Toddlers Outgrowing Pram

Hi Ozbargain,

My twins are coming up on two years old and our twin pram is starting to have issues with the wheel bearings seizing.

We’re tossing up between buying a new one or trying to hold on until they outgrow it.

Can anyone share their experiences on when your kids gave up on the pram? Just seeing how king were likely to have to hang on


  • +2

    Depends on your kids.

    Most kids are happy to walk a little, but after 5-10 mins on their feet most would wanna sit again or stand on the skateboard.

    My 5 yr old wants to sit on the pram if we walk a bit… each kid is different though.

    • +3

      My 5 yr old wants to sit on the pram



      • You'd be surprised. Our 4yo is happy to walk/run around until they actually are tired, the 6yo wants in most of the time…

        • +1

          the 6yo wants in most of the time…

          Maybe the ~40 year old does too?

  • +2

    I would suggest holding on to it for a bit. You might find your toddler might prefer walking. Mine never got on a pram again after turning 2. Every kid is different though.

    • This was our experience too

  • A lot of decent prams have replacement parts available- I got new wheel bearings for ours for a few dollars on eBay.

    You might be able to coax it along until they’ve outgrown it

  • We used a pram for 1 week for our first then gave it away new. Second one we didn't own a pram.

    We carried our kids in arms or carrier on back to sleep. They walked a lot relative to other kids when young and walk a lot now - my wife aims to go for long walks with the kids daily if possible. Kids will get used to whatever environment they are in.

    Prams are bad for kids posture. You probably can manage with just current one - depends on your attitude to the kids walking.

  • +1

    parent of twins here.

    we stopped using the pram from about 2.5 yo

    at shopping centre as use a trolley
    otherwise walk or carry as required. we generally drive everywhere so it makes it easier

    • but we kept the pram till they were there and a bit just in case

  • We hardly ever use our pram. Partly due to the amount of space it takes up in our car but our toddler is usually happy to walk a lot. Been that way since he's been about 2 maybe? He's almost 3 now and the only time we use the pram is when we know we are going to be walking around all day and there are no shopping trolleys available. e.g. Going for a day trip into the city via public transport. The pram also helps to keep him from going somewhere he's not supposed to.

  • +1

    Shopping use a trolley, Cole’s or Woolies double.

    Otherwise outings I use beach cart

  • We stopped at about 2 and half, he got to the point where he didn't want to get in it. It was rarely used past two, except for when I walked to the shops as 2km round trip was too far for him to walk, and it was easier for me to transport the groceries home! For short, local trips he wanted to ride his trike (we have one with a handle and steering that we'd used from about 18 months) or his scooter.

    I'm about to have my second child and my first is 3. I'm going to buy the skateboard to go on the pram for when he gets tired, and my friend has the adapters to double up the bassinet and seat so I've got that set up so I don't have to chase him for the first couple of months.

    If I wasn't having another baby, I likely would have sold it by now though - it doesn't get enough use anymore, but it comes down to your lifestyle and how you spend on your time as a family.

  • Thanks all, lots of good info.

    The girls certainly love walking now so will just try to hang on with what we’ve got.


  • Only thing to add to what others have said is:
    - in shopping centres we transitioned to using a shopping trolley which he quite enjoys still approaching 4
    - you might need to think of something for travel as they are often tired and can’t walk the distances required (that’s if you travel) we used a travel stroller but I can’t imagine the options for twins are anywhere near as light
    - some sort of cart can be quite good rather than a stroller eg… or a beach cart
    - we used a trike with a push handle for local outings, again not sure how this would go with twins.

  • Depends on the kid. Some will easily be trained to walk. Others need the backup of the pram. Also if you have kids that like to do runners, being able to “lock them up” safely in busy places like the city streets can be a god-send.

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