5000+ flashcards which cover the most useful German words from different categories: Numbers, Directions, Colors, Transportation, Travel, Calendar, Hobbies, Foods, Shopping, Family, Nature, Health, Feelings, Body, Dating, Society, Culture, Language, History, Foreign Countries, Education, School, Economy, Science, Business, Study & Test, Emergency, Etc..
-Phonetic Transcription of German for reading and speaking easily
-Audio included in every flashcard to practice listening and pronunciation
-And more & more German vocabulary flashcards will be added continuously.
[Android] Free: "Memorize: Learn German Words with Flashcards” $0 @ Google Play Store
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Ja, bitte.
German "Handy" —> mobile phone
"No one who speaks German could be an evil man."
I want something like this for ENGLISH words to improve my vocabulary. I keep a long list of words I want to memorize but don't have a good system to do so.
You can make your own flash cards using Ankidroid (also free)
Awesome app. Unfortunately can't download, shows that it needs an older version of Android. Pity coz I wanted it for the same reason as @lazyfun
If you long press a word on your phone and choose "look up" it'll tell you what it means. Kindle has something like that built in too.
True, but I'm not after a one-off definition, more a learning tool to slowly build vocab
Read things that are full of words you aren't familiar with or unsure of what they mean.
ich liebe dich
Thank you. I'll finally be able to understand the speech in the Tool song - Die eier von satan.
Still my favourite answer in my German test in high school was
Ich habe keine Ahnung.
Teacher said, at least I tried, but I still failed.
Seems to be also frere on Apple App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/memorize-learn-german-words/id…
Sehr gut, zwei Bier bitte
Bitte shun
Bitte schön.
Das ist wunderbar
Ich find es ehrlich gesagt bescheuert, daß es nicht umsonst im Apple Store verfügbar ist!
Musst Dir halt ein Android telefon kaufen … gibts doch genug bei Ozbargain.
Aber stimmt schon. Wäre schön wenn die App auch für das iphone umsonst wäre.Ehrlich gesagt favorisiere ich Apple und IPhone. Die haben einfach die besseren Handys und Plattform.