Hey guys just bought a 15 foot surf rod 10-25Kg rating and looking to pair it with a good value reel and looking for your suggestions.
Fishing Reel Recommendations
Totally forgot that key fact but yeah a spincaster
15 foot?
For a surf reel you wont be winding it in all that often (unlike lures) so you dont need super smooth high quality reel; you need a tough reel that wont rust away but allows plenty of line and has a good drag. As mentioned something in the 4000 - 6000 range is ideal for most fish
Penn, Daiwa and Shimano all have good reels. Okuma isnt bad either. I'm a Shimano person but the others are also good (I do have a Penn reel as well). The Sedona 5000 would be a good choice if you wanted a quality reel (around $140); cheaper the FX as mentioned or the Nexave 5000 has a good drag
However if you are targeting, say, sharks or mulloway or something big, you probably need to spend a bit more and get something heavier eg Daiwa BG or Shimano Spheros 6000 or 8000
You wont really go wrong with any of the big brands, dont need to spend a fortune but make sure you have enough capacity and a good drag if you are looking for larger fish.
Alvey, you'll have it forever.
Was just coming to share the same idea. Brilliant reels.
Yep, this. Go buy a secondhand Alvey, it'll last forever. Can fix a tangle with them in seconds, doesn't need repair and maintainence like every other type. Best reels out there.
Penn Spinfisher when <$100. Penn Slammer IV if you want a better reel. You'll be able to be buried with either.
I assume you are after a spincaster, not sidecast or baitcast.
For good value in a higher performing reel the Okuma Surf 8K is fantastic, but probably around $140
A Daiwa Sweepfire is a pretty good budget reel, can be found in a 4000 for around 50 bucks or the Shimano FX 4000 for 5-10 dollars more. Getting to around $100 a Penn Wrath in 4000-6000 is also a good deal.