Indiegala 8 is Up! Pay at least $1 to receive four games:
- Dangerous Waters (Steam)
- Battle Mages: Sign of Darkness (DRM free non-Steam)
- Sentinel 3: Homeworld (DRM free non-Steam)
- Superstars V8 Racing (DRM free non-Steam)
Beat the average (currently $7.15) and receive 5 extra games:
- Ghost Master (Steam)
- Dark Fall: Lost Souls (Steam)
- Achtung Panzer: Operation Star (DRM free non-Steam)
- Space Empires V (Steam)
- Sacred Gold (Steam)
There will also be three extra goodies (games/soundtracks) added to the bundle during the week that you will receive if you beat the average.
Geez, most of these games are pretty old (over 5 years for Dangerous Waters, Ghost Master, Space Empires and Sacred), and they're not exactly considered great classics either. A bundle to skip IMO.