I currently have a billion modem/router which connect all devices inside the house, without major problem, however, a TV inside a small bedroom is too far away from billion, and the TV only has a LAN port.
anyone know if wifi extender help in this situation?
i am thinking a scenario like this:
internet —> billion —> laptop within range
—> desktop within range
—> TV etc within range
TV in small bedroom —> cable to wifi extender with lan port —> wifi extender connect to billion wirelessly —> internet
not sure if this is going to work.
I don't need blazing fast internet connection on the small TV, mainly just some weather channel.
thanks in advance.
You need a wireless bridge..
But they're not necessarily easy to set up.
I believe the Apple Airport Express can act as a bridge and ought to be simple to set up.
For other options, you'll need a device advertised as a Wireless Bridge or a Device that is WDS compatible
Check to see if your Billion supports WDS before looking into buying a WDS router.
Also WDS is finicky.. some brands connect well with other brands, some refuse to connect!