This was posted 12 years 6 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

3rd Gen i7 QUAD Desktop under $500! Quality Belkin iPad Covers $1 - Vision Tech, Fairfield East


This week at Vision Tech, we've broken the price barrier and are happy to present Australias FIRST 3rd Generation i7 desktop for under $500!

Details as follows;
Vision Tech Workhorse i7 PC - $499 inc GST
Intel 3rd Gen Core i7 3770 @ 3.9GHz TURBO
H61M-DS2 Motherboard
1x 8GB DDR3 RAM @ 1333MHz
500GB HDD, 5400RPM
24x Dual Layer DVD Burner
Huntkey C611 Case
550W Switching PSU
1 Year Vision Tech RTB Warranty…

Desktops will be available as of Saturday, 1st September 2012 but as stock is limited and only 35 units are available we are now taking orders on this machine! Order yours today and it can be picked up on Saturday 1st September or shipped out Monday 3rd September. Delivery charges apply and start from as low as $15 for Sydney Metro.

For those of you after a few more features, we do also have a more "decked out" version available! Details as follows;
Vision Tech Performer i7 PC - $599 inc GST
Intel 3rd Gen Core i7 3770 @ 3.9GHz TURBO
B75-PRO3 Motherboard - USB 3.0, HDMI, 5.1 Sound Card - SUPPORTS CROSSFIRE
2x 8GB DDR3 RAM @ 1333MHz, 16GB RAM TOTAL
500GB HDD, 5400RPM
24x Dual Layer DVD Burner
Huntkey C611 Case
550W Switching PSU
1 Year Vision Tech RTB Warranty…

For those of you after an even sharper bargain, we also have Quality Belkin iPad covers on clearance for $1! Available in three great colours, grab as many as you can, while you can!………
Leather Belkin iPad Covers are also available for $2!…

For more great deals, further information on a product or to discuss customising one of the above PC's;
CALL US (02)8724-3350
EMAIL US [email protected]
VISIT US IN STORE U9, 12-18 Fairfield St, Fairfield East, NSW - 2165

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Vision Tech

closed Comments

  • +2

    Hi, I bought from you guys last time on here. I never did hear back from you about replacing the generic PSU with a good one.

    Regards - Fred.

    • +3

      Hi Fred,
      If you're who I think you are then this has already been quoted and ordered but we couldn't get hold of you. Can you send me a quick email to [email protected] so I can double check this for you

      • +1

        My email address, phone number and home address are all the same still ;) I'll email you now, cheers.

        • +2

          Actually I owe these guys an apology as far as my email address is concerned. I checked after posting the above and realised my business email address's mx properties were messed up and so I hadn't received any emails for a fortnight but had still been able to send them.

          Sorry visiontech dudes.

  • 2 questions:

    1. are the belkin covers shipped for free?
    2. are the rubber covers compatible with the new ipad?
      1. Unfortunately not! Shipping rates do apply.
      2. Rubber covers are compatible but they were designed for iPad 1 so they're a little bit loose
      • hmm. Rep, i've sent you a pm.

  • The site does not give me a shipping option, only pickup in Fairfield of Gosford stores or 'Service'. How do I arrange shipping? Thanks

    • hey branners,
      ive just checked this on a laptop in the showroom + my phone and both went through.. Could be your browser not enabling cookies maybe? if you like I can submit your order via email, just email through the details through to [email protected]

  • "Desktops will be available as of Saturday, 1st August 2012 but as stock is limited and only 35 units are available we are now taking orders on this machine! Order yours today and it can be picked up on Saturday 1st August or shipped out Monday 3rd August."

    Dates have already past!
    Today is 29/08/12

    • Presumably it's a typo… there was no Saturday 1st August, but there is a Saturday 1st Sept.

    • TYPO! Ill fix now :P Thanks for that.

  • anyone got any opinions on these guys re after sales service etc

  • Not sure if I am doing this correctly but when I selected the shipping option to Melbourne for x1 ipad case, the shipping cost was ….. $25. Surely this can't be correct?

    • Hi Sparkyglo,

      Our website calculates shipping off weight brackets, if you email me your order I can arrange shipping for $5 for an iPad cover. Just send your email to [email protected] and we will arrange this for you.

      • Thanks, email sent

  • On website in the sub-title of the $599 build, it says 1TB HDD but in the description it still says 500GB?

    i7 3770 3.9GHz, 16GB, 1TB, DVD RW, USB 3.0, HDMI

    Does it still come with the slow ass 5400RPM 500GB HDD?

    • +1

      Hi beatlock,

      This is a 500GB HDD 5400RPM. We can upgrade this if you like, what size/speed would you prefer?

  • I am looking into building my own pc currently. I can get a similar setup with 3770K with no HD or Ram for about $495.
    If you look into it, you could probably put together your own better one (just) for about the same price.

    • Well show us the proof then! Curious to see this quote :P

    • +4

      With no hard drive or RAM?
      How does that compare?

      • -4

        The HDD is a pitiful no-brand 500GB. To add salt to wounds, it's only a 5400rpm. Last time I remembered, from 2003 onwards until recently, 7200rpm was the norm for desktops. Why did we have to regress to 5400? I know, I know…the floods and all, but it's still no excuse in 2012 to have such slow, no brand drives. Tech should move forward, not back. So hence, this HDD will have a very cheap cost price.

        As for the RAM, again, it's no brand. Same goes to the PSU.

        However, despite all the above, I partially agree that in order to come up with a better price, one has to factor in the HDD and RAM.

        • +1

          Are you sure it's no brand? A lot of these PC stores just don't list the brand in prebuilt PCs and aren't some of the older WD Green drives 5400rpm… or not?

        • +3

          There are only 5 brands of HDDs that they can use anyway.
          1. Western Digital
          2. Seagate
          3. Hitachi (now owned by WD)
          4. Samsung (IIRC now owned by Seagate)
          5. Toshiba

          And in no way are any of them no name.

          Spin speed these days don't matter that much any more. It's all about platter density. Not to mention 5400RPM drives today can hold their own against even VelociRaptors from years ago! So yeah, HDDs ARE moving forwards, lower energy consumption and speeds are increasing or at least maintaining for cheaper. If that's not moving forward I don't know what is.

        • +1

          Presumably you mean sequential speed. By definition a 5400RPM rotates less than 100 times per second, making it hard to achieve random access times under 10ms. Combining a 3rd gen i7 with this HDD is rather like combining a jet engine with a lighthouse… which doesn't matter if you think of this a bare bones PC to slap an SSD into; any vaguely modern 5400RPM drive is more than adequate for storing e.g. movies on.

        • -3

          What about the no brand PSU? You guys gang up on me regarding the HDD, so what about the no brand, potentially risky PSU? Cat got your tongue? There is NO Way I'm trusting my precious files, videos, music, etc with a no-brand PSU.

        • +2

          I don't think the cat has got anyone's tongue, mainly because no one said anything about the PSU and secondly; we can't possibly respond to your comment before you've posted it.

          And the one person that +ve your comment within one hour of posting (in an old thread):

          Member Since
          4 Sep 2012
          Last Login
          0 posts / 0 comments

          You've been caught out mate.

        • Did you report? The mods can cross check IP address.

        • And the one person that +ve your comment within one hour of posting (in an old thread)

          Please report directly in future. Thanks.

      • +1

        Actually, you are right. I didn't even factor in a DVD burner. My bad folks. Good deal!

  • how much is shipping to 3082?
    im at work and only limited to certain features

  • I'm interested in the performance desktop. How much more would it be for a decent gfx card? Can you please make a recommendation. Something to run BF3 nicely?

  • Hi Warwick, shipping to 3082 is $20

  • Decnet GFX Card, I would recommend ATI RADEON HD 7850 PCI-E 3.0 2GB 256-BIT GDDR5 DUAL LINK DVI HDMI 2X MINI DISPLAYPORT for an additional $249 or go for a GTX 560 1GB for $199.

  • Hi REP,
    What is the shipping for 'Leather Belkin iPad Covers'? I am in Melbourne metropolitan area.

  • Great deal OP, I'm deciding between your $599 deal and this guy's deal:…

    I don't need these:








  • Hi ozy2000, do you want me to quote you on the same PC without the extras you have mentioned ?
    Or recommend something else, what type of use will this unit be for you, what requirements do you need, let me know so I can prep up something for you also will you require it shipped or picked up ??

  • MB is last gen usb 2.0 and the hd is small, slow and very much not worth it… for the price difference go the Vision Tech Performer i7 PC@ $599 as it has a better gen mb (current is 77) with an extra 8gb for 16gb total

    B75 biz mb, no overlcocking in bios for cpu or memory
    z77 can o/c cpu/mb

    both are current gen chipsets and are otherwise the same as each other as far as functionality goes

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