Part of 'Early Prime Day' Deal.
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Part of 'Early Prime Day' Deal.
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"However, the results are difficult to interpret as obesity is an independent risk factor for cancer and people who are obese often use sweeteners. It’s also difficult to estimate aspartame intake accurately from diet data alone."
And will be "Group 2b: possibly carcinogenic to humans (limited evidence in humans)", while group 1 includes processed meat, alcohol, the sun.
So f all actual proof so far, feel good being fat and drinking normal coke and beer and processed meat people while telling me I'm going to die young from diet coke.
group 2b includes shit that definitely causes cancer in animals but has 0 or very little evidence of cancer causing in humans. i.e. when rats are injected with 3000x the dose, they get cancer, who'd'a thought.
Also, aloe vera is currently under the label that they plan to put aspartame in. So maybe people shouldn't panic from clickbait news headlines.
True. Except it also tastes like ass
@Trentgibbo3: My friend is the same, cant stand the no sugar varieties.
But i find them mostly indestinguishable.
If drinking sugar free drinks is an important factor for people keeping their weight down, then they should prioritise that.
That said, the acids in any soft drink rotting your teeth should be the primary consideration for all consumers.
@botchie: because by not drinking sweetened drinks, they feel the need to get sweetness in their daily life somehow and would instead resort to other things like sweets, donuts etc. Diet coke is an infinitely better option and is literally 99.9% water lol
@abjsdhasehasee: this is the same as smoke cigs or vape - both are crap for you but if you have to do one do one that's apparently less worse?
which one is it though?
just have some tap water and go for a walk when you feel the need to drink sugar - or make yourself a tea and put some honey in it
fat ppl and sugar - i will never get - Aspartame is their least worry
this is the same as smoke cigs or vape
except that NNS drinks have 0 downsides other than being bad for your teeth.
Aspartame is their least worry
??? they are not saying they are killing you, they are not saying they dont work, just that for majority of people they wont help in loosing weight. which is still untrue anyways but yknow. If you eat the exact same diet and same PA but replace all sugary drinks with diet varities, you will lose weight long term
@abjsdhasehasee: "Results of the review also suggest that there may be potential undesirable effects from long-term use of NSS, such as an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and mortality in adults."
Something to think about.
@smigglejiggle: average correlational research reader, there is no cause and effect established between NNS and increased weight gain, diabetes and cvd and there never will be.
It is true however that the majority of people who consume NNS are already at an increased risk of t2d, cvd etc because of there lifestyle choices, and they think that diet drinks will stop this, it wont.
Theres a reason studies dont just go looking at people who consume NNS and declare that it makes people fat, because those people are going to be fat no matter what.
Everything kills you, even going outside can give you cancer.
Fun fact - living increases your chances of dying by 100%
If you drink 55 cans of sugar coke every day you will die in a month
Challenge accepted
There literally was a case of this in new zeland, a woman who drank 4-8L of leaded (red) coke a day.
Do not know how she lasted as long as she did.
If you drink 55 cans of water every day you will die in a week
Gives me headaches. So i def avoid it where i can
My partner vomits and gets nausea why she has any Aspartame or Acesulfame K. We found this out the hard way. Most medicines contain aspartame as a non-active ingredient, which was fun during her 1st pregnancy when the Dr prescribed Zofran for nausea, the wafer tablets had aspartame in, which caused her to get even more nausea. It was a find few weeks until we figure that out.
Which puts it on a list of possible carcinogens along with night shift work, hot water, and being a hairdresser.
Alcohols second metabolite is on another list. The more definitive one.
Aspartame the most over tested substance on the planet!
Why do we care? We all got jabbed 5-10 times in 2 years with an experimental vax that had no long-term studies of 5-10 years, and you people are now scared of Aspartame which has been known to not be safe for years?
Now people care? lol
If you want to come off as sane when trying to represent the idea that the covid vaccine is killing people, maybe dont start by saying the most safe and researched artifical sweetener is killing people 'for years' without any evidence.
Maybe don't start by saying the safest and most researched artificial sweetener is NOT killing people 'for years' without any evidence.
How's that sound?
@abjsdhasehasee: I'm saying, you also don't have evidence that it's not killing people for years. There are no studies that say it isn't… The European Food Safety Authority updated its website to say scientists are “currently re-evaluating the safety” of aspartame AFTER they said it didn't kill people.
So don't tell me it's "the most safe and researched artificial sweetener", when scientists themselves don't know, got it?
All you guys now think you know better, AGAIN than scientists, but if you guys looked harder, and understand what aspartame is, you tell me it's 100% safe, my ass! Say that to the people who cannot actually break it down, and those that do, part of it is methanol, too much of that is toxic. What about the neurotoxicity of phenylalanine? Nah, forget about that. But, it's safe lol
Just like the COVID vax, there's A LOT we still don't know about artificial sweeteners, you think something that's 200 times sweeter than sugar isn't going to have something wrong with it?
The European Food Safety Authority updated its website to say scientists are “currently re-evaluating the safety” of aspartame AFTER they said it didn't kill people
They have done this many many many many times and every time, they change the ADI slightly and thats it, its not even for aspartame anyway.
There are no studies that say it isn't
So don't tell me it's "the most safe and researched artificial sweetener"
I did and will continue to do so, its not a maybe, its a objective fact.
and those that do, part of it is methanol,
The methanol argument has to be the stupidest argument by naturists, (profanity) FRUIT contains more methanol than diet drinks, which is just metabolised into formaldehyde then formic acid which are not harmful.
too much of that is toxic
Who woulda thought… If only they had some sort of system that told us the amount not to go over, like some sort of daily limit, like an ADI.. oh wait!! LOL
What about the neurotoxicity of phenylalanine?
Only in people with PKU, do you have PKU? no? then its safe, people can infact metabolise small amounts… damn if only they set limits on that amount.. like some sort of daily.. oh wait here we go again..LOL
stop fear mongering
Good to know since it is safe!
These drinks are only good deals if you have prime membership. Without the prime membership the 30 pack would cost you around $30 plus shipping which sets you back by about $5-$6, better overall value to get it from your local supermarket imo.
But 2
Well no shit, it’s part of the PRIME DAY promotion…
Any deals on Coca-Cola?
This, if someone stumbles upon cola vanilla real deal lmk fam
This same deal waa 15.50 last year., 13.50 with s&s from memory
Yep I remember that - My order history shows $15.50 ($13.50). I don't reckon they'll go that low again this year (inflation blah blah blah)
That was the main thing from pulling the trigger it still seemed expensive even at $20.25, but is this going to be the new low going forward, dunno?
Yeah what's the bet that prices will stay up even after inflation goes back down and supply chain issues are sorted?
@vawiyoci: pretty much, record profits gotta keep going up, they dont go up giving consumers a break
If people keep buying it, then yes, prices will stay high. Vote with you hard earned dollars!
Thanks so much for the heads up. The timing of Amazon Prime is perfect - I run a massive fundraiser every August and these cheap cans maximise the income for the charity.
Whats the fundraiser for brah?
Has anyone noticed that occasionally Pepsi Max taste could change batch to batch? Not sure if it's QC issue or the cans have been packed a while ago hence have slightly become different in taste. I have also noticed that if I kept them over a couple of months without consuming the taste could change.. Has anyone else noticed this?
It's known that over months the artificial sweetener breaks down and I believe this is what changes the taste (leads sweet, more bitter) in my experience as the best before date approaches
I have had an order of Pmax from Amazon that tasted off, and was a little on the flat side. In fact one of thr cans was soft, like it had a leak or hadn't been properly filled. They gave a refund.
The last few orders of pepsi max bottle have like a flat taste. Very different from the cans.
complain, free refund
But to be fair, camelcamelcamel shows that $24 or so has been the regular price for this over the past 6+ months, so ignore the "was $34" rubbish comparison
It's been $21 a lot of the time.
What's the difference between Sunkist and Fanta?
welcome to outside the cave
It's a legit question 🤔
One has sweetener in and one doesn't.
I found Sunkist more bubbly :)
Thanks mate :)
Fanta used to be ok.
They now use artificial sweeteners and it tastes like ass.
Sunkist is still good.
Sunkist the superior drink
Its $26 at woolies. Not so much of a deal tbh
$5.75 (22%) is pretty significant for me.
I've always wondered how much it costs Amazon to deliver these as they would weigh almost 15 kg
I think its more about getting the drivers out there busy - Im more worried they are throwing around those boxes of softdrink..
It's actually $23 at Woolies this week (in VIC), so if you have 10% off plus Woolies discounted gift cards (5%), it would be cheaper to buy from Woolies.
For Victorians who have access to a Costco, these are $18.99 in-store. The S&S price is half decent considering it gets delivered to your door.
Appreciate it - Im heading there this weekend
Not a good price for Victoria tbh
Let me see do I feel like diabetes or cancer today.
how cancer?
OOS (Pepsi Max)
Still showing as in-stock.
I ordered 2 no problems. Went to order another and it’s saying “this item is not purchasable now, we suggest you remove it”
honestly, i cannot believe how expensive these are now.. almost the same price as coke on special.
Glad i occasionally drink it but for people who regularly drink these it is definitely a hit on their pocket
Coca-Cola has also gone up. Even on special, they are almost close to $1/can.
Looks like a lot of these are currently $19 @ Coles
Soft Drink Cans are generally cheaper in VIC due to lack of CDS.
However, I just checked Coles VIC, and $19 is for the 24 Cans. 30 cans are $29.
you are correct sir
What is CDS? is that the recycle / refund scheme?
Container Deposit Scheme - so the 10c Recycling.
@RichardL: I always wondered if that was the case. So states which have the recycling system also charge extra for the drinks in the 1st place? Thats just dodgy.
Free workout too
Really, this price doesn't feel that great based on my previous purchases of the same stuff, but I guess it might just be the new low.
Pepsi Man!
50c a can is achievable for Pepsi in Vic, coca cola is through the roof though.
Does anyone know how Prime applies sale prices like this to Sub & Save? I've been getting Pepsi through S&S for ages, but don't know when it picks the price. i.e. do I have to "restart" my sub and save right now in order to get this price, or will I just automatically get it?
Prices for subscribe and save is 10% off whatever the current price is.
Generally, I would always cancel subscription after the first purchase.
No, the Sub and Save is on whatever the current price is. Best to make the Sub 6 months, and then cancel once you get your order. I have been doing that for 3 years and have no issues. Amazon also reminds you a week before that you have an upcoming sub, just in case you forgot to cancel.
Was $15.50 on Prime Day 2022.
FYI all of the sugar free contains Aspartame