Very Good Deal for the amazing new zelda game
10/10 around the board
Price matching Big W
[Switch] The Legend of Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom $69 Delivered @ Amazon AU

Last edited 20/06/2023 - 08:52 by 1 other user

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If its Price matching big w then remember anyone signed up to everyday xtras can take another 10% off if they haven't used it yet.
I've played almost every day since launch and I'm not close to being done with it. Only consider buying if you're ready to have it consume all your free time for like a month.
Seems like all your free time for the next year lol
That's my feeling. I bought day one. Played some hours, sold it and made some profit. Cos I am not ready for spending that much time on this. I still have my other games to finish first. When I am ready, would be able to grab one for much cheaper than launch price.
"much cheaper than launch price."
This is Nintendo were talking about…
Come on, in about a year or two he will get it for the sale price of $64! :)
So what? We are ozbargainers, we buy at a much lower price than "sale price"/"ticket price". Code/voucher/gift card etc. stack them all together. Like this time the afterpay/bigw deal make it below 40 already. Never give even it's Nintendo.
@ce5himm: It was only below $40 if you used a one-off AfterPay sign-up voucher.
You could have equally used that $30 voucher on other Big W items (toilet paper, cleaning products, cosmetics, kitchen appliances, whatever). The voucher was fungible. So it’s a false economy. The game was $39 only if you forego other potential savings.
1st party Nintendo games hardly go on sale after initial launch sales so you will likely end up paying RRP.
Amazon are renowned for sales , not just immediately after launch. So says the pile of bargain switch games deals hardly played.
How difficult is this game? Suitable for an 8 yr old beginner?
Depends on the child and how much experience they have with gaming. Have they played BOTW or other Zelda games? The opening sequence and some of the enemies might be a bit scary for them.
I think they'll enjoy the open world aspect and just wandering around, but the weapons breaking, more difficult enemies to combat and the puzzles that aren't as straight forward might put them off or you'll need to jump in and help out. It can also be difficult to work out what you're meant to do as well because there's so much to do and see (this will depend on the person, I find it hard to keep focus).
I got my partner (non gamer) to play the opening area and it does a good job in terms of explaining the backstory as well as the mechanics. It'll teach you the basics like moving around and combat. As well as using abilities. I think also one of the good things is there's more than one way to solve puzzles/shrines.
You can watch a few videos on YouTube of the opening area bit to get a feel of the game.
Thanks. V helpful. Beginner as mentioned, so will probably start her off with botw or something easier. Will save this for 9th birthday!
@Kanjus: Definitely start with botw if she's a beginner. Some stuff in totk gave me a proper jump scare when I first encountered it as a 30 yo.
My almost 8 year old plays it, but hands the controller over for anything difficult. Fine by me! Absolutely loves it.
If your kid plays fortnite, they can easily play this, fortnite is a much harder game.
It's more of a test to their patience, if anything.
Some bosses even an 88 year old couldn’t beat. But it adds to the magic, some parts of the game should feel impossible to a kid imo.
Finished Botw and now also playing this, imo don’t rush in finishing and just enjoy exploring at the same time.
Still playing this. Still loving it. About to crack 100 hours.
Over 160 hrs here, doing my 4th Regional Phenomenon now… I definitely know how to take my time! =D
Definitely got my $69 worth
You probably need to pay for faster internet, i bet your netflix looks like a lego movie.
True i didnt think much as you clearly dont have a clue so why would i waste my time?
Let me say this, if you think the graphis are comparable to a 25+ year old game you are either A a troll or B visually impaired.@Spendmore: 1) you reply and now you saying you wasting time…
2) I could be A/B but all the youtube game play graphic seems to be pretty shit. Hence why I am asking the question.
It looks about as good as a huge open world game running on mobile hardware that wasn't cutting edge 6 years ago can look.
I was worried it would feel like a struggle after mostly gaming on PS5 / XSX the last few years but honestly the art style still had me stopping and admiring the view at times, more than most current gen games do. Nintendo are (for the most part) very good at working within their boundaries and aren't going for photorealism.
I couldn't agree more, i think its very impressive.
I'm playing BOTW on WiiU and the graphics are amazing, and the world is very immersive. Love the music, changing weather etc.
Graphics are beautiful honestly. I've played alot of this year's AAA games on a high-end PC and I honestly prefer the look of this game. Especially on the handheld oled.
Res and shadows look a bit iffy blown up on a big telly, but the art style and scope of the game more than make up for it.
if you dont have this game, go buy it, you wont regret it! so much to do and discover, best way to wind down after a day at work :)
This will be a bargain price for the next 10 years
$69 nice
bought the switch 3 years and still trying to finish the first one….
haha same here!
Just started BOTW after seeing vids of TOTK and wanting to play that next.
bought the switch 3 years
I thought I will need 1 year to finish such a game, now I think I will need 3 years.
BTW, thinking to buy a Switch.
Buy an oled for this. !!!
Bought this few days after launch. I now have a lvl 80 necromancer on diablo 4.
Never finished botw, probably won't even get past halfway on this, the whole build a battle-bot thing gets boring quickly. Thank god for the resale value on switch games.
I "finished" this game after spending 100 hours on it. Will probably be playing it another 50 hours but those 100 hours went by really quick.
Highly recommend if you enjoyed botw
Try 5OFFPICKUP for $5 down on own pick up.
Thanks op Bought my 3rd copy for my stepson.
Do you need to play botw before playing this?
recommended as this follows on storywise from BOTW.
People keep asking this like playing the most acclaimed game of the last decade is some chore they'd prefer to skip 🤣
My son wanted the game i paid just $32.10 for it.
I bought it at bigW on the weekend online and picked it up it was on special for $69 then i got 10% woolworths rewards card discount then $30 off that because i signed up to Afterpay. Got to use the promo codes listed on ozbargins though.
apply XJUN2023 for 10% discount if you have Everyday Rewards membership
Price matching Big W FYI.