AliExpress Item Not Posted and Refund Doesn’t Include GST - Should I Go through PayPal?

Hi, purchased an item from Aliexpress from a Choice seller which I thought were more reliable. It seems my parcel was returned to the seller and I’ll need to open a dispute.

My reading is that they will only offer a refund on the purchase price not GST etc. Can I open a dispute with PayPal instead? Is there a way to get the GST also refunded?

Thank you.

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  • +2

    i've made over 1500 orders with aliexpress and am surprised that your GST has not been refunded.

    I've checked my most most recent cancelled order (may 2023) and the full amount (inclusive of GST) was refunded.

    how are you checking the refund amount? i.e desktop browser webpage? PayPal?

    • Thanks. I haven’t opened this dispute yet. I made one dispute earlier last year and they only refunded the item price - paid in usd and was offered the usd equivalent back so I could see it wasn’t currency changes.
      That was a cheap item. This time I spent $130USD so would like the gst if $13usd. there’s a number of posts about this occurring from a few years back on reddit but no updates.

      This is also the first time I’ve purchased a Choice listed item. It’s very inconvenient. Messages don’t go to the seller they seem to go to AE Choice which provides an automated response instantly saying if the item wasn’t posted or is returned to the seller wait 10 days and open a dispute.
      I’d just like them to post it again :-)

      Based on your response I’m hoping that’s fixed.

  • Just lodge via PayPal , you get the full amount back.

    Source: I recently disputed a missing package with Ali

    • I have started using their pay after receiving. Does mean they have my credit card details.Will see if this is a mistake. So far so good.

  • When your parcel is returned to seller, it's straightforward. You open a dispute with the reason being that the parcel was not received because it was returned to seller. The AliExpress system sees the status of the shipment and instantly issues a refund for the full amount including GST. The seller does not have to respond. There may be a difference in the amount refunded if the exchange rate has changed since the time the purchase was made.

  • Never had an issue with AliExpress and refunds. They have always refunded me the amount I paid.

    And that is an age old scam from Ali sellers, to fake send your parcel out when they don’t have it, or are waiting on more orders to come in to make a bulk purchase. It will sit at “waiting to be picked up for weeks, and then when you ensure, they will tell you it was returned to them when the fact is they never sent it, because there are huge penalties for sellers delaying shipments.

  • What is the amount of the GST?

  • For me Ali works better than ebay.
    QLD Transport also keeps the GST on services not provided!

  • I've always gotten the full amount back?

    But with the Choice $2.xx per item ones I notice after I place the order, the item prices change to $5.xx each and the GST is counted on that amount but I'm charged $2.xx for the items so not sure wth is happening there.
    Works out though because when I disputed an item for being broken, Aliexpress refunded me $5.xx for it

  • Yes, use PP. I've had issues with AliExpress and refunds sometimes, and if the system short changes you then none of the staff can do anything about it.
    It's the classic 90s "the computer says X and I have no mind of my own" problem.

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