New batch of STRIX cards have just come in and selling well.
Good buy for anyone after a higher end / premium 4080.
OC variant - the base price of $2099 is the best price going around so very good deal after the coupon applied.
New batch of STRIX cards have just come in and selling well.
Good buy for anyone after a higher end / premium 4080.
OC variant - the base price of $2099 is the best price going around so very good deal after the coupon applied.
Agreed, these "deals" are just small discounts on products that are initially way overpriced by nShidia.
I can't understand why people upvote them.
But yeah, terrible deal ,not even a free Diablo with it , hard pass
Yep, at this rate, I'll be keeping my 2070S till the 5000 and 8000 series are released, which is fine with me.
Hi OP, what's your warranty policy on your graphic cards purchased through the ebay store>
Warranty is the same as bought through the shop - so return to us for testing and then refund/replace/repair when needed. 3 year warranty on most graphics cards including this one
For ebay sales up to 30 days from sale, you can lodge a return request against the order and return on ebays return label — in those cases we refund against the return once we have tested, and assuming we verify a fault.
What about for ppl who experience coil whine? Have heard this model in particular can be susceptible.
Please restock the Gigabyte 4080 Gaming OC :)
I was going to get the gaming OC because it was very well reviewed, however ended up with the asus TUF due to stock issues.
I honestly couldn't be happier (my card has no coil whine). Other than being a big card, it runs at full load with fans at about 60%, and barely cracks 65 degrees (keeping in mind it's winter now).
I snoozed on these, thought the Gigabyte would be better due to extra warranty and they seem to reliably not have coil whine. Snooze you lose I guess! Good to know your TUF doesn't have any coil whine.
Completely sold out and can't see us offering the recent price again any time soon.
Similarly sold down or out of the other 4080s we had available. Have been asked a few times to put TUF back up on eBay given we are still showing stock on our main site. Remaining stock is reserved for our builds division and general shop sales, and future buy prices are expected to be higher so won't be going back on eBay at recent prices.
The STRIX also will come back up once we have sold this batch. Its the last at heavily discounted pricing.
Thanks for the heads up. I'd be hoping they'd be coming down though rather than going up! :)
Would be nice to see, but I think the immediate issue is both retailers and distributors are fed up with losing $ over GPUs and thats not a good condition for further drops.
Right now there is a shortage of 4080s in AUS as the channel as well as consumers are hunting for better pricing and no longer willing to keep pushing through volume at and below cost. Hard to predict, but I suspect we will see a small bump up in pricing over the current squeeze and perhaps then a bit of a drop back later in the year, but who knows. A lot comes down to nVidia.
Also keep in mind the 3000 series pricing right now is clearance pricing, they will gradually disappear from the market over coming months as remaining stock sells out.
If you think price will go up I have a bridge to sell you , if they are so popular and selling so well they wouldnt throw deals on them , anything above $1500 is a rip
@foursaken: He's right though, they're a rip.
I'd take a 7900XTX @ $1460 , where I don't need a new PSU cable, and can actually fit it inside my case over any of the Nvidia.
Good features, but they need to be sub $1500, and physically smaller. Neither of those will happen, so for now no sale here and sit on hands.
Personally I've got off this roundabout and even sold my 2080S so I would not be upset about poor RT performance, and gone back to a 1080! You know what, it's passable, and I'll stick with it until the bug guns come under $1k
@foursaken: what, you believe a guy that is selling then that price will go up?
look online mate - there is NO shortage of 4080s anywhere, dollar is going up, economy down, they will have to come down in price or they wont sell them
besides, new 4080ti is prob due out soon that will push this price even further down
a small bump up in pricing over the current squeeze and perhaps then a bit of a drop back later in the year, but who knows
Stupid video card/everything pricing has been around for a few years now. Regression to the mean would say that yeah, everything has to get cheaper. But who the hell knows? What kind of idiot public companies would be making record profits during the longest and most savage period of inflation in most people's lifetimes? Answer: Most of them.
There's no logic in the market. It could go anywhere.
What I don't understand is who is buying video cards for 2k? Surely it can't be end users?
@foursaken: thats true, Nvidia is making a killing yet trying to charge huge $$ for their cards.
The problem is that AMD matches their prices so there is no cheap alternative no more.
If AMD did what they used to do and priced their card at $1k then Nvidia would follow, like they did with 30xx release.
Unfortunately crypto boom stuffed us up then.
I fully expect both AMD and Nvidia to drop $$ on the next release as this cards are not selling as predicted. - thought at least there is ample stock.
@botchie: Agree - the only way this is going to be resolved is when a generation fails. It's an interesting market, and has become a lot like mobile phones I guess - you tend to only upgrade every 2 generations or so? I'm odd generation, so haven't been paying too much attention to the 4xxx's. So the issue with this is that there's going to be a ton of people with money burning a hole in their pocket for the newest; therefore the newest has to be pretty terrible.
I do wonder how much middleware is starting to impact on this market, as it's just so common on Steam, but that's probably more related to the types of games I play.
As for crypto, well who knows!
@foursaken: depends on what you play, if you need 1080 p and say decent 140 hz frames you dont need an expansive card and can still probably play on good old 1080ti.
I don't know who these cards target to be honest, probably as you say, people with more money then sense
if you want to play 4k at max hz then you buy 4090
if you want a good 2k experience I guess 4070ti will do, I play at this range and have 6800xt I bought 2 years ago, still going well with everything I throw at it so I would wait another year or two.
I dare say the best investment I made was buying an OLED gaming monitor - save on GPU and upgrade there first
Hey OP I'm interested in getting this and a matching i7 13th gen cpu - any offers for a matching CPU at the moment?
13600K I think is at a nice price for gaming and general use. At low res a higher end chip might be worth the extra $, but at say 4k, you don't need top end given games tend to be GPU limited
The 7800X3D is the popular high end gaming option, though of course AMD.
Thanks for the reply! Im looking at using some CPU power for non gaming productivity purposes like video editing and rendering so i am after an i7 model.
Hello, any chance you'll have the 13600KF in stock before the 22% discount offer ends? I just can't see myself paying extra $50 for a feature I'll never use so…
Agree that would be the better deal if available, but everyone is out for now and eta uncertain. Won't be more this week.
Hi OP,
Trying to buy a 4070, but your eBay price (without coupon) is listed 10% higher.
Any chance you can match your eBay and online pricing so there is no eBay jacking to validate via coupon?
Costs are higher on eBay, so our nominal price is often higher than the website price nowadays. Of course you are welcome to buy through whichever channel is the best deal for you at any given time.
The 4080 card in this deal is aligned so why not all cards?
Thats one reason I consider the STRIX such a good deal right now. We do have price parity even before coupon at the same price as our major competitors, and so the final eBay price is a few hundred $ under our competitors till this batch sells out or this eBay promotion finishes
The price won't hold, expect the price to go up.
when ever there is a discount in ebay, vendors increase their price of the similar products in their ebay store. Does ebay charge 10% of the product cost as fees to vendors? I don't think that is right.
There are still vendors matching their item price sold in their online store to that of the ebay store. How can they do that?
Its just pure greediness I guess and also to make it a new normal so that even $1799 for a STRIX RTX 4080 seems to be a great deal.
The 40 series is a rip off in general. Dont think its third party resellers fault, nvidia just refuses to discount it further and 3rd party sellers cant sell at a loss.
Very true in regards to the 40 series but I was referring to every other items sold in their ebay store with marked up prices when compared to their online store.
What competing card would you recommend? I have been looking at getting the 4080 for productivity + gaming. AMD offerings seem to be good if youre only gaming
If you want the best it's Nvidia tbh, if not for their hardware and cuda cores for their software and game drivers. That's why they are charging the way they are, they just know they are the best rn.
AMD is a close second, good hardware but their software and drivers isn't on par with Nvidia (yet) and they started to charge as if they are Nvidia.
I will be building a new pc next month (for AI and games) and my only choice is Nvidia even though I know it's a rip off.
I like reading OP's replies.
Does ebay charge 10% of the product cost as fees to vendors?
eBay only covers a small portion of the discount, like <10% with the remainder covered by the seller and then fees ontop. Each sale is different.
Don't expect a reply from OP, as eBay prohibits sellers from talking about it. Otherwise they won't be able to participate in future sales.
Ebay knows and lets them do it. The ACCC is utterly worthless and should be dissolved and all the money that goes to them should be spent mounting a siege on Ebay's Australia headquarters.
Hey op, do you still have the tuf available on your ebay store? I can see that you have listed it in stock at your own website.
As per above response, won't be any more TUFs or the other "budget" 4080s at heavily discounted prices near term.
Hi OP, any deals on 4090s before sale ends?
Various 4090 models have sold steadily during the sale and not much left. Still willing to sell off more TUF OC at the discounted price.
TUF models I think can be priced a bit high relative to their competitions base models, though a bit of a gap is perhaps justified from our experience. They are a good deal at the current ebay pricing.
on that note, any chance of new GPUs for the 4070ti or 7900xt being in stock and dropping the an all time low of around $~1100?
looking at your current stock it seems unlikely but still interested in your opinion! thanks for giving your thoughts on this forum
Unlikely though not impossible there may be some last minute tweaks.
Taking a look at our current stock levels and feedback from the channel about likely future pricing vrs current market price, I don't expect to be restocking models in large volume except where we can secure a viable price - no easy task at present. That practically means we are not in a hurry to buy more stock we have to dump at and below cost, and I don't expect to be selling at current sale prices again for some time (many of which have been under the best distribution price)
A large part of our business is in SME through corporate business, in addition to our managed services clients, and for the last week or two of the FY, our focus is largely on them. Tomorrow will be the end of our broad retail EOFY effort. We will still be offering worthwhile deals, just in a narrower range that crosses over with our SME business, so probably not GPUs, more gear like notebooks etc.
@Computer Alliance: Appreciated. As an end consumer, the price of GPUs is a thorn in my side, but it makes sense that businesses are also being forced to buy them at somewhat higher prices than before.
I have a corsair 570x case with a Rog 3080 OC on it…would i need a vertical mount for this card?
Will it be worth $600 in 2 years? Hodl for UE5/pathtracing gpu
I think so. 2nd hand 3080's are going for around $900 on eBay right now and they're over 2yrs old.
I'd like to thank nvidia for screwing the 2nd hand market with these extortionate prices. It used to only cost me $500ish to sell my old gpu and upgrade. Not anymore. Not by a long shot.
Thanks for this OP. I bought one, and also used same code for a motherboard and RAM.
@Computer Alliance any idea when the Intel Core i9 13900KF CPU might be back in stock? Or even just the K? Thanks.
Sadly, they are still not what they should have been from the beginning, let alone a good deal half a year after release.