This was posted 1 year 8 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Switch] Bayonetta 3, Fire Emblem Three Hopes $28, [XSX] Lego Star Wars $9 and More + Delivery ($0 C&C/ in-Store) @ EB Games


A few games as part of the 3 day sales:

NS Bayonetta 3 $28
NS Fire Emblem Three Hopes $28
NS Pokemon Shining Pearl $39
XBX Lego Starwars $9
Death Loop $15
Battlefield 2042 $5
Xbox Marvel Midnights Sun $19
Xbox Just Dance 2023 $9

Pokemon TCG Busters - 3 for $20.

Related Stores

EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • +2

    Midnight suns for $15? did i miss something?

    • +4

      yeah you missed it its $19 now

  • Thanks OP! Just picked up Midnight Suns and Lego Star Wars for Xbox. Great prices!

  • +1

    Where is Midnight Suns for $19 on PS5?

  • +1

    Amazon please price match bayonetta 3

    • +1

      nvm they dont have it in stock rn

  • Damn, what's the risk some of these are used/returned copies when you pick up at EB?

      • +1

        You must be new to shopping at EB…

        • -8

          You must be one of those gullible people we keep hearing about.

          • +7

            @NeggerOfDeals: 1 week return policy, in which they re-sell as if it were new

              • +10

                @NeggerOfDeals: What do you think they do with them? They sure as hell don't sell then as pre-owned. Ask staff in a few stores.

          • +3

            @NeggerOfDeals: Or maybe I'm one of those people that have bought a game with the "new" DLC code used and "new" manual with finger marks and scuffs and tears and pen marks.

              • +5

                @NeggerOfDeals: Do you keep photos of literally everything in your life that a company messes up? Grow up troll.

                  • +9


                    Ask for evidence make dumb demands, get downvoted instead. Clowns.


                  • +5

                    @NeggerOfDeals: I'd say it's more about your aggressive attitude than the request.

                    • -3

                      @Orion au: It just annoys the shit out of me that people jump on the circlejerk bandwagon when there is literally zero evidence this happens. People jump in with the whole "trust me bro" mindset.

                      • +1

                        @NeggerOfDeals: I didn't ask for a study or analysis on the question, anecdotal experiences is expected.

                        I've heard similar to what @justtoreply and @Xianese personally report. And I kinda expect that from a business (or maybe I have lower expectations of EB) to try reselling their returns as new. I just don't want to be the unwitting buyer of a Switch game listed as new destined for my collection when it comes in a compromised condition.

                        Comments are a good opportunity for ppl to share information, let's not persecute other's experiences or opinions when they've taken the time to write it out.

        • +2

          I support this comment thru a couple experences at my local. Neva buying 'new' consoles from EB again.

      • +4

        I wouldn't call it zero risk. I still remember years back buying Monster Hunter 4U on the 3ds in store as "new". Got home, loaded up the game, and found an existing save file on there already (save files are stored on the game cartridge).

        Not the biggest issue since the game still works, though with switch games, you can be claiming some points to your account.

        You could always price match at JB and use the $10 perks voucher as well.

        • Jb could do similarly as well.

          • @tajid: I can vouch for that. Ordered a PS4 game from JB delivered and arrived in an unwrapped warped case with a ‘swap and save’ sticker slapped on. It was during the Covid lockdown and the game was sold out online so I didn’t ask for an exchange. Disappointed to say the least.

      • +5

        It doesn't say pre-owned, so there should be no risk.

        Yeah, nah, that’s not how it works. Do you really think EB sell games returned within the no questions asked 7-14 return window as pre-owned?

    • +1

      If buying through eBay, medium risk I’d say

  • +2

    Sucks no longer living near an eb store. The delivery costs turn good deals into meh ones

    • +8

      There’s a place in Australia that doesn’t have a EB?

      • they closed the dandenong and Mulgrave store near me.

        • -1

          I think they'll all be closed in 5 years 🤷🏼‍♂️

          • +1

            @muwu: Hence they're diversifying into loot and other stuff. It's not for me but seems to get the patrons in the store. For now.

          • @muwu: I thought they’d be closed in 5 years, 5 years ago. But to give them credit, they actually seem to be handling the shift to not selling games and focusing on other products well

        • Yeah maybe Parkmore or Waverley gardens might be best around your way

        • Would have thought Casey, Parkmore Endeavour Hills and Glen Waverley could be close?

      • -1

        What an utterly obnoxious comment. Yes, people exist outside of large cities.

        • +2

          I read @PainToad's comment as tongue-in-cheek, more that EB stores are particularly ubiquitous.

        • -1

          Yes, people exist outside of large cities.

          Sure do. And? I’ve seen EB’s in most (all?) smaller towns or at least in the slightly bigger town a short drive away.

          What an utterly obnoxious comment

          Oh the irony.

  • +1

    If anyone wants a cheapie on the Nintendo switch, there's snack world for $5 pre-owned, absolutely worth it. Definitely a hidden gem

    • Agreed with this. Very fun game though it gets repetitive and grindy as you progress.

    • Thanks for the tip. Unfortunate there’s no delivery and no stock at my local store

      • there was delivery when I commented.
        But delivery made it about as much, if not more than their ebay listing.

        That ebay listing is still a great price.

  • -1

    It seems that both Bayonetta 3 and Warriors 3 hopes bombed, a Switch first party game for $28 is unreal, the former released about 9 months ago and the latter almost 1 year ago.

    • +5

      I don't think they bombed per se. They are both very well reviewed. They probably just expected to sell better. E.g. they probably expected Three Hopes to do almost as well as Three Houses.

      • Poor sales = bombed?

        Even if the reviews are solid.

        • +1

          Not as high as expected isn't the same as bombed as both still sold decently.

        • +1

          From Nintendo's financial report, worldwide launch period sales (the quarter from launch to 31 Dec of the same year) for Bayonetta 3 was only about 10% short of what the original Bayonetta did, with 1.01 million copies vs 1.1 million.

          As in selling only 10% short on a single platform, compared to the total launch sales of the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions combined.

          To put it into perspective, by June 2010, you could get the original Bayonetta for $24.

          Don't forget that Sony and Microsoft saw this and never wanted anything to do with Bayonetta again. Meanwhile, Nintendo saw these sales numbers and still funded Bayonetta 2, 3, and Origins.

    • Bayonetta 3 performance was bad at launch, unlikely to be much better now. According to the digital foundry review.

    • I just bought both. They'll both look good in the collection

  • What's the consensus on FE: Three Hopes? Does it yet button mashy boring quickly or is it quite good?

    • +4

      If you're new to the Warriors games, you'll want to look into the original Dynasty Warriors series for the type of combat system - button mashing but with different combo strings for different characters in different scenarios.

      Specifically for this game a lot of the systems (in and out of combat) are great improvements over the first FE Warriors game. Three Hopes is like the action version of the turn-based Three Houses, with the same branching 3 storylines, monastery mode (but much more succinct) and how characters level up and change classes.

      The main limiting factor for this game is no endgame or DLC for new content (unlike the first game or even both Hyrule Warriors titles). You finish the story and that's kind of it. Warriors games are notorious for the endgame grind to max all your characters out (via challenging content) but there isn't any of that here in Three Hopes.

      • Thanks for your super detailed response! I used to enjoy the dynasty warriors games way back on the PS2 but haven't really touched one since then. Sounds fun enough and for $28 why not

  • Bayonetta 3 looks good

    • It is good! Very chaotic

  • +1

    Trying to buy two games and I got this:

    We anticipate your order will arrive in multiple deliveries, as your items are in-stock at different fulfillment locations

    And I will need to pay twice on delivery.. That's so stupid

    • +2

      Shipping from multiple stores as they likely don't have both items at the one store, so they're paying shipping twice, hence, you pay twice.

      • Thanks mister obvious lol🤣

  • Fix Title OP to $9 for LEGO star wars

    • +1

      Thanks updated. Fat finger on the phone

  • Whats pokemon tcg busters

    • +1

      Pokemon trade card packs. Search on their website.

      • Oh, nah it's ok

  • +1

    Great price for LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga - cheers OP ;)

  • +1

    I bought NS Bayonetta 3 $49 from last deal at JB. Copy is still sealed. Feeling bad now

    • Those feels, I still have the collectors edition Unopened. Still bought B3 normal copy lol

    • I hear you. I bought Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes for $47 last week. Installed it but have not played it yet.

  • +1

    the collectors edition of street fighter 6 is half price lol its not been out that long. Already half price.

    • lol, rip off before, now it's kind of worth it haha!

  • Already have those I want. Great price.

  • Nice! Picked up Bayonetta 3 and Snack World for $37

  • Thanks op got midnight sun, bayo 3 and fire emblem.

  • +7

    Looks like Amazon has started to price match some of them:
    NS - Fire Emblem Three Hopes - $28
    NS - Pokemon Shining Pearl - $39
    PC - Death Loop - $14

    • thanks for the links.
      Was going to cost me almost $25 in delivery just to get those 3 from eb

    • Deathloop for $15/$14 is a good buy!

  • Can price match with JB if you are near.

  • thanks, got bayonetta and fire emblem for c&c


    Can this be used in PS5? $50 for 2TB seems not bad?

    • +1

      Yeah but you can only run ps4 games with it and it is very slow to load compared to ssd if you don't mind the load times.

      • Thanks, will pass then

      • +1

        Not a bad price for a 2TB no one is buying because of character art though. Might get one for running media.

  • Damn Bayonetta 3 firesale pretty quickly. Bayonetta 2 still hasn't dropped below $69 on Amazon or Nintendo store.

  • +2

    I somehow confused Three Hopes for Engage, and became bitterly disappointed. Lmao.

  • Deathloop is a great game but achievements on Xbox are bugged out as hell. It's very frustrating, I'm guessing this will be the same on other consoles?

  • Wonderful

  • Obviously XBOX version didn't sell well for Star Wars Lego & Marvel's Midnight Suns. I'd keen to buy PS5 version for Star Wars Lego if same price!

    Awesome prices for Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes & Bayonetta 3!

  • +1

    Also reminder. The 10% off ultimate him gift cards at Woolworths works at EB games

  • I wish there was another shop that only sells games - Brick and mortar

  • Thanks OP

  • +1

    Remember to redeem Three Hopes for gold points before one year from release (24 June)

    • Mine won't arrive until after then :(

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