• expired

Vodafone Renew Contract Samsung Galaxy S3 $29 Plan, $35/Month for 12 Months

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This is my first post, don't know is good deal for you or not. My Vodafone $29 plan contract will be expired on 30/10. So I rang up to call center too see what offer I can get.

she gave me $5 off compare from buying online. after I calculated, the deal is ok :

  • Samsung galaxy S 3 white
  • $29 plan
  • $35 mobile
  • 12mth contract
  • free $99worth accessory (same online deal)

total : $768

  • since I still have two months OLD contract, I just locked in another 10mths, that's not bad.
  • but she said the phone will be locked 24mths, who knows in future.

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closed Comments

  • nice deal….let me ask…if my missus needs needs!! Thanks

  • +9

    Typical price. Not a deal. (source: I am paying the same price for one I got at launch).

  • A few months ago when it was first launched, they offered $10 off for renewing customers. So that's $30 + $29 for 12 months. But it didn't have the $99 accessory pack.

  • +3

    So you're paying $420 for the handset and then $29 for service…
    SGS3 is available for around that price unlocked (Grey Import) and you can buy better and cheaper service from a number of Optus MVNO's like Live Connected, TPG, Amaysim, Woolies etc.

    Benefits are: you get a local warranty handset

    Disadvantages are: You're connected to Vodafone, contracted for 12 months, paying $29/month for service when you could be paying about half that.

    No deal to me.

    • +1

      S3 for around $420? Where would that be?

      • CatchOfTheDay………. NOT!!

        • At least they give a warning sign now, http://www.catchoftheday.com.au/stop.php

        • +2

          Yep, fair call, the recent Kogan and COTD prices have reset my memory of where the real price is at.
          Still, at $530 upfront and $12/month on LC, you come out ahead and with better network coverage!

      • Simply 12 handset repayments.

        Handset cost is realistically more as you wouldn't pay $29/month for the plan inclusions alone.

        • Handset cost is realistically more as you wouldn't pay $29/month for the plan inclusions alone.

          I agree, but he did say grey import which is around $550.

      • I too would like to know where I can get a $420 S3 grey import, scubacoles.

    • — Benefits are: you get a local warranty handset
      Plus the potential saving of waiving 3+ months service fee (at least $29x3) if you wish to play the endless upgrade games with your carrier.

  • normal Vodafone price.

  • -8

    is this one of the phones that is going to be struck off the face of the planet by apple?

    • +4


    • +1

      why so many negs?
      I was just asking an perfectly reasonable qn - I happen to think this is a great phone - just worried the support will drop away if sumsung decomissioned it…

  • +1

    You realise there is a specific forum section related to Mobile phones http://www.ozbargain.com.au/forum/38184 to find out if this is a deal rather than get negative votes for your first post…

  • +1

    This really isn't a deal. It's a standard thing which you can get if you ring them up.

  • wait. so is the total cost per month 29+35?

    • +2


  • Liveconnected has $7.99/month plan which they claim to be similar to $29 cap
    So Vodafone's $29 plan includes a $21/month premium

    Add the $21/month to $35/month handset repayment
    It turns out that you are paying $46/month for 12 months
    The total is $46x12=$552 for Samsung Galaxy S3

    $552 for Samsung Galaxy S3 seems normal, not going to trigger an impulsive buy

    • 21+35=46??

      • -1

        I can count to potato!

  • -6

    How does this compare to the iPhone 4S?
    I read they just copied it and got sued for a billion dollars

  • +3

    It's an OK deal, not that brilliant.
    If you are going to lock into a 24 mth contract, you will often get a good offer in the last 2 months of the deal to stay with your telco. This is pretty much standard operating procedure, because they do not want you to think too much about swapping.
    But there are better deals to be had AFTER you let your contract end, because now you are walking around as a free agent and can go with any phone company, or none (if you decide to go pre-pay).
    A week after my last contact expired, I was offered an HTC One X on a 29/24 plan, in a telco-branded shop. The handset was normally $25/mth on top, but it came down to $18, then $12. I asked for the same deal on an S3, and they squirmed a bit and said that they could not do it.
    The next day, I was walking past the same shop and as I looked in the window, the same salesman came over and said hello. He asked me in to see if we could do a better deal. It dropped to, 29/24, zero for the handset and, if he got on the phone for approval and I signed today, double data for the first 12 months.
    Still no similar deal on an S3 (understandable because they are selling like hotcakes) so I am waiting — for the launch of the iPhone 5. Then, there will REALLY be a war between the brands and the offers will sweeten up. Roll on Sept 12.
    In the meantime, I still have a great smartphone, for now on a pre-pay deal. I can afford to be patient.

  • +1

    As if any Vodafone deal is even a deal.

    • +1


  • I just got it for $29 plan (plus $5 for handset) on 24 months plan… So I will be paying just $120 for handset it 2 years… Now thats a Deal… will post the receipt as soon i receive it…

    • Are you sure you don't mean the S2?

      If it's the S3 please do! I'm looking around for a new handset at the moment…

      • I hope it wasn't for the S2 because they currently have it on $0 extra for phone, until the end of the month. If it really is for S3 then that really IS a bargain.

      • Yes it is Samsung Galaxy S3 white 16 gb on $29 plan +$5 handset (24 months)…

        • That's really good. How did you get that deal?

        • Yes, do tell.

        • bump?

        • I called and mentioned that I saw someone get this price and they said no way I would have been the S2 for that price lowest they would come down for me was $17 on a $29/24. Did you get that receipt to post?

        • +1

          no follow-up, so I'm assuming it was an S2…

    • That's if you really think that the $29 plan doesn't cover any of the handset repayments.

  • +1

    Does any other mobile network include international calls in cap. Also I think the 12 or actually 10month deal is better as you can upgrade after 12 months. I say Good deal although I may sign for a bigger cap but lesser mobile payments. When you upgrade 12ontjs down the line they can forego the cap but cannot offer discount on mobile handset payments.

    • that's what I think. including international call. in addition, most of my friends and family members either Vodafone or 3. and I use WiFi most of the time. 10 extra mth so the handset is $420 and get free accessory pack.

    • I'm with VirginMobile at the moment, and international calls are included. Although, I haven't checked if they still are in the current plans offered.

  • I may sign for a bigger cap but lesser mobile payments.

    I would - for $6 a month the next level up is far better value.

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