International Dental Work

The other night I seen a story about International Dental work in Phucket, Reducing the overall dental cost by 50%+ and getting the same, if not better dental work.

It's very interesting, and I'm currently in a lawsuit with Pizza Hut for a metal bolt found in a pizza that I've bitten into and chipped my teeth. In result my lawyer has told me to expect a significant payout..

With this I want to fix the 2 teeth I chipped pretty badly, and do a few other fillings etc and get it all out of the way.

But I want other peoples onions, has anyone done this? This particular dental place looks 5 Star, there's Aussie managers and 90% of the customers are Australia.

If you didn't see it, click the link below and watch the video. It does look very appealing.


The website in the story:


  • Don't do it. Plenty of stories out there where dental work has been botched in Thailand. Its your mouth and you only get one set of choppers. Why risk it?

  • there are lots of places that do dental, not just the site listed above. i seem to recall bangkok is a bit cheaper? i think routine stuff should be fine, caps, fillings etc.

  • Remember seeing this discussed on Whirlpool a while back…might get a little more info from that thread, including links.

  • +5

    Don't have any onions, sorry.

  • Would the lawsuit not cover fixing your teeth locally? I would assume that irregardless of the large payout, they would at least cover the cost to fix your teeth.

  • Also consider disease risk when opting for o/s dentistry. I know someone who had their crown done in middle Europe and came back with hepatatis c.

  • So what happened in the lawsuit?

    • Almost at the bottom of it. Just waiting for the settlement agreement.

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