This was posted 1 year 8 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, Prime] Free - Prey, Baldur’s Gate II Enhanced Edition, SW: The Force Unleashed, Shovel Knight: Showdown @ Prime Gaming


Prime Day is confirmed for July 11.

  • Prey [available today via GOG] — Players will awaken aboard Talos I, a space station orbiting the moon in the year 2032, where they will be the key subject of an experiment meant to alter humanity forever. When things go terribly wrong, it’ll take wit, weapons and mind-bending abilities to defeat the aliens. The fate of Talos I is in your hands.
  • Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition [June 27 via Amazon Games App] — Prime members can rediscover the beloved RPG classic, now enhanced for modern adventurers! Gather a party of heroes and continue the legendary adventure in this story-rich fantasy epic where every choice matters.
  • Shovel Knight: Showdown [July 6 via Amazon Games App] — Master every move, explore a vast array of items and locales, and discover new revelations in a world of never-ending battle! Duel with up to four local challengers and scramble after gems, or take control of fan-favorite characters, many playable for the first time ever, in Story Mode with this ultimate platform fighting experience.
  • STAR WARS: The Force Unleashed™ [July 10 via Amazon Games App] — Players can discover the deepest, darkest side of the Force in a story that puts them on a collision course with Luke Skywalker himself.

Players can also claim in-game content for several popular games over the next four weeks. See below for more details.

  • Overwatch 2 [available today] — Prime members can redeem 5+ Tier Skips in this free-to-play, team-based action game set in the optimistic future, where every match is the ultimate 5v5 battlefield brawl.
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 [June 22] — Prime members can grab the Track Rivals Bundle, including Final Moments Victus XMR Blueprint, Nitro Lachmann Sub Blueprint, Dustmaker UTV Skin, Heel Toe Hatchback Skin and Racing Team sticker and Racing Team sticker.
  • Diablo IV [July 6] — Experience the fourth main installment in the Diablo action role-playing series and claim the “Brackish Fetch” Mount Bundle.
  • Pokémon GO [July 10] — Jump into the augmented reality mobile game, Pokémon GO, and access a Prime Gaming-exclusive Timed Research, a set of tasks that challenges players and offers special rewards, including a Pokémon GO Fest T-shirt for the player’s avatar as a reward. This reward won’t be available outside of Prime Gaming until August 1.

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closed Comments

  • +7

    Saw "Prey" and "GOG", thought it was the old one but turns out it's the reboot.

    Not bad if you haven't claimed it the past few times from Epic.

    • +1

      Even though I have it on Steam (but sheer luck), I wish it was the old one on GOG.

      • +7

        The original Prey was the best

        • +5

          Yeah, definitely, not really sure if the second one could be called a reboot, to me it was just a totally different game with the same name

          • @pichxlonco: I didn't enjoy the second one at all

            • -1

              @reactor-au: Me neither, I ended up using cheats and just finishing it, was such a grind, i can't imagine completing it without cheats

          • +4

            @pichxlonco: It wasn't meant to be called Prey to begin with as Arkane were forced by Bethesda to use it
            (As mentioned in many articles like this one:…)

            I just wished Bethesda didn't cancel the 2nd game but it's their fault that we'll never get it.

          • +1

            @pichxlonco: Definitely the old and newer Prey are very different games, I have both.
            Newer one is basically Bioshock in space, very good. Arkane in top form.

        • I think can't buy the original Prey anymore.

    • +7

      This Prey is one of my absolute favourite shooters in the past.. very long time. Not sure why someone said it was a grind, what was the grind exactly? Maybe they got overwhelmed. But if you follow the story mission properly, it's bloody unreal. Highly recommend.

    • Can I get the original one anywhere? I didn't have a gaming PC good enough to play it back then. I remember playing the demo which didn't get you very far. Just the bar and the first bit of the ship.

      • I don't think so, I tried searching around and no results :(

        Might need to travel to the seven seas for this one.

        • +1

          I'm old and scared now. Not about getting caught. You can't trust what you download these days. Even movie files. I haven't encountered it myself, but as I understand it, you can inject payloads into media files.

          I just wait for things to go streaming these days.

          • +1

            @BadGiraffe: Yeah I hardly pirate these days as well, but when I do I just give it a quick scan with Malwarebytes, if it comes up clean then should be safe enough. Always need to be careful!

    • It's like another system shock… I had ignored it for a while, and played it recently from one of the epic giveaways. It's pretty good!

  • +17

    just chucking things onto the Prime and Gog libraries i'll never touch. Feels so wasteful.

    • +23

      At least it's digital so it's environmentally friendly, the best kind of waste

    • +1

      same here…how many games do you have now… ?

    • +5

      So many games, no time to play

    • +7

      Remember, collecting games you'll never play is now the game

      • +1

        Gotta catch them all

      • yes

    • +1

      I like to think my future kids may have the time to enjoy them one day - but I doubt it lol

      • +2

        by the time your kids can play them, the remaster version already out

    • +1

      Prey is apparently really good, though I still haven't gotten around to playing it. Baldur's Gate 2 is still one of the best games I've ever played, but the ancient UI is probably a bit too much of a hurdle for those who never got used to it in the 90s.

    • Don’t forget Epic game stores. And Kindle books and Udemy courses as well.

    • +2

      Yeah I'm basically adding them all out of a sense of FOMO. This worry that one day I might randomly be looking for one of them.

      • +3

        I didn't claim Subnautica on Epic very early on, and have regretted it repeatedly because I suspect that I'll love it, but aren't sure enough to risk buying it.

        • +1

          I enjoyed Subnautica. I bought it on sale at some point, and found it more than worth the price of admission

    • They are Pokémons for adults, collect them all.

  • -1

    "Diablo iv coming soon"?

    Hope it's the game itself with a decent discount and not just in game gunk

    • +5

      More like in-game content

      Diablo IV [July 6] — Experience the fourth main installment in the Diablo action role-playing series and claim the “Brackish Fetch” Mount Bundle.

    • +10

      wow you expect Amazon to give you a game that just came out and is selling like hotcakes at $100 for free?\

      yeah… about that..

      • +2

        No. I literally wrote I was after a discount not free.

        20% off as a prime day promo would make me buy. Otherwise I'll probably skip d4

        • +2

          He's not talking to you. Lordeee needs a reality check on how capitalism works.

  • +1

    I have GOG Galaxy v1.2.67.58 with updates blocked, I was excited for Galaxy 2.0 but it was a massive disappointment that feels as if it's been abandoned.

  • +2

    Prey code for GOG

  • Is there any forum thread etc to request unwanted codes?

    I've got 2 little boys that recently discovered Pokémon GO and would love any unwanted codes.

    • Remind me on 10th of July :)

      • Actually looks like there are two:
        - Pokémon GO [June 21] Golden Razz Berries and Mysterious Components - Available now
        - Pokémon GO [July 10] Prime Gaming-exclusive Timed Research

    • +2

      You can request for prime codes here:

      • Thank you

  • +6

    number of gaming platforms / launchers where I don't have Prey is quickly approaching zero

  • +2

    Bg 2 EE is great 👍

  • +1

    It's good to get a Shovel Knight game but wish it was treasure trove.

  • +5

    Lol, I have so many of these free digital games they have basically zero value in my mind.

    • epic library is like 250
    • GOG 200,
    • PS+ 700 or more,
    • amazon probably like 200,
    • steam 100.

    Never spent a cent on any of their digital store fronts.

    • +3

      I stopped adding unless I like gameplay on YouTube

      if there's no gameplay on YouTube I don't even bother

    • +3

      I feel sorry for people developing new games. They are trying to recoup costs selling a full price game ($40 AUD or more) when the market is saturated with giveaways and old games 75% off or available cheaply in bundles.

      Prey should have (2017) added to the title. The first version, Prey (2006) can only be purchased as a Steam key through resellers. I picked up a digital copy cheaply years ago. 2006 is 1.6GB, 2017 is 30GB in size (according to Steam's UI).

      • +1

        It's getting harder to sell second hand games too, unless they are something rare or hard to find. The masses are getting used to digital downloads, regular freebies, and all-you-can-eat game pass streaming services.

        • Really? I've always found it pretty easy. I use pricecharting and sell things for what the average is. Haven't really had any issues getting sales either for cheap or really expensive items.

  • Thanks. I will have to calenderize these so I don't miss them as the dates are staggered.

  • +2


    • Redeemed thank you!

      • No worries just get me some courtside tickets some time.

        • Haha PM me when you in San Francisco next time ;)

  • Prey Code

    • Many thanks. Just redeemed your code.
      Happy weekend.

  • Prey code:

  • What is this Amazon games app? Are these games for android or us this some kind of PC app you need to download the games or is it a web site?

  • +1


    For the Prey if anyone needs it

    • Thank you, grabbed it, have a nice weekend

  • Well, it's 27 June, and Baldur's Gate still isn't available…

    • +1

      Likely 27th in the States. Try again at 2pm AEST

      • +2

        Still nothing ugh

        • +2

          Annoying. I miss the days when all the games were released all at once, not this drip fed strategy 😒

    • Should be available to claim now :)

      • It looks like they're all delayed, by at least a day. We've got weeks to claim most of them, so I'll just check in each weekend I guess.

  • Lila’s Sky Ark on Legacy Games:


    Replace the asterisk with the 20th letter in the alphabet.

  • I claimed Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition from the browser

  • Gems of Destiny: Homeless Dwarf on Legacy Games:


    Replace * with the 21st letter in the alphabet

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