A rerun of the famous app meltdown that happened on 1 July, as part of KFC’s Christmas in July
Confirmed via DailyMail
A rerun of the famous app meltdown that happened on 1 July, as part of KFC’s Christmas in July
Confirmed via DailyMail
Lets hope they increased capacity since 1st July and at least did some performance testing haha
Is there a per person limit?
No. There is, however, a per-account limit
And possibly an app crashing limit
The app will crash each time you try, so if you’re persistent enough I don’t believe there will be a limit
Article says $1 Crunch Twisters today from 3 to 5
Ah Sh*t, Here We Go Again
So instead of adding a day, they seemingly have swapped out the Festive Feed for the $1 Zinger.
So tomorrow no longer the $8 Festive Feed with Zinger Burger, 2 Wicked Wings, Chocolate Mousse, Regular Chip & Regular Drink?
How come?
today is the $1 Crunch Twister, pretty good
Do these deals all day KFC you tightarses!
I have to pick up my order on my way home and eat in the car and hide rubbish from my wife.
Better take a toothbrush also.
Easier than trying to explain why you would dare eat a $1 chicken burger on a Tuesday afternoon.
This is the way
Why you don‘t bring the burger home and give it to your wife instead as a reward for cooking dinner?
Haha. She can get her own.
spat out my frozen mtn dew
Can I order this before 5pm and pick it up at 7pm?
Yes you can.
At minimum you just need to add it to cart and leave it there during 3-5pm.
Does just having it in cart work? I added to cart the other day but forgot to checkout and at about 9pm when I rechecked it was still there and was able to go to checkout page but didn't purchase it
Yep it works, I did it last week for the $12 Double Zinger Feast - added it to cart on 7th 3-5pm, and I checked out on 8th for lunch.
@CodeXD: I did this exact thing for the Double Zinger Feast. Left it in cart overnight but the store didn't pick up the order in their system the day after for lunch. Yet to receive a response after asking for a refund through their website.
@Keegz: The store will only pick it up after you complete 2 prompts to check in on the app.
The 2 prompts are something like:
Did you successfully check in? If there are areas where you get bad data/reception it can also affect the check-in process. Sometimes it might say you've already checked in but it is still showing the pick up/drive thru option, but in this case it should be on the store's system to start making your order.
@CodeXD: Yeah, successfully checked in. I arrived at the store first and confirmed that I'm at the restaurant in the app > drive thru. Spoke with the manager there and showed them my order in the app. It's still there in my Order History as a completed order on the day I arrived there.
@DevlicK: It didn't work with yesterday's twisters. KFC added an expiry date/time to the promo code and the app won't let you check out with an expired promo in cart.
@CodeXD: It worked for me for lunch. I paid $1 today in the latest Android version APP. Make sure you do not log out or change store. Plan and set to the intended store before add it during 3pm to 5pm.
@CodeXD: I was able to order a $1 Twister I left in my cart from yesterday. Did it at around 11:15 and picked it up during lunch. Maybe they stopped it after that.
Is the app going to work this time? Have they learnt and made sure it will? 👉🏻👈🏻
KFC redemption arc confirmed?
Is Day12 still happening then? 🤔
OK, guess I'm taking a walk up to KFC at 3pm today and tomorrow then.
what about $1 tower burgers?
What about $1 Cheap as Chips?
Are we just going to name things not happening under this promotion?
Tower Burgers finish today so that's not going to happen.
The stupidest thing is they negged $1 zinger deal asking the same question when it has never been advertised that there will be a $1 tower burger.
That is their only comment in the whole discussion so their neg is purely based on something they made up.
lol cool story
Login headache deja vu.
My store closes at 10pm, would I be able to do 9:40/9:45pm pickup ?
Check in 30 minutes before store closing…..
Stores will stop accepting online orders 30 mins before they close.
I learnt this the hard way
Wish there was a 2 or 3 limit per account… it's barely worth the rigmarole for just the 1
Thanks, I learnt a new word today.
you didn't finish year 4?
Ahaha good luck finding that $1 tower burger!
Hummer and a chicken feed, all in one
Has anyone else had been asked to check-in for pickup 30 mins prior to store closing and any idea what happens if I don't make it in time or pickup on that day?
I added the Zinger Crunch meal to my cart last week but didn’t end up having it, opened the app the next day and it was still in my cart for $5.
Website is crashed already, its only 14:40pm
Already paid - $1 twister at 2:57pm.
Thanks and ordered one as well
Great success this time!
Is there anyway to bypass wa time like fake gps and claim it on aest ? Chose a sydney store it popped up but back to wa store it goes off
Ordered 1 on my android, 1 on my iphone and emulated the kfc app on my m1 macbook for another twister. thanks OP
can you order both the twister and zinger burger for $1 each on same app/account?
zinger is tomorrow, twister is today. tomorrow you can order zinger
yeah was just reading this zinger burger post (forgot about the tomorrow date)
and thought you order both items.
not sure why alot of people are commenting about ordering the $1 twister on the $1 zinger burger post (which is not active till tomorrow)
where is the $1 twister ozbargain post?
where is the $1 twister ozbargain post?
The article linked in this deal mentions both the $1 twister today as well as $1 zinger tomorrow. However since the $1 twister has already been posted it will be marked as dupe if OP also add to title.
if you come to pick up 3 x $1
will they deny it?
if people can make 5 or 10 accounts and come pick up 10 x $1
it means they will sell out really fast and hardly many people can get anything.
@pinkybrain: go to drive thru, just say there's 5 people in your car, everyone has their own order number. if you order 10, just drive around twice through the drive thru.
@harryozz: yeah not saying it can't be done
especially if doing it via drive thru..
not sure if they even care if someone did it in the store..
unless that person orders excessive amounts of $1 item.
just seems like if there are some people that make 10 accounts
they could end up only selling to very few customers…
@pinkybrain: im going to feed it to my dog, he enjoys the twisters and ill have the other one, so it wont be wasted.
if you come to pick up 3 x $1 will they deny it?
If you have 3 valid orders then no, why would they?
@CodeXD: depends really..
if someone games the system
like orders excessively (not sure what that would be, but say 50 items)
that may get questioned/deny by the manager..
@pinkybrain: you might make the employees spit in your twisters or walk out, if you were to order that many. i think 3x is okay dont push your luck
@harryozz: yeah
just seems like if someone was look to earn some quick cash
they could order like 50 x $1 item and resell $5 etc on the street
in a busy city area for some nice profit
@harryozz: if you go to the fruit/veg markets
there are vendors that sell those turkish meat sticks or even wraps for $5 to $10
if someone did this they could make some good cash with the KFC $1 items
@pinkybrain: But they will need to have 50 phone numbers and 50 email addresses to create 50 KFC accounts to order, pay, and then check in.
While it is possible for someone to do that it would be extremely time consuming, and they only have between 3-5pm to add it to cart.
@CodeXD: someone said they used
"kfc app on my m1 macbook "
don't think they check the numbers or addresses
you can make up anything or just pick any addresses in a few streets
@pinkybrain: You keep asking and posing hypothetical questions but it honestly sounds like you have never ordered from the kfc app before or even have an account.
@pinkybrain: From my experience, you need a distinct number for each KFC account. I tried using the same mobile number to open a second account but they knew the number was already linked to an existing account so they didn‘t let me pass the new user info page.
@FrugalNotStingy: Nope, I have multiple accounts created under the same number. Just gotta have a different email address
@CodeXD: Thanks for it. I added $1 one before 5pm yesterday. Should I open the App after the store opens? I think doing before it may result a reset and lose it?
I think it'll be lost after the logout of account.
@Neoika: Looks like kfc has implemented coupon dates on these… I just opened my app and it says
Promo conditions unmet to Checkout:
- Coupon date expired
Which means we can no longer hold promos in cart overnight for next day
@CodeXD: It happened on the 1st day for me. People did it may have not updated the App.
Edit: I just made it worked for yesterday's $1 Zinger after opened the App the 2nd time! My local just opened. It says unavailable for pick-up upon the 1st open.
Any luck with GYG emulated? Mine got crushed at checkout
how come I don't see any deals for today?
Can’t beat that taste
Been in work meetings… I had the deal loaded in the app ready to go just after 3pm. Just went to pay for it now and it said cannot pick up. Reloaded the app and deal was gone.
KFC stuffing up again!
If you paid for it, it should still appear in your order history and you can select pick up from there.
No, haven't paid for it… it seems they've stopped taking orders for twisters completely. Can't even buy one at full price.
KFC servers trying to manage all of the $1 Zinger orders