Hello guys. I did a housekeeping job last Thursday, and since that day I have been facing back pain. I am currently new here in Australia, and as a student, I can't bear the expenses of a doctor. So do you guys have any ideas about which painkiller is the best at a low price? Or do you have any suggestions to get rid of the pain?
Thank you, guys.
Back Painkiller Suggestions Like Which Painkiller Is The Best

…or OSHC?
Maybe your Uni (or where you are a Student) has Student Health Centre or Physio?
How bad is it? Muscle?
Over the counter neurofen + heat and ice pack + tiger balm or another anti inflammatory rub.
Apparently ibuprofren doesn't really do anything for back pain nor do opioids.
Ibuprofen has little benefit in treating back pain and may cause harm – study
Opioids don't help acute back and neck pain — and could be harmful, Australian research findsFrom the guardian article - “It’s hard for doctors to say to people, ‘I don’t have anything that will make much of a difference to your back pain, so grit your teeth and bear it’,”
From lengthy experience a complete load of s#!t regarding Ibuprofen.
It wont make the pain go away but it will reduce the severity of the pain. They talk about the stomach issues that they can cause which is true but they don't say that these can be largely avoided by following the directions of the medicine and eating them after food. Also your doctor can prescribe medicine to lower the acidity of your stomach acid. They also don't mention the more serious risks of taking Ibuprofen i.e risk of stroke etc.
As far as opioids I can't comment. The only one I tried was codine but that stuff doesnt work on me for anything.
Lucky you, because ibuprofen and paracetamol do literally nothing for my occasional back pain.
@KiKH: This is the thing many people forget. What works for some might not work for others. That's why reading authoritative pieces like above is useless. It's better to try and find out yourself.
@KiKH: For me,
Panadol -nothing
Ibuprofen - potential flare
Codeine - yes please make me drowsy and kinda numb to everything.
you could try some voltaren gel or Voltaren capsules. These are classified as NSAIDS (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and are relatively safe to take. Other alternatives include ibuprofen (sold under different brand names like Nurofen and Advil)
If you got back pain from doing cleaning work that's a sign you may have over-exerted your back muscles or your muscles were not strong enough to begin with. Make sure you give those muscles time to recover before you go to work again.
+1 voltaren tablets
+1 from me as well
Ice 15-20 minutes a few times a day.
If it hasn't resolved in a week or so go see a physio or osteo (ask around your location for recommendations).
I am not a doctor.Voltaren tablets. Or just ibuprofen (not both at the same time), but you can take Paracetamol and ibuprofen together. No more lifting, jumping, weights until it calms down, but keep walking and swimming (if you’re a swimmer)
See a doctor or physiotherapist if it’s not better within two weeks.
This, Paracetamol and ibuprofen together supposedly helps activate the painkilling. Helped my partner a lot.
once your back is healed, do some exercises to strengthen it to reduce chance of recurrence
If you pulled something and it is inflamed, you need to take anti inflammation stuff first and ice it
What part of your back? Describe the pain.
NEVER treat the sympton!
Play it safe, it is Your life, see a specialist and it is money well spent even if you graduate a year later.Bonus points for getting a Medical Certificate for where you are a Student at if it affects your attendance, attending Tutorials or Exam prep.
This is not great advice for lower back pain which more times than not in a young healthy (i presume as such as they are a student) patient. You often don’t scan patients for lower back pain unless they have red flags or pain persists for > 1-2 months, and generally advice is for simple analgesics, continue mobilisation and avoid bed rest.
Don’t go into debt seeing a specialist who won’t offer you anything for simple back pain and don’t delay graduation a year. If it’s not improving with simple stuff see your GP.
So you are working without personal medical or workers compensation insurance?
Get your back looked at. You could be doing irreparable damage
I would look at Finalgon. It generates a lot of heat and I usually use it for muscle issues. I usually apply it wearing silicon gloves and cotton wool.
My sister gave herself an ulcer with Voltaren tablets so don’t take a lot of them.
If the problem continues you should get it checked out.
I thought International students had to have private health as part of the VISA. I know GYM student who had hurt thrmselles and when we rocked up to emergency, they had to hand over the private health card.
Let me guess, CASH in hand of the books cleaning.
You don't have health insurance?