Do GPs Have Prescription Limit?

My regular GP (General Practitioner) only works on certain days, so there's a backup clinic I go to at times of need. For some season a couple of GPs there refuse to give me the script (antibiotics such as amoxicillin) as requested on separate occasions, even when I have described the symptoms and explained it will get worse. They always brush it off by recommending over the counter alternatives.

It is really counter productivity, wasting my time seeing them in the first place, wasting money on ineffective medications, wasting more money to see another GP to get the script, while unnecessarily prolong the illness and discomfort.

What is it? Is there a quota on the scripts they cannot exceed? Or an indication they are less competent and unwilling to risk the wrong script? Or simply a business model to drive repeated visit?


        • What part of Japan or South Korea are "critical risk areas" ???

          They have better health systems than we do.

          • @infinite: You need a script for antibiotics in Japan. Countries that have lax regulations where you can buy anything from a pharmacy without doctor oversight are the ones where most multiresistant organisms are coming out of, eg. China/India/SEA.

            And there's your answer

            • -1

              @May4th: Basic antibiotics and steroid treatments are all over-the-counter purchases in Japan. I lived and worked there, had zero issues with doing that. You can even buy them in bulk online, too.

              I think the answer I'd really like to know is why did you feel the need to come in here and make that story up? You clearly haven't experienced life there at all.

              • @infinite: That's not as I remember, and I lived in Japan for years, too…

                Let me confirm with my friends who are still there and get back to you on that.

                • -1

                  @jatyap: If you'd ever lived there, you'd already know Osakadou and Sorashido are the main online sources for bulk-ordering anything you need.

                  • @infinite: That's kind of in the grey area in that they're not really regulated. But it's definitely not part of their medical system. There is a grey/black market here in Australia too… but I think OP was talking about their GP, as part of the medical system.

                    • @jatyap:

                      But it's definitely not part of their medical system.

                      Their online pharmacies and absolutely part of their medical system, what on earth are you even talking about ?

    • +10

      Funny thing is no one asked you to post up your experience with your GP on a public forum and when you get called out for your assumptions you get all triggered.

      A professional who has 8 years training and x years experience vs a keyboard warrior with a degree from the Uni of Google Dr - guess who I'd listen to?

      Just take the collective feedback that you're wrong and move on kid.

    • +5

      Open a new thread with poll.

      List your symptoms and let us decide if you need antibiotics or not. Show the poll result to your GP for proof that the community is backing up your claim.

    • +9

      Asshats like you are ruining the effectiveness of our medications with your abuse. What reaction did you expect?

    • +4

      If you told the doctor your symptoms then aren’t they in the best position to prescribe antibiotics?

      Because they didn’t; we jump to the conclusion that you don’t need antibiotics,

      Our bad?

    • +2

      No need to be an ass now. Get well and stop abusing antibiotics.

    • +3

      Look, we'll listen to you if you're qualified to give a medical opinion.
      Again, a doctor has at least 7 years of training, and you're having a bloody whinge just because you didn't believe a qualified healthcare professional. Get a medical degree, and complete the internship and registry before you think you know better than a doctor.
      Australians have such utter disrespect towards healthcare professionals; we are here to HELP you and we get this crap.

    • +1

      How about you tell us the symptoms then?

    • As a doctor, I do understand your frustration somewhat. I often deal with patients that require repeated antibiotics for chronic conditions and some family doctors can be too prohibitive.

      There is a giant caveat though, this is only in cases of refractory chronic illness. If you require multiple courses of antibiotics in a year I would suggest you talk to your GP and ask them why you are getting bacterial infections so often. It might be time to see a specialist and have them come up with a care plan for you in liaison with your GP.

  • +5

    The doctor has decided that antibiotics aren't appropriate to treat your illness. They are qualified to make that judgement not you.

    Also, if you're continually 'requesting' antibiotics I'd highly recommend you research antibiotic caused illnesses like C-diff. I was left hospitalised and seriously ill from it and it is most commonly caused by overuse of antibiotics. In my case I was not on antibiotics at the time so just unlucky. I appreciate doctors that are cautious in prescribing antibiotics after my C-diff episode.

  • +11

    How to trigger your doctor and tell them you're stupid without telling them you're stupid:

    "I know my body"
    "I always need antibiotics"
    "It's on my chest"

    • +11

      "I have a high pain tolerance but.."
      "can I get a blood test for everything"
      "my naturopath asked me to do these tests.."

      • Lol are you a doctor by any chance? Those are the types of patients who have low pain tolerance

    • Yeah, worked in a pharmaceutical distribution warehouse, the dust that came off the powdered stuff in plastic bottles turned out to be the antibiotic dust! was constantly breathing the stuff.

      Left the place, had constant cold like infections before I left and for almost a year after, keep taking the crap, you end up with a severely compromised immune system!

      Should only be subscribed for life threatening or serious situations, dolling the crap out for a cold is insane! and doctors who still do that should have their medical license revoked!

  • +2

    If you have to tell a doctor what medication he/she has to prescribe for you then you might as well open your own practice since you know better than them.

  • +1

    OP like everyone else has said, you have a viral infection. Antibiotics are bad for you because they kill good bacteria.

    • And destroy your immune system … I KNOW!

  • +8

    People like you are why antibiotic resistance is a thing. Pray you never get hospitalised with super bug :).

    If it is just a common cold just be a man and tough it up. As many have said antibiotics dont really help with cold, it is all in your mind.

    • +4


    • +2

      You actually don't need a GP approval/referral to see a specialist - you only need a referral if you want medicare rebates.

      There is very good reasons why you need a prescription, theres a whole government body that deals with scheduling of medicines based on multitudes of factors including risk of harm to the patient, as well as public health concerns. We are lucky you don't get to set health policy.

    • +3

      People with medical training have determined that the 'free market' isn't a safe way to distribute medicines. Their position as gatekeepers was created by legislation to protect the public from themselves.

    • +4

      People should be able to purchase whatever pharmaceutical they want on the free market, without a prescription,

      Ahh no. The stupidity exhibited in this thread is one of reasons why regulations is needed.


  • +3

    I think you have your answer, bowser.

  • +4

    Another one for the ozbargain history books lol

    • -1

      Just what I was thinking as well. We get to see all sorts of weirdos here on a regular basis. 😂

  • -2

    I would say the latter. They want you to come back to them to tell them you've not gotten better and only then they'll give you the goodies you've asked for. More visits more $$$ for them. Broken model that needs to be overhauled and reviewed.

  • +2

    Omg a thread and JV is the most rational.

    • When is JV not the most rational? People just can't deal with any critique.

  • +11

    Damn, I feel bad for healthcare workers dealing with OP.

  • +1

    I agree with the doc.

    When I was younger I'd frequently get prescribed anti-biotics but found i got sick every few months. I rarely get sick these days and if I do, it usually goes away within a day or so

    Nowadays only when I have a seriously sore infection (e.g. last time my tooth got infected) was when I actually needed them. Good hygiene (wash hands before meals and after bathroom) has done wonders for us and antibiotics are a quick hack for short term gain but not effective for long term things.

  • +3

    So what is your self diagnosed illness that always requires antibiotics? That would clear this argument right up

  • -6

    Doctors don't have limits on prescribing antibiotics, many of them are just egomaniacs (best/smartest profession) so they don't believe in patient-first care or consultation. They tell you what you have wrong (although they generally can't and best case they guess common things) and offer you some drug some of the time, often what's been pushed by industry hard recently.
    If you find a good GP, treasure them. I had one that retired, then finally found another good GP that moved away! On the hunt again…

    • i gave you a neg as I am an egomaniac doctor.

  • +4

    Business idea: a new pharmaceutical called Placebonox. Doctors can prescribe these to people like OP, chemists get some cash, OP feels better, everyone's happy

    • +2

      You’ve just described a naturopath. Funny thing though - in Asia there is a cultural expectation of medicine when they go to a doctor. They often prescribe a lot of complimentary and alternative medications for this exact reason!

      • +1

        The crazy thing about this is - maybe they're right! Placebos often show benefit which is why they're needed in the control group

        • +1

          We shouldn't be giving people placebos, doesn't seem honest. I guess you always get a placebo effect with any medication or treatment, but a straight up placebo seems wrong, especially if charging money for it.

      • +1

        Mmm, Chemist Warehouse stocks naturopath stuff, so it's already here. I asked a chemist at Chemist Warehouse about melatonin once and she walked me over to the shelf and handed me a bottle of "26X Melatonin". Which Wikipedia says "If pure water were used as the diluent, no molecules of the original solution remain in the water", which sounds like a placebo for idiots to me.

        Might not have been an actual chemist, but they were behind the prescription counter and had a lab coat on.

        • Naturopath melatonin is an excellent example of placebo.

          We educated people might laugh to placebos, but placebos are incredibly effective for some conditions like depression and pain. Most people are gullible cretins. Write them a prescription for xyz, tell them it's a happy pill that will solve all of their problems, case closed. People have done metastudies on antidepressants and found them to be only a bit better than placebo but no better than negative placebo (ie drugs that aren't antidepressants but have noticeable side effects). When people experience side effects they think, "I'm not in the placebo group, I am being give a real medication", hence they get a better response.

          Being as psychiatrist is difficult because the people who get referred to you are the unfortunate minority that get no or only a weak response to the SSRI prescribed to them by a GP. You cannot trick these people into getting better. I am in this category. I so wish I wasn't.

    • One of the older pharmacists i worked with told the tale of a doctor he worked alongside many yesrs back who would writes prescriptions for "A.F.T." when he xalled to see what he wad prescribing the doctor said "they're a whinger, just give them Any F'kn Thing".

  • +3

    Repeat again, colds do not require antibiotics. Colds (rhinovirus, adenovirus, RSV etc etc) do not respond to antibiotics because they are viruses.

    Give it 5-7 days, if you're still struggling, then see a Dr and let them physically examine you.

    • colds do not require antibiotics. Colds (rhinovirus, adenovirus, RSV etc etc) do not respond to antibiotics because they are viruses

      They don't at first, but if your cold is here to stay, it will cause infection in your lungs / throat that will require antibiotics.

      • +2

        And if that happens, go see a Dr and get examined so they can treat you appropriately. But there’s no sense in demanding antibiotics after 2 days.

  • +4

    Lookup virus vs bacteria. Then stop wasting taxpayer money.

    • -3

      Considering the $12.5 Trillion expended cost of 2020/2021, a couple of tablets are highly insignificant, that horse named 'fiscal restraint' has already bolted.

  • +4

    Holy shit, this is exactly why we have so many MRO's.

    • Match Review Officer?

      • +3

        Multi-resistant organisms - bacteria that's resistant to several antibiotics

        • My ex GF was multi resistant to orgasms, she had, before we met sought medical help, but no help … c'est la vie

  • +5

    TLDR: OP has virus, complains when Doc won’t give antibiotics.

    • -1

      I know you meant to say antibiotics aren't for viral diseases… Virus can eventually cause infection which can lead to bacteria and then you will need antibiotics (not at first sign of virus ofcourse)

  • +4

    But for effective antibiotics I would be dead.

    So OP I'm delighted to hear Doctors are refusing your requests. Except for your regular GP it seems.

    OP as for being inconvenienced, try an ICU stay, a couple of weeks in hospital and six months off work. Oh and chronic intense pain for another 6 months on top of that waiting for three discs in your spine to fuse.

    And I got lucky. Best outcome possible. And a very quick recovery time by comparison to others,

    Even 7 years later too much driving or plane flights makes my spine angry. I just have to bear it, something that won't ever get better but that's OK given the alternative.

    Eat some chicken soup OP. I get feeling miserable sucks but antibiotics are not lollies.

  • +1

    What's happened to the lost art of the respiratory viral multiplex?

    • Underrated comment. Probably 'nudge' letters.

      • +1

        You could always write a non-medicare pathology request, but I doubt someone who pays $0 to see a bulk billing GP and complains that they're not given antibiotics for their viral URTI would pay $85 out of pocket for a PCR just to be proven that they're wrong.

        • Would a positive resp PCR necessarily exclude the patient having a secondary bacterial infection?

        • A high cycle PCR test, as was used recently for covid, may induce the positive result needed.

  • +1

    munchausen by proxy?

  • +2

    Antibiotics are often not helpful or needed. Upper respiratory tract is the most common. People feel they get better after the antibiotic because they naturally get better regardless.

    Too many GPs will often give it to people just because that's what they believe they expect. I don't know what specific condition you're trying to get treated but it maybe that the new GP is actually doing the right thing.

    Paper on the topic If it helps.

    • +2

      People feel they get better after the antibiotic because they naturally get better regardless.

      Spot on. One of my employees always gets antibiotics for a cold or flu and swears he needs it. Doesnt realise it was his body just fighting it off.

  • +6

    I'm not sure OP needs antibiotics but some antipsychotics wouldn't hurt.


    • +2

      Depends on what meds and what state.
      Safescript is VIC does this depending on the meds.

    • +2

      Yes. Safescript (Vic) and My Health Record (not repeats, but medicines dispensed) provides this information.

  • +1

    There has been a shortage of amoxicillin and other medications for a while, so the GP may have thought your case doesn't warrant antibiotics since it may be taking it away from someone who really needs it.

  • +1

    So what was your diagnosis?

  • I'm curious OP, you're still alive - so did you get your antibiotics or not?

  • -5

    so many doctors on ozbargain its amazing how none of you know how to stfu.

  • +2

    Wish I could go into a doctor's and request meds..
    42 morphine please
    100 endone
    Anything else you see fitting…

  • GP where I used to live had to ring up and get permission to write me a script for a certain drug, yet when he was closed and I went to the clinic about 5k's away they never did, would just write the script, makes ya wonder!

    • you need to call authority line or apply online for a code for certain medications / increase quantity - it's a cost saving thing for the government / controlled medications
      you can do a smaller quantity or a private script without ringing
      nothing sinister

      • Yet both subscribed same amount of same strength drug …

        • +3

          It is possible the second doctor did the online form through PRODA instead of calling up

  • Op you’ve answered your own question which is why you cannot go to the chemist and buy antibiotics without a doctor’s prescription !

    • unfortunately you now can in NSW and QLD
      the pharmacy guild has a lot of pull, amazing what you can achieve when you slip the politicians a few hundred grand a year

      • +1

        Yes unfortunately clowns like this can spin the chemist a story about how they need antibiotics .
        It’s a slippery slope!

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