As title . I with smart meter , if smart meter only can use demand tariff ?
NSW Ausgrid Can We Change Demand Tariff to TOU?

Yes or drunk.
Name checks out.
I just did it, Ausgrid too. I asked Origin Energy is my meter is smart, they said no, its Flat Rate one. We booked meter replacement to smart one for $60. He said I'll be able to select plans with separate metering for peak, shoulder and off-peak usage and prices. We'll see. At the moment my bills only show "General Usage" and "Daily Supply" items.
Edit: obviously missing the point re TOU/Demand. Still learning this shit.
Dumb choice, Smart Meters basically always more expensive unless you're never home at night and only use your electricity in the morning
I found this pdf from Ausgrid by doing some searching.….
It states that you can request a time of use tariff after being on a demand tariff for 1 month. Contact Ausgrid to confirm the information.
damn thats complicated AF
Unless you have a particular need for a smart meter, I would look to postpone the installation of the smart meter, until you work out if come out ahead financially with a change to your electricity rates.
do an xl spreed sheet of the usage over the 24 hr period. Its significantly cheaper on a flat rate and tou
Agl said can't change it back to flat rate . They change my tariff to demand after change my meter to smart meter
I switched from Flat Rate to Time of Use and saved about 20% of by bills - but my particular peak period is 4pm to 9pm so it's not hard to move loads to overnight or during the day, especially with plugging in my PHEV and the like.
Unless you've got detailed consumption breakdowns - which is difficult to gauge until you've already got TOU billing data! - then it's tricky to say if you'll be ahead by switching from flat rate since it all depends on your provider's peak/shoulder/offpeak times and the charged rates.
Demand tariffs didn't make sense for me since the demand + usage rate wasn't really any cheaper than the flat rate was. But again will depend on the provider.
Coming back to comment on this in case anyone else finds it in search
At least in NSW, once you are on a demand tariff technically you can ask to be switched back to a non-demand tariff, but you will be hit with a massive penalty to your rates that will make it unviable. For example, with my provider Energy Locals I asked to have the demand tariff removed and found out my rate would go up 58c/kWh (compared to 33c/kWh for other customers)
So Ausgrid can state that customers can request to go back on a non-demand tariff, but it's basically a lie.
As others in the thread have stated: if you don't already have a smart meter, and you get one installed, you will be stuck on the demand tariff forever.
Can switch from demand to TOU? Is TOU better ?
Did you have a stroke?