I recently won an Xbox Series S in the Arnotts Shapes competition. It’s not the regular white console either - it’s the “only 10 made” custom Chicken Crimpy design 🤣 as shown here https://www.kotaku.com.au/2023/04/you-can-win-a-chicken-crim…
I’m not a heavy gamer but I do have a PS5, and I barely find time to play that, so I don’t have the time or desire to play Xbox as well. I want to sell it and get my kids the Nintendo Switch they’ve always dreamed of.
Arnotts said the prize was “valued at $1000”, but given the regular Series S retails for a lot less than that…I’m not so sure.
Oh, wise OzBargainers, where’s the best place to sell this console and how much do I reasonably ask for?
Edit : Just to be clear, I’m not looking for rip anyone off, or to be ripped off myself. Just want to know what the fair price is for this item, given it’s open but never used, and also a crazy custom design!