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[Prime] Govee Wi-Fi TV LED Backlights with Camera, Smart RGBIC Ambient Light 55-65" TV $89.99 Delivered @ GoveeDirect Amazon AU

Last edited 07/07/2023 - 11:44 by 2 other users

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I think 65" would be max size for this strip
Fair few people recommended it for 75s on the last deal so thought I’d share my experience :)
Using on 75 inch and looks great, i actually decreased the brightness as its very bright so one should be fine with this on a 75 inch tv
I think I want this, but Im not sure.
Buy first, ask later
Hi I'm from marketing and I hear you're not sure. You want this. Flashing coloured lights are pretty. Much much more pretty than the outdoors. And did I mention safer? Anyway I have one and I hear Hugh Jackman also has one. I also hear his wife loves it. So I'd get one if I were you, actually how many TV's have you got?
Hi marketing department,
I'd like to try before I buy, thanks. Please send me three (one for each TV) for free and will pay you if I like it else refund it.
Anonymous customer.
You can send your wife for collection. HughJackman
highly recommend this. I'm very happy with my purchase
For the price, nothing else compares.
Not even 2 U?
Sublime comment. This is why I like to flick through this section even though I bought last time deal was posted.
Waiting for T2 - 75-85" version to go on sale.
Is there an Amazon listing for this?
Released here yet? Last deal they were not.
Heard its coming on Judgement Day
Finally my 34cm rank arena will get colour!…
are these hard to setup?
Not at all. Spend a bit of time with the calibration for best results. Saturation on lowest setting looks best, IMO.
Also theres videos on youtube with the calibration squares in position so you dont need to stick the ones included on.
thanks man
do they work on dark walls
Anybody used an active USB extension cable for the camera?
I've tried a bunch but loses link regularly - been trying to rig something up with a power injector!Is this the second best option after Raspberry Pi?
It's better if you use the apps on a smart TV as the rPi can't do that which is why I went for it over using Hyperion on rPi.
What's the option with Raspberry Pi?
Google "ambilight raspberry pi". Basically you pass through your hdmi signal via RPi which is plugged into your TV's hdmi. The advantage is response time and accuracy. Disadvantage - you need RPi and need to programm it.
Thanks, I get it now.
So yeah, it's like Philips' Ambilight and is only going to work with picture coming from a HDMI only, not with the live TV or smart TV apps.
@pizzaguy: You watch live TV???
You could run live TV through their respective apps through a Chromecast/firestick as a solution
@NoApostrophePlurals: Sounds more like a pain than a solution.
But yeah, going to work for Netflix etc. where you need to use apps anyway.
@pizzaguy: Well, if you really want that immersive live ABC News immersion experience with ambient lighting you don't really have a choice.
@NoApostrophePlurals: Sounds tots silly when you put it that way, but it's all about that if a camera is involved (or maybe it's built into a Philips TV), you don't need to have considerations how you display things. You just put whatever you like, however you like on the TV and it's about what's on the screen and not how it's plugged or whether it needs to be plugged.
@pizzaguy: This thread is specifically for rPi though, which requires HDMI passthrough for data. I'm sure with enough ingenuity and programming, you could emulate the solution the Govee camera provides. Or you could just get the Govee? Then all your children's hospital scenes on the news will be that much more enjoyable.
Can anyone comment on the quality compared to the Lytmi, specifically in this demo?
I saw some videos on reddit, the lag is quite noticeable if there is a sudden change in colour on the screen.
which one has the noticeable lag?
For anyone who has them, what's the latency like? Is there any noticeable delay?
i have this on a Samsung 65" and they are perfect. I have a Home Assistant automation that turns it on when its dark and the TV turns on and turns off when the TV is turned off.
local control or need cloud?
Cloud unfortunately, have not seen if there is a way to do it local.
Something sticking out not good enough.
isnt there a newer version 2 of this??
edit: yeh there is, i expect the camera and performance are upgraded
Triple the price though and not much difference.
Check the reviews and it was a downgrade in some aspects.
This version can handle be placed upaide down, the newest one didnt seem to handle that.
Check the tube videos where they hide the camera at the base of the tv.
but surely the 2 cameras must be more responsive
else no point buying the 2 camera vs 1.
Twice I've tried sticking LED strip lights to the back of my TV and they always fall off after a while, can you use a glue gun with small amounts here and there? How else are you getting them to stay put? (Back of my TV is "grooved", samsung 75")
Get some high quality double-sided tape at Bunnings.
On top of double sided tape, cut them at the corners and get the special right angle adapters. Usually its the curve that puts pressure on the glue (on top of heat).
you can use glue gun but the the back look look crap
and if you need to remove it, will be a pain.Just use sticky tape/packing tape.. on different spots of the LED strip.
No need to run the tape all along the TV.They usually will stick to the TV..
Wall behind my TV is painted dark grey.
Anyone else using these strips with walls that are not white/bright colours?
Still worth it?
posted this last time it was posted;
If anyone is interested in seeing it (the 55-66 kit) in action for a 75 inch TV, here you go
I put the LED strips on L brackets as well to make them brighter as I have a grey wall
Is your camera hidden on your cabinet somewhere?
On top of the soundbar
Thanks. It does still present the backlight quite well on a dark wall.
Who’s the doggy????
Any chance you can post a pic of the L brackets and how you've set up. Cheers
Thanka so much for sharing this, a lot of us with 75" inch have been asking. The videos are helpful im atill on the fence. Are the lights normally more accurate than this videos? (If on a smaller screen). I bought on but not worked out whether to put on 55" or 75", 75" would be preferable.
So is mine, still looks great! They're quite bright at max saturation/brightness
like why ?
Can highly recommend this, even if most of the time its used as a backlight. You really notice when its off as it really does boost room ambience.
What is surprising is none of the tv manufacturers have added even a basic built backlight as a feature yet.
Only Philips.
T1 vs T2, differences?Been eyeing the t2
Probably a good time to get the T2 if you're leaning more towards it.
Amazon have it for $159 with prime day. Normally $229
Too late, already got the T1, should've waited
Don't worry about it. You'll be pretty happy with the T1.
Here's some calibration settings in the app I use to get fairly accurate colours that aren't too blown out.
Brightness 60%
Relative brightness 30%
Saturation 10%@pufffdragon: I do find in yellow/gold scenes, its quite red
I will try your settings, appreciate the replies!
Don't stick those calibration blocks on your $3000 OLED.
Just use this video. send for this recommendation
Personally, I only use it whilst gaming. Most movies have black bars, so there's a huge gap between video and colour…
any options for a 77"? can only seem to find up to 65
anyone tried this on an LG C1 48"?
Does this work on the Sony a80j. The back bottom of the TV protrudes where the electronics are, do i just follow the edge?
Also, my wall is not flat. The wall is 3m but the middle part (around 1m) where the tv is mounted comes out (around 13cm). It's the chimney that's no longer operational. The distance from the back of the tv to the middle part of the wall is around 7cm, however at both ends of the TV (around 13cm) the distance to the wall is around 20cm. Would this been an issue.
Many thanks
i have an LG C9 which has a back protrusion - i just bent it over the edge, no problem doesnt cause any issues. Theres a big margine for error with this.
Ordered these but they never came, complained to amazon and amazon had processed a refund.
I have Samsung tv. Have a pi with Kodi going through eArc HDMI via a Samsung Soundbar. This is primarily what I use for streaming content. Will this work for me?
Yes this will work. This doesn't plug into any device so you don't have to worry about hdmi ports or anything like that.
these are cool for the price, but if you're running 75+, I recommend getting the bigger light strip. they look great but the lighting doesn't align very well