This was posted 1 year 8 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Past Best Before] Lick Pier Tropical Ginger Beer 2 Slabs (24 x 375ml Cans) $50 + Delivery @ Wine Sellers Direct


Lick Pier Tropical Ginger Beer… sit back and savour this delicious holiday with a choice blend of tropical fruit flavours added to the ginger spice that Lick Pier is known for.

Don't pay $90 per slab, get 2 Slabs for $50 + Freight - Limit 2 slabs per online order. Available whilst stocks last.

ABV 3.0%
375mL Can
Clearance - Past Best Before: 10/05/2023

ACT Less than 12 items $11.95
ACT 12 or More items $8.95
NSW Less than 12 items $11.95
NSW 12 or More items $8.95
NT Less than 12 items $49.95
NT 12 or More items $44.95
QLD Less than 12 items $11.95
QLD 12 or More items $10.95
SA Less than 12 items $11.95
SA 12 or More items $8.95
TAS Less than 12 items $17.95
TAS 12 or More items $15.95
VIC Less than 12 items $8.95
VIC 12 or More items $6.95
WA Less than 12 items $16.95
WA 12 or More items $15.95

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closed Comments

  • -1

    past best before


    • +4

      Are you the kind of person to throw food out as soon as it hits the best before date?

      • Are you the kind of person to throw out good money on something worth nothing?

      • +15

        Right? People seriously struggle with BB and UseBy dates.

        I'd wager there is absolutely nothing at all noticeably different with this being 1 month past BB in sealed cans if stored properly compared to in date stock.

        • -3

          While it varies from product to product, 1-2 months after best before date reliably has a noticeable reduction in quality and I would argue for a product like ginger beer, it will be more then other products.

          • +7

            @samfisher5986: Most places online seem to say 6-9 months will have little noticeable changes for soft drinks and 3-6 months for beer.

            I stand by my original comment. 1 month past BB for a 60-70ish percent price reduction is an absolute bargain.

            • +1

              @deva5610: I doubt you would notice a difference after a year.

              • +14

                @Bdawg: I doubt you'd notice the difference after 6 cans

            • +3


              6-9 months will have little noticeable changes for soft drinks

              Soft drinks can lose it's carbonation before BBD.

              Bought carton of discounted bottles of Coke before BBD. No fizz! Safe to drink - but in my experience, not worth drinking!

            • @deva5610:

              1 month past BB for a 60-70ish percent price reduction is an absolute bargain.

              Try that with Coke No Sugar…

      • +2

        There's a big difference between you buying food before BB date & not bothering to consume it.
        You've already paid for it! Your choice what you do with it. It was your mistake.

        [Probably still edible, but its quality & taste will have degraded - that's why they have a BB date! Most foods are best consumed & enjoyed long before the BBD! Why waste good food??]

        VS deliberately buying a beyond BB date product. And then pay for it to be delivered.
        You don't know how it's been stored, which can affect the quality of the product.

        Beyond BBD is a gamble!
        Sometimes not worth taking.

        Recently bought $20 muesli with lots of tasty nuts etc for $5. Planned to consume by a month before BBD.
        Was a mistake.

        Had bought another packet weeks before on discount at same store. Really enjoyed. A bargain!
        So was able to compare.
        Opened foil packet - immediate unhealthy rancid smell. The oils in the nuts had oxidised. Tasted terrible.

        Store refused to refund as was a clearance product - against store policy! They lost a customer.

  • Interesting…Lick Pier is my fav ginger beer. Anyone tried this tropical version?

  • +1

    Somebody messed up and forgot about this stock and now you are trying to recoup your losses…

    The time to sell this on clearance was 2 months ago.

    • +11

      Occasionally you get deals on things that are out of code etc like at NQR. Still drinkable, and when the original slabs were $90 each elsewhere we thought people may be interested.

  • +1

    anyone vouch for this stuff? got burnt on the last 2 ginger beer deals

  • +11

    3% and a month out of date get outtttttttta here!

  • +3

    This doesn't qualify as a bargain

  • are you even legally allowed to sell the expired product?

    • +7


    • +9

      Yes. Food past best before date can be legally sold as long as it isn't damaged, etc.

      If it was a use-by date then the answer is no.

  • +1

    It will be good to lose weight :)
    Combine with expired food from your local store.

    Everybody wins…

  • Not sure what's worse, selling past BB product, or trying to charge people FIFTY dollars for the the privilege - what a rip.

    • +1

      Plus shipping! Probably over $1.50/can to get these to your door. Crazy.

      • +1

        The shipping costs are listed in the post and are reasonable, as is the deal.

        • Each to their own I guess. There's no guarantee what you receive even resembles the original product.

          But worth the gamble for some I'm sure.

          • @HomebrewFC: I also wonder if the brewery would be OK with them selling their product out of code. It's usually meant to be disposed of since it is no longer fresh and putting out an inferior product potentially tarnishes their brand.

            Each to their own but personally I don't think this practice should be encouraged. The time to discount would have been a 3-6 months ago.

            • -2

              @werdplaya58: It's fine. They've clearly stated it's past BBD and therefore the onus is on those who choose to take that risk. You can't blame the brand or seller if people decide they want to buy it.

              But totally agree. This is a deal if it was the otherside of the BBD. Approaching, but not past. People are handing over money for what is essentially garbage for the seller.

  • +3

    $17.95 shipping kills it for me otherwise I might have taken a punt but 3% isn't appealing. Probably full of sugar too.

  • I just picked up a 10 pack of Ginger Resistance at BWS for $20. Best before is tomorrow.

    • Party at your place tonight !!!!!!!

      • +1

        you're not invited

        • I'm already there…

          Where are you?

  • +1

    $50 including shipping and we’ve got a deal

  • +1

    Can't really say "don't pay $90 a slab" when realistically no one would pay $90 a slab for old stock

    • +2

      It's $25 per slab for stock that is just past their BB.

      • I think his point is that your RRP is for stock that isn't out of code…

        • +6

          Sure, but it is still sold at $90 elsewhere. Its a spiel to tell you about the deal ie all the points that matter like what it normally sells for and what the deal is. If we didn't mention it there would be a comment "How much are these normally?".

          • @winesellersdirect: Where is it sold for that price? Looks to be discontinued and no longer stocked anywhere.

            • +1

              @werdplaya58: Out of stock now, but was $90 here. We don't generally mention these guys but you asked.

              • @winesellersdirect: Exactly, looks discontinued, last reviews from 2021. And not sold anywhere else either.

                • @werdplaya58: Not sure what is happening with this Tropical Lick Pier and you could be right. It was planned to be released in 2020/21 summer, but covid stuffed them around, then it ended up been release in winter. Not a great start for it. Lick Pier was sold to ALM in March 2023 (Australian Liquor Marketers) so we will see what happens in the future.

      • You drink it then

  • Gets 5/5 at Dans (4 reviews in 2021)
    "The original ginger beer is outstanding and this just cranks it up a notch, can see myself sitting in the sun devouring these in bulk"
    "It's like a cross with Passiona and something else… Nailed it!!"

    Other reviews
    "I love the balance found between the ginger warmth and natural fruit flavours of pineapple and passionfruit. Bloody tasty."

    Tempted. Really love ginger beer - but not so much a fan of tropical Passiona!
    Even less so in Winter.
    (I add Jameson whiskey to Buderum Ginger no sugar Cordial, diluted with water etc - a tasty & warming cold Winter drink.)

    • +2

      Just have the Jameson on its own. ;)

      • Do that, usually with better whiskeys🍷

        Jameson is what I call a gargling grade (everyday) whiskey. Buy it by the litre.
        Nice in a morning coffee ☕
        And in my regular warming ginger drinks in Winter.
        Improves the taste of both😉

        Still looking for a great alcoholic ginger beer - with a good ginger kick. Tried many suggested. But not yet Lick Pier!
        Grew up on potent home brewed ginger beer. Have ginger drinks every day - especially in Summer🌞

  • Hey op do you know if this is gluten free?

    • +1

      Their original Ginger Beer is Gluten Free, we are trying to establish if this Tropical version is. We will get back to you.

    • +3

      This Tropical Ginger Beer is Gluten Free, contains 202 & 220 preservatives.

      • +1

        This deal was fun. Kudos for great responses too rep.

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