To avoid offending mods, this poll has been closed.
—- Please No Affiliate Links Here —-
It seems that there are many affiliate \ staff deals out there, that as a community we can not share here due to past behaviours or links to Pyramid schemes, I would like to discuss.
Long-time user and fan of the site, and I don't try and spam users, when I noticed a recent power deal I posted a link to Affiliate pricing which for MOST, not ALL provided significantly LOWER pricing and additional PLANS such as solar.
Oh how quickly the comments, NO AFFILIATE links here, go away. So I took my hurt and crawled into a cave. I then sat back and realised how many other affiliate programs\deals I have signed-up for and use that are not my own.
Just putting it out there, if they are disclosed and genuinely offer significant savings\discounts over standard referrals, is outright banning still the appropriate policy?
As for my link, I don't really care it was removed, I have a well paid full-time job but would be open to using other peoples deals.
Again, this is a DISUSSION\POLL, NO Affiliate Links.
I absolutely think some control\moderation over affiliate links is required, but not sure of the answer. Imagine every deal if a thousand affiliates responded with their links.
Any many affiliate links, do not offer benefits, just kick-backs for the affiliate.
This is the battle \ war the mods must face.