This was posted 1 year 7 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

2 for $44 Coles Gut Health Fibre Supplement 114 doses (673g) @ Coles


Seems like a good deal in comparison to the cost of Metamucil. If you're looking for absolute best value for money with psyllium you're probably still better off buying the raw bulk stuff.

Just some personal thoughts on fibre. Overwhelming majority of people do not get enough fibre in their diet (recommended is 30g of fibre). I've had family and friends effected by a colon/bowel cancer, young and old (as young as late 20s).

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closed Comments

  • +1

    While raw stuff is good, its also very difficult to drink compared to metamucil and its peers.

    • +5

      In my experience, the Coles brand does not seem to blend well with water, no matter how vigorously I stir it.

      If you can afford it, stick with Metamucil.

      • +1 to the above,.it definitely struggles to mix well.

        • You do get a thick slurry left at the end in my experience. Internet Shaq has a video explaining the best way to getit drinkable and one of the key steps was putting ice cubes in (alongside shaking in a protein shaker but that seemed less important than the ice cubes)

          • @SpainKing: Makes sense. I drink it with cold water from the fridge chilled dispenser and it stays mostly in suspension. I tried a small amount of hot water once, thinking to dissolve it better before adding cold water. Ugh. Instant slimy gel that I had to slide down my throat!

  • Do you have any suggestions for cheap raw psyllium?

  • +2

    That’s a lot of money for psyllium husk powder with these additives:
    Maltodextrin, 330, Orange Flavour, Colour (Orange), 551, 955.

    Better to just buy the pure powder and mix it in with your cereal, etc, if you cannot drink it without all the artificial additives.
    It’s $8 for 450gms:…

    • +2

      I've done that before and it's absolutely 1000% just awful as a drink. The taste is already bad but you gotta drink it quick otherwise it becomes like a glue texture which you have to chew to get down. Aldi used to do a decent version but looks to be discontinued

      Haven't tried it with food which might be worth a go if you're willing but as a drink, cannot recommend

    • Coles powder used to be $6 maybe a yr ago
      Thanks inflation

  • +2

    oat bran can be a good alternative

    available at major supermarkets homebrand

    • This is the ozbargain answer. $2 or less for a large packet.
      I prefer bran sticks, it has a lot more bran per grams.

  • Another way you can eat the raw stuff is to mix it in with your oats…it thickens them up and makes them super filling.

  • What's wrong with eating more fruit and veg and particular include some fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi and other pickled vegetables.

    Not having a go but eating well would give you everything you need as far as fibre and a healthy microbiome. Obviously prevention is better than treating symptoms but no one knows the full circumstances and may be hard to get fresh fruit and vegetables depending where you live.

    • Sugar content and convenience are the first two things which come to mind, I'm sure there's other reasons though.

      Two of your preferred 'vegetables' are actually just processed cabbage. A quick google tells me cabbage is 2.5% fiber and 3.2% sugar. With 30g of fiber as the daily recommendation, thats about 1.2kg of cabbage every day. No thanks….

      • -1

        So you're promoting this, that makes sense.

        Rightio, I think you're over thinking it. Just take supplements instead of food for everything then.

        Pretty easy to get fibre unless you're eating a lot of meat and junk.

        • +2

          First part is a bit disingenuous tbh, everyone knows supplements can’t replace a good diet.

          Personally I use it because there are some weeks where I don’t get enough fibre and this stuff can be a life saver. There are so many variables in an individuals life that it’s a bit unfair to say it’s easy to get fibre. That’s why most supplements exist, so supplement shortfalls that may occur.

          It’s expensive and a proper diet is always going to win out, but that’s just stating the obvious, for those that can’t maintain a proper diet this is a good alternative.

          • @doobey1231: Yes that's fair and more sensible than the previous reply. Supplements are just that, if you can't achieve the nutrients from real food (and I also said everyone's circumstances and conditions vary but good to try the most obvious solutions first).

            Also people on silly keto diets for example, can't get enough fibre.

        • +2

          I don't actually work for Coles supermarkets, pushing their sales is not my job. And I honestly think the raw psyllium husk is probably better.

          I personally don't use any supplements of any kind unless a Dr prescribes them.
          I'm also not sure psyllium is a supplement. Would you call oat bran a supplement?

          Fact checking is not over thinking it. If you find 1.2kg of cabbage easy to consume daily then thats great. But statistically, the majority aren't getting enough fiber even when they think their diet is good.

          • @SuspendedSale:

            Coles Gut Health Fibre Supplement | 673g
            Psyllium Husk Powder, Maltodextrin, 330, Orange Flavour, Colour (Orange), 551, 955.

            Pretty sure that's a supplement, anyway it sounds like you've answered your question, why not eat oats/bran then. I'm sure a lot of people just eat toast and other less healthy things. Oats are cheap too.

            Ha, who said you need to eat that much cabbage or even every day. Not hard to get 30-50g of fibre a day from a variety of foods. Easy to google.

            It's interesting to look up various foods and enter a sample day of eating into apps like cronometer, you can get a good idea of how many nutrients you're getting and if you are even deficient.

      • 100% with you on that. That was sort of my point being that 30g of fibre is near impossible for the average person even on days/weeks where you are making an active effort to eat healthy. I don't think fibre supplements are the silver bullet. But at least skolling 3 glasses of the stuff isn't too much effort and gets my numbers up.

        • Yeah that's fair, I get green powder sometimes if I feel I'm not getting enough healthy foods in (but forget to have it anyway).

          That app is good though, two medium potatos is 10g fibre. I guess it's easier to hit recommended fibre eating vegetarian/vegan so it's coming from a different perspective. Also don't eat half as well as I should be half the time.

    • @G-rig have you actually tried to meet the 30g daily fibre ? It's absolutely not easy !!
      A slice of wholemeal bread only has 4g for example.

      The only way to get to 30g in a day is to basically eat only high fibre foods for every meal of every day.

      • Yes it's easy if only eat vegetables..

        All foods add up over the day, worth logging foods one day to see, need to do it again too.

        • Yes it's easy if only eat vegetables..

          That's impossible for 80% of the population 🤷🏼‍♂️

          • @Nom: Not really just a choice. I'm sure most people can eat healthier if they wanted to, and less processed crap and lay off the meat. It's also a lot cheaper too.

      • <15g (40%) of fibre already after breakfast:

        Baked beans recipe

        Not hard with a little bit of effort. Days always vary but don't mind doing a few sample days.
        Fruit smoothies would kill it.

  • +1

    Why is Metamucil so expensive? It seems to have doubled in price in the past couple of years.

  • Not the greatest product unfortunately. Stick to Metamucil if this is a usual buy for you, this stuff glugs up pretty bad to the point where you’ll get balls of psyllium floating around. Coles needs to go back to the drawing board with this one. Not worth the money you’re saving over Metamucil.

  • This seems damned expensive compared with Bonvit Orange - 500g for about $12 (equivalent to $16 for 673g) - I bought some 2 weeks from ChemPro for $12.99 less 10% discount = $11.69. Though Coles does list Bonvit for a massive $20/tub - tell them they're dreaming.

    • Oo never noticed bonvit before. How does the taste / experience? Compare to Metamucil.

      • Never tried MM, but Bonvit is a mild orange flavour and it "dissolves" quite easily - light stir.

  • Have tried Metamucil (expensive) and Coles branded (yuck) so my fibre of choice is Benefibre. Inexpensive ($22.49 for 730g from CM), tasteless and dilutes well in water.

    • Different things. Soluble vs insoluble fibre. Benefiber has a place but should be used in conjunction with psyllium husk, not as a substitute

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