• out of stock

VESSEL TD-76 Ultra Thin Flat Ratchet Screwdriver, Straight Type $12.33 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $49 Spend) @ Amazon JP via AU

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Long time lurker, first time poster.

I've been on the hunt for a compact set of tools for my bike saddle bag and came across a recommendation for the Vessel TD-76 on reddit a while back.

After a few months of consideration, I was about to hop in the car this afternoon and head to Sydney Tools to pick up one for $22. Before doing so, I thought I'd double check if Amazon had some random price drop, and sure enough, the item had dropped in price, likely due to the recent addition of the Amazon JP store items to the AU store.

  • Amazon(amazon.com.au) - $12.33 + shipping (free with Prime or with $49 spend)
  • Sydney Tools(sydneytools.com.au) - $22

HomeAlone also found VESSEL TD-70 Flat Plate Ratchet Screwdriver Set(amazon.com.au) for $12.72 if you're looking for an alternative.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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Amazon AU
Amazon AU
Amazon Japan Store
Amazon Japan Store

closed Comments

    • -1

      Please go easy on me!
      Anw, great find OP!

    • +32

      It's likely not necessary for most; however this community can be absolutely unrelenting and ruthless especially for newbies that want to give it a crack, so I can understand why some people put it there in the hopes that if they post a crappy deal (eg. The price can be found cheaper elsewhere) people will go a little easier on them… At the end of the day they're just trying to contribute to this community.

      • You only need to make sure a better deal isn’t active or available with a simple search and you won’t get assassinate by the community, or obvious sockpuppeting, etc.

        • +2

          Sometimes even as a long time poster I've had deals posted where the item has been found cheaper, because my mind skipped looking at a particular site (not everything comes up in google searches either).

          I've also seen newbies get assassinated for similar mistakes. And for them they're on a learning curve so absolutely we should be easier on them, just like we wouldn't be harsh on some long timer posted a deal but forgot that you can get better with price match or some random store has it better.

      • -5

        who cares. it's not like they know who you are. also why do i care about a bunch of randoms who could have a combined EQ/IQ of 20. No wonder there's so many mental health issues these days. I'm going to get negged to buggery I'm sure. Instead of getting anxious over it, I'm actually very happy when 95% of the population don't agree with me. Not being part of the majority is a good thing.

        • +3

          Snowflake getting triggered by a simple 'please be kind' request.

          "Reee, don't tell me to be kind! You should toughen up! Reee!"

          Irony so palpable, you could help improve your bowel movement with it!

          • @Zaptruder: lol… I'll preface all my interactions with please be kind if it makes you happy. If you can't see what's wrong with that then I'm afraid the moment has passed.. too late.

            • @gimme: You can and should! Would probably help with your disposition as normal decent people treat you a little better.

        • +1

          Not being part of the majority is a good thing.

          At the same time, the majority of the population in Oz are decent, trustworthy people. Having to tell yourself that you're 'special' and 'not part of the herd' all the time isn't necessarily a thing to be proud of.

          I am not sure why you took such offense at the OP's opening.

          • -1

            @rumblytangara: rhat being the case then OP doesn't need to worry or ask ppl to be kind then. Society is screwed if you need to ask for kindness for a bargain post

            • +2


              Ahahahaha - What a complete hypocrite. The irony could reinforce a new block of apartments.


              gimme on 10/05/2013
              Hey Guys
              Be Nice - This is my first post.
              Just got this coupon forwarded to me in an email and it seems like a really good deal.

              So, if you're such a rugged individualist and proudly not part of the 95% herd, what was all this about?

              Or has it taken ten years of hard Ozbargaining rough and tumble to turn you into a tough Internet Warrior (aka triggered snowflake) that you clearly are today?

              • -3

                @rumblytangara: Not quite - You may think that at face value HOWEVER I was trying to get some kickback. Knowing the psyche of the people here I wanted to come across 'nice' and a 'noob' so as not to attract too much attention. It worked bahahaha! People got a bargain and I got my cut so win/win. Sure go ahead and say something about my character etc - from one random to another makes no difference.
                PS: Some people are way too emotionally invested in inconsequential internet forums to spend time and dig up old posts. Bit sad really but hey whatever tickles the pickle.

                • @gimme: Digging up old posts? It is literally 2 mouse clicks and less than five seconds. Are you going to seriously hide behind that after starting all this in the first place?

                  What a gutless wonder.

      • Then why would ppl concerned about that even post here? Why have a negging system at all? All it does is get hijacked by the bullies who think they own the place.
        There are mods here.If the behaviour is as you say it is, why are they looking away, given they have the rules to address inappropriate,posts,behaviour and negging?
        Interestingly, I have noticed the biggest bullies seem to be the biggest sooks and do the most lagging. And those who demand free speech , are the first to try to shut alternate voices down. By any means.

        • +1


      • +1
    • Come at me bruh?

    • +12

      Maybe you need to grow a heart and exercise some moral imagination. For all you know OP could be a 16-year-old kid being bullied at school and seeking solace in an online community.

      • Could be a hoon who speeds around Sydney in his sportscar too… However, the Tin Woodman does need a heart.

  • +2

    VESSEL TD-70 Flat Plate Ratchet Screwdriver Set(amazon.com.au)

    Comes with all the same bits as the TD-76.
    Can also be used with 1/4" socket bits, but this also means that it's not as thin as the TD-76.

    • nice find!

      I'd pick one up if I didn't already own multiple 1/4" drive sets haha

  • -2

    Similar tool (but without any bits) shows up as one of my "choose 3 for AU$3 each" aliexpress picks on the app

  • -4

    surely this thing is going to fall apart and when it does you wonder what did you expect for $12

    • +7

      Would it still fall apart if I pay $22?

      • I can sell it for as much as he’d like.
        If that helps him to feel better lol

      • -2

        yes. decent tools cost decent money. not less than a zinger meal

        • So you're saying we shouldn't buy tools that are on sale and pay the RRP instead (in this case $~22 according to the Amazon page)?

    • +7

      Maybe do some research on the brand.

      Great deal OP

      • +3

        I must admit I'd never heard of Vessel up until recently, but the reviews online seem to be good, and they've been around in Japan for 80 years apparently? I buy a lot of AliExpress stuff, but I do feel like this might be in a different league. Definitely not a Wera, but a Japanese brand made in Taiwan? I'll take it.

    • I'm a tradiw and i find many of these tools super nice, i had a flat screwdriver from a deal that lasted two years

  • +1

    Thanks OP and welcome aboard the OzBargain train. There are a lot of rude people here, whenever I post on marketplace people ring up and abuse me for other posts I make.

  • +2

    Awesome, more EDC tools

  • +3

    There's a review of this kind of tools on YouTube, maybe handy.


    • yeah I do agree with this guy about the number of teeth being pretty low.

      In the garage and around the house, does it matter? Maybe. But I probably have other tools available if I need them.

      For my bike, does it matter in an emergency? Probably not.

  • If you type "mini ratchet" in AliExpress search engine, you can buy this item for $3 Inc. GST. Not suitable for high torque applications, it will snap.

    • The AliExpress ones do not come with any low profile bits. Normal bits would probably work but not as slim.

      • If you look further in the results, you can find a few listings with 10 bits included for less than $7 inc. GST. delivered.

    • +2

      you buying this one simply due to the brand. would be a easy pass if it was generic. but VESSEL is a very reputable japanese brand

  • Thanks will be handy to keep in my backpack

  • Doesn’t have a manual notched manual turn knob for when the screw is a bit looser

  • +1

    Showing $32.95 now :(

  • Just wait for this Bosch set to go on sale https://www.amazon.com.au/Bosch-Screwdriver-Ratchet-Colour-C…

  • https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004524101740.html?spm=a2…


    i have the second one, it is actually pretty decent for the price(the dual end one).

    • Your name

  • Back in stock and slightly cheaper at $11.98

    3 available.

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