Baby Room Thermometer

We are having trouble getting an accurate temp of our bedroom. Currently using our cuboai temp sensor but it seems to be WAY off.

Was looking at the gro egg 2 (seems a bit pricey for what it is).

Has anyone got one of these and can confirm how accurate it is?

Any other recommendations on other room thermometers?

Thanks all.


  • For simplicity, perhaps consider a wall thermometer and then a night light.

    I also had the egg as I thought it would be appropriate to see the colour temperature, but it's somewhat just a sales pitch. An alcohol thermometer for about $4 plus Bunnings sensor night light $10 provides plenty information and ambient light.

  • Will you be asking Cubo for a new sensor? We bought the gro egg before we bought our baby monitor (Cubo ai plus) which has a temp/humidity sensor. The gro egg is redundant now (will use as a future night light). Cheap thermometers as mentioned above is a good way to check.

    I would hound Cubo for the new sensor to plug in

    • I actually just thought the cubo ai was inaccurate in general haha.

      Looking at their returns procedure though, it seems like it could be an uphill battle getting them to do anything (if out of warranty you need to pay to return the device to them and then pay for them to asses it).

      Ill buy the bunnings thermometer and compare to the cubo. Thanks for the info.

      • You could get lucky. Probably doesn’t cost them much to send that little sensor. Would be even better if you show them the difference when you get that cheap regular thermometer. I’m going to do the same to see how accurate my Cubo is!

  • We find the Cubo temp differs by about 1 to 2 celcius from actual temperature so we adjust our temperatures based on the difference.

  • I used a Growegg 2. Picked it up for $10 secondhand and was perfect the whole time it was in use. Doubled as a night light of sorts :).

  • I used Xiaomi Bluetooth Temperature Humidity Sensor, stcik it into the wall. Monitor it from HA lol

    • Second this, we have one in each of the kid's rooms. The humidity sensor is good for knowing if I should turn the humidifier on if the heater makes the room too dry.

    • Third this: it's the best bang-for-buck option.

      Xiaomi have a few other screen-less or non-Bluetooth/Zigbee options too.

      Our nursery camera reports temps completely out of whack with reality. We happen to have an Aranet CO2 meter (more comprehensive measuring options and better logging, but far more expensive) which we usually leave in the nursery, a Netatmo room module, and our AC controller also reports room temps.

      We use them because we have them, but none come close on a value for money basis for nursery use.

  • Are you an iPhone user? HomePod mini measures temperature and humidity.

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