased from your Amazon wish list or 'saved for later' list.’

    Can I search for the item that’s already in my Wishlist or should I remove them from the Wishlist all together then search for them?

    • +3

      Confirmed with TA: you don't need to delete them from your wish list, but you do need to search for them and add them independently of the wish list.

  • +2

    Bonus is ineligible on the following:

    1. Items purchased from your Amazon wish list or 'saved for later' list.

    That's a new one to me.

    Is it only ineligible if you use the "Add to cart" button displayed on the wishlist, or does simply having an item saved in a wishlist mean the item itself is ineligible no matter how it's purchased?

    • +7

      Seems silly to have to delete your wishlist before buying something…..

      • Strategy to deny claims perhaps?

      • +2

        You don't have to delete it:

        Confirmed with TA: you don't need to delete them from your wish list, but you do need to search for them and add them independently of the wish list.

  • this probably won't work with the Spot BNPL offer?

  • Will this work on international items sold in the AU Amazon site?
    Something listed as posted from US, JP etc?

    • Have this same question as well… any idea TA?

      • +6

        Yes, 100%. Purchases from Amazon US/UK etc are eligible for cashback provided the transaction is made via Amazon AU. Don't go copy/pasting links. You must navigate via Amazon AU. Hope this helps.

  • Re "Items purchased from your Amazon wish list or 'saved for later' list." does it mean choosing those items requires searching them, or need to be removed from the wishlist/save for later.
    Sorry may sound stupid but a bit confusing.

    • +1

      My understanding is that you need to search for the item separately (i.e. don't click "add to cart" directly from the wishlist)

      Can anyone confirm for BaarOzGain?

  • Thanks TA

  • -3

    I’ve had two $5 promos rejected for no reason in the past, but I’ll try this one again

    • +8

      Hi. I have your details from a previous enquiry so I've checked your account. Your $5 promo bonus (min $50 spend) on 02/02/23 was declined as no qualifying purchase was made on that date (there's no click to any store either). Your $5 promo bonus (min $30 spend) on 19/06/23 was declined as no qualifying purchase was made on that date (there's no click to any store either). So it's best not to activate offers unless you intend using them. Hope this helps :)

      • +1

        Thanks for the reasons explained here, as in the app there are no reasons listed ‘Cashback was not approved’ doesn’t explain anything and no one is going to remember what happened months and months ago, and considering a lot of click histories and purchases fail on both CR and SB it’s near difficult to keep track without a spreadsheet.

        Maybe a more detailed history would help those transactions from months ago. Thanks for explaining what happened

        • +1

          Thanks for the feedback. If you click (expand) those declined transactions on a mobile or desktop browser, you will see the possible reasons. The CR App is in the process of having the My Rewards page updated to do the same. All the best :)

          • @tightarse: Ok thanks, as I did click on the app and nothing happens. Ive checked browser version and it does list a generic list of possibilities

  • Just got it on $55 purchase thanks

  • Bummer, The normal 2% one still hasn't tracked from this morning.

    • +10

      Amazon tracking is not instant, and batch reports just once daily. Today's sales will start reporting late tomorrow morning. Thanks.

      • All good cheers. Cancelled and Reordered anyway

  • Dumb question. How do I order it from Amazon app using cashrewards app? It opens in cashrewards browser when I click it in cashrewards app.

    • +1

      That's the point

    • +2

      Hi rbc. If you're referring to the activation part, you can't activate this bonus on the CR App. Please do so first on a desktop or mobile browser, then feel free to use the CR App to tap to Amazon and complete your purchase :)

      • I have already activated offer in desktop. I want to open Amazon app using CR app as I have an offer from Amazon for first purchase via app.

        • +2

          The CR App does not allow you to click through to the Amazon App at this stage. It uses it's own native browser. Thanks.

  • -1

    Am on holiday overseas currently, and cannot use CASHREWARDS. So disappointed. I hope they work on sorting this issue out in future.

    • I used a VPN last time i was on holidays to activate a CR deal, perhaps give it a try.

  • Dumb question (maybe). Does one transaction with multiple item, still considered 1 transaction?

    • Yes

  • heck yeah. thanks TA

  • I just placed an order on Amazon but didn't receive the email confirming the cashreward transaction (usually come in 10mins), does it take longer bcos of prime day?

    • +1

      Please see the 'handy tips' at the base of the OP and my comment here.

      • aha, cheers mate

  • +2

    Hi TA, I made a mistake on the first order but canceled immediately and reordered again. Am I still eligible for the bonus cashback? Thanks.

  • Would this be valid on a preorder, e.g. Pikmin 4 at $69, releasing on July 21st? Not sure how cashbacks work in this case.

  • I saw it says only first S&S is eligible… does that count if you’ve previously cancelled a S&S? Wasn’t sure if the first/second refers to within an S&S subscription or if it is a lifetime concept.

    • +1

      It just means the first order of a S&S transaction, basically saying it won't track the subsequent deliveries.

      If you cancel and do a new S&S order, it will track and be eligible for Cashback.

  • Eligible on save 5% over $49 spend?

  • +1

    Bugger … that will teach me to buy from the pre-prime prime sale.

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