Can anyone recommend a kitchen rubbish bin that is a good size and shape match for using the supermarket paper bags as bin liners? Looking to spend less than $50.
Rectangular Kitchen Rubbish Bin That Fits The Coles/Woolworths Paper Bags

That looks way too deep?
Thank you. If I can't find a shorter option, I will just get this one and empty when the paper bag (rather than the bin itself) is filled.
milk crate - two bags?
.are you referring to the bags that they sell next to the self checkout (normally) for 15c or whatever?
You want to use this as a bin liner? Am I getting this right?
That's right
@Ryanek: We don't usually have anything like that in the rubbish bin. All food scraps go in our compost bin. Can use a plastic bread bag or other saved plastic bag/container for the individual item if there's something wet that I need to throw away.
@mdsh: I wonder then if you even need the paper bag in the bin?
the bags can't be tied up for disposal, so what will you do when the bag (within the bin) is full?
For the record, we are in the same boat - not sure what to do with them… we've collected a small mountain of neatly folded paper bags
@andresampras: Probably not needed but I don't have any other use for them and they make it more convenient for transporting the rubbish to the wheelie bin (the wheelie bin is at the end of a long rural driveway). I was planning to just put the paper bag and contents in the wheelie bin as is, not tied/sealed, maybe just fold the top over a bit?
@No: & you know I don't already do that?
Why are you taking offence with me trying to offer OP another option for their excess bags (instead of using them where they don't actually have to just because they're there)?P.S. The old saying "when you've got nothing nice to say, say nothing at all".
@No: I'm not the only one who asked why OP needs/ wants to use paper bags as bin liners. Perhaps you should challenge everyone who didn't straightly answer the question in the main post.
The last time I checked, this is more a group conversation than a Q&A forum.
@Love a bargain: This! OP shops love bag deposits like that because they are, for the most part, really useful for them
@andresampras: My local council doesn't have any rules about needing to bag your garbage. I do anyway because I don't want to clean the kitchen bin or the wheelie bin, also if the bin at the curb gets knocked over I'll have to spend ages picking up my own trash in front of my neighbours.
@AustriaBargain: Yeah except for large, clean items I bag anything that could dirty things or otherwise create a mess.
I'm lazy, I don't want to clean up after
seems like an expensive bin liner.. although i know they were phasing them out and maybe op bought them at a discounted amount
@andresampras: Yes, Coles charges $1.50 flat rate for bags. Woolworths were including them with the delivery subscription, but I don't have a subscription with them anymore.
@mdsh: just checked, since 1 July Woolies is now charging an extra:
- $1 per order for 'reusable' (read: plastic) bags, or
- $2 per order for paper bags
@andresampras: Door Dash charged me for two paper bags but only sent one in my last order. Didn't even refund me my 25 cents.
How did you make it home without the handles ripping off? Teach me your secret.
Don't tilt the bags, keep them level or you'll stress one of the handle joins. Don't get them wet. Try not to look at them funny either.
The first gen sturdy plastic bags were also poorly built and handles tore off easily. It took years to get them to where they were at before they were phased out. I'm betting with time the paper bags will also be improved.…