Historical lowest price according to ITAD
An award winning game rated 9: Amazing by IGN in 2017.
Historical lowest price according to ITAD
An award winning game rated 9: Amazing by IGN in 2017.
Thanks OP have been waiting to go on sale since I missed the steam one.
This is fairly short, great game made better with headphones though. No brainer at $5
Better than a cup of coffee.
The game also supports VR which is cool, not sure if this version does
Pretty sure there's a separate VR version
Fantastic game! One of my favorites. It has binaural audio so best paired with a decent headset for the full experience.
Does this come as a steam code? I'm just trying to understand how difficult this would be to get running on a steam deck
I believe you may need something like Heroic Games Launcher or similar to help you along as I don't believe Galaxy runs very well on the steam deck as of yet.
It’s been in humble bundle before so if you want it on steam look for keys it’s usually quite cheap.
Ahh thanks I might just get it for the VR experience then. I read it doesn’t support actual vr controllers though
From what I've seen it's a third person experience you can control with your controller or mouse and keyboard.
Did you purchase the VR version from steam? I just purchased the standard version and when I look at the VR version it also says it is in my library.
I wasn't aware the standard edition came bundled with the VR edition.
Did you purchase your copy via GOG?
It's bundled with the main game, not separate.
Unless you mean it's a separate application.
Must play
One of the best games I've played in the last few years. And I've played more than 10 games in that time.
Thanks, just bought!
First time I tried playing this was rough, found it very slow and uninteresting.
Second time was able to get past the slow start and it does pick up after a couple of chapters.
Others have said it is short, at 7-8 hours I wouldn't say it is short but depends on what you are used to playing.
But at this price it's worth a go as there are some quite memorable sections and great presentation.
Yeah, i plaued for like 1.5 hours and was soo bored
If GOG Galaxy 2.0 wasn't disappointing I'd still be buying more GOG games, but I now would prefer to pay the extra $1 for Steam.
The most boring walking simulator I've ever played!!
No upgrade whatsoever, so you're doing the same basic attack throughout the entire game!
That b!tch has the most annoying voice I've ever heard, hate that b!tch.
Only 2-3 enemies throughout the game, which add in more repetition.
Graphic and sound is good but that's it.
Not worth your time/money.
Pretty cool game, loved the atmosphere and presentation when I played through on gamepass, worth a fiver