A lot of these have dropped from $5 to $3.75, and also you can get 3 for the price of 2 ($7.50 for 3 = $2.50each).
Previous $5-$10 Amazon Deal
Previous $5-$10 JB Hi-Fi Deal
JB Hi-Fi Link - Available in store / C&C / + Delivery depending on item.
A lot of these have dropped from $5 to $3.75, and also you can get 3 for the price of 2 ($7.50 for 3 = $2.50each).
Previous $5-$10 Amazon Deal
Previous $5-$10 JB Hi-Fi Deal
JB Hi-Fi Link - Available in store / C&C / + Delivery depending on item.
Given the price of these toys - can you spell corporate profits
It's the new Beanie Babies… but worse because Plastic is Forever.
It's disgusting really. I have them, I'm not gonna lie, but imagine these things in 10 years, there gonna be everywhere except people's private houses…
Fukn Poop?
Budju has retweeted this comment
The only letters in both are n and f??
No fanks?
I was thinking Not Funny
They're beanie babies for 00's nerds.
Still overpriced at $2.
At least Amiibos look good.
I did notice these earlier. Pages and pages of them at JB. Normally it's OK to just scroll through all clearance items at JB but these flooded the entire section.
Its becoming a big bust for a while now, these things have been over made to a point where collecting them has become completely pointless
Omg these are the dumbest thing ever created
Totally agree, they are so fugly, and with all the other action figures/models/statues/miniatures that exist, why people are drawn to this garbage I’ll never understand.
They're such a nothing gift for people you don't know too well, that being said when you buy a single one for yourself on a niche character it's not bad.
I got a Kyle Rayner as the White Lantern from DC Comics and its been in my PC glass window for years.
Yup, I know a guy who owns $8000+ worth of these because he genuinely believes that he can resell it for a higher price. I doubted it, so I asked how much he made so far… He hasn’t ever tried to sell them yet LOL. He’s going to be real disappointed
Depends on what he has.. Some still sell for crazy prices..I've sold plenty that I got for $10-$20 and sold for $90 plus… But yeah, I also have ones that I paid $25 and now worth $2.5..
He buys them based on the price given in the app. I don't really care for these so I'm not sure how accurate that is, but I really wouldn't even want to step put into investing in something like this. Much rather spend in real investments (crypto, stocks…)
Oh man i worked with a woman who collected these and cats into her late forties, she wasn't well. They really are peak collectible rubbish.
Could these become the Ozbargain 'garden gnome'?
We have enough to put them on all land mines
Cheap. But I might save my money for Warehouse food because I know these will gather dust in my room while on display.
be warned the jb shipping will be very high as it all comes from different store’s clearance
Good example of when you take a concept too far…. Hope this sh+t (landfill) can be recycled into something useful…
None of the Seinfeld ones look anything close to who they are supposed to be, or any others really unless the character has some really specific thing.
Agreed. They're shit.
George looks weird. Kind of disappointed I bought as many as I have (about 10 or so)
Most I've paid for one is $6.66 when the $10 ones were "buy 2, get 1 free".
Don't see how these are worth much more.
I see the new release ones going for $20+ and wonder why.
they're collectibles so major profit margin (and are partnered with a lot of popular franchises) and also had a massive boost in popularity thanks to the lockdowns, it's been on a downwards trajectory since but they're still increasing prices (commons are actually $22-25 now)
they're collectibles
they're garbage created by parasites feeding off the gullible suckers who will buy anything if they think supply is limited. See also: beanie babies, NFTs etc
I basically use these deals as cheap ways to get a chase pop vinyl.
I've done it with Amazon before. Just order 5 or 6 and hope for the best. If it fails, you just return them all and lose $7-$10 as the refund fee.
If it succeeds, you get a pop vinyl that's usually at least $50 and hopefully one you actually want as well.
How do you work out they'll be a keeper before the return window is closed?
Uhh, chase pop vinyls are different from their normal version and have a sticker on the box saying they're a chase pop vinyl.
oh i thought you meant you were chasing pop vinyl lol
But my original question still stands
I used to hate them. Some look alright I guess. They are way too expensive for what they are, and the landfill is the biggest problem.
I sold some that became really expensive. The Eminem one and the Morrissey one
I know these are often poo-poohed, and I used to hate them too, but I love my Millhouse one – it's one of the least weird looking
You got that straight. Now, I want four new ideas from each of you by 6:00. No, make that six ideas by 4:00. All right, let's move, move, move, move, move!
I remember when these came out and were all the rage. But then every single IP released a Funko and it's completely oversaturated now. It interesting seeing how far they've fallen and even the manufacturer is just sending them to landfill.
Saturated the market, almost like the opposite of what Nintendo has been doing, but since the Mario Bros movie I think they're going a little overboard
Yeah, I'm perpetually surprised how Nintendo's plushie market is keep strong through all these decades. Heaps of Mario, Bowser, Boo, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Pikmin, Ganon, Link, Samus, Conker…
…then of course Pokemon
(Pikachu, Eevee, Psyduck, Bulbasaur, Torterra, Squirtle, Blastoise, Charizard, Piplup, Mewtwo, Lugia, Rayquaza, Yveltal, Dragonite, Snorlax, Lapras, Gyarados, Swampert, Celebi, Jirachi, Jigglypuff, Ditto, Togekiss, Sylveon, Umbreon, Suicune, Tyranitar, Gengar, Garchomp, Gardevoir, Greninja, Lucario, Zoroark, Absol, Arcanine, Luxray, Jolteon, etc etc)
I got some of these displayed in my home office cube shelves and at this price there ok, all mine were purchased buy 1 get 1 free or buy 2 get 1 free and all on sale. I never paid lol $19-25 each full price that is a joke
Too many people bought these thinking they'll get rich.
Star Trek Funko's are obscenely priced, hundreds of dollars.
Only bought 1 for myself in the past and I didn't even use my own money (using the Perks $10 because I had nothing else to spend on).
Don't buy them for collectibles. Even the Funko Pop company is throwing them into the garbage from over production.
They could give them to charity or is that too expensive
prefer collecting the funko keychains as they take up less space and still retain some pretty good detail
If you rearrange the letters in Funko Pop you can't spell Landfill but you sure as shit get pretty close.