• expired

[VIC] 20% off in-Store @ USA Foods, Moorabbin


Dropped into USA Foods in Moorabbin yesterday and noticed that everything in store was 20% off in celebration of US 4th of July. They told me the sale is running until July 4th.

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  • +1

    $9.99 for 227 grams of Flamin' Hot Cheetos

    $14 for 300 grams of sugary cereals

    People pay this kind of money?

    • Apparently yes. The store was packed when I was there. I myself bought an entire shopping basket worth of stuff for $60, seemed ok value.

    • +5

      In fairness flamit hot Cheetos are the shit. Not the puff ones though those suck.

    • +8

      it's nostalgia food. My partner is Canadian, she puts an order in here every now and again. You don't do a full grocery shop here.

      I've lived overseas for a few years at a time, spending a few bucks for a taste of home is well worth it.

  • They used to do really good homemade s'mores with some full of bacon. Seems they don't anymore.

  • I noticed a new similar store opening on Lower Dandy Rd in Cheltenham, anyone been there?

  • -5

    American food=cheap and fast food,have a look,oh my,they selling it as high end dairy

  • -1

    2.2kg/96 slices of cheese $39.99, Costco $18.99.

    • +1

      Its $12 in the US,American food=cheap/fast like KFC,Taco bell etc,I dont know who the American will buy these at this price maybe only OZs with American soul

    • -1

      Who would want to buy 2.2kg of that stuff??

      • +1

        Shops and mums who have more than one child.

    • *Costco $22.99.

      • +1

        Still cheaper than $39.99.

        • Agreed. I'm still in the process of testing em all out though. The Kirkland American Cheese is sold out in my areas so haven't been able to get my hands on it.

  • +1

    I miss ruffles original so much. Use to buy them all the time at Costco and then one day they disappeared and that was that.

    I was hoping this American store would have ruffles original but it's out of stock :(

  • All the Takis are out of stock, what's the point of living

    • +1

      IGA and catch always have them,dont think you will buy if no one mentioned US food

      • I don't understand what you mean?

    • I always see them when I walk past the glass shops at Southern Cross Station

  • +1

    Think aldi is still doing USA week at the moment ;)

  • Be careful when you buy from this store.
    Always check the expiry date.
    I no longer go to this store as they've sold expired goods.

    • +2

      Theres a difference between "Best Before" and "Use By" dates. Consuming items that have gone past their best before date isn't really an issue as long as it's air tight. Some dude has a Youtube channel reviewing and eating war rations from WW2.

      Use by date on the other hand is a different story, those are perishables like your produce that will foul after the expiry date.

      • Yep, check for the hiss and you'll be OK.

    • +2

      It's just because they write the date in reverse. 😉

    • +1

      You sure you didn't buy them from the discount shelf? They have a shelf where items are discounted, either items getting expried or expired but before the best by date.

  • Damn, used to be delivery too and I'd stock up on hot sauces. American hot sauces shit over Aussie ones, in price and taste (apart from some boutique chili sauces).

  • +1

    Do they have cheese in a can? I want to try aerosol cheese at some point in my life.

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