We've found ourselves in a position where we're looking at potentially going all-in on PV tech for our current house, but are getting lost on the conflicting - or at best, one-sided advice from various folk. I'm hoping for some real world experience and advice on what may work best for us.
So here's the situation… we have single story house in Sydney with no solar, and an old gas continuous hot water system that is long overdue for replacement.
We're also long overdue for a car upgrade, so will potentially be looking at EVs real soon.
There are a lot of articles, videos etc online that talk about adding one or the other of the above to an established system - dealing with the various challenges involved, but we haven't had much luck finding anyone talking about what a good full solution looks like using today's tech.
What does good mean to us? Ideally, lots of smarts… fast charging an EV optimally, while maximising feed in & minimising any draw from the grid. A good hybrid inverter that can keep the batteries charged & the important stuff powered in a blackout. A new hot water system that integrates nicely with it all.
The hot water question has us most confused. Heat Pumps seem all the rage, but from what we can tell, they might not make sense as part of a larger solar setup. Some seem to suggest that a old-school electric hot water system + a timer/diverter may actually work better.
Anyone been through something similar recently? As a bonus, we'd love to find a supplier in the Sydney metro area that can design, install, and support this sort of system.
TL;DR - We're looking to do Solar Power + Battery + EV charger + Hot Water in one go. What's the ideal setup using the latest and greatest (not necessarily looking to spend stupid money, just a bang for buck system that works together well maximises self use and feed in.)
I’m in the midst of this.
I’ve gone with an old school hot water, as the extra cost for a heat pump isn’t warranted if I can have enough solar PV panels.
We have 3kW solar now, I’m looking to add probably 8kw, to heat water, run RC AC as our main heating during the day and probably add a battery too.
The financials for the battery aren’t compelling, but I can’t see power prices falling in future.
Charging an EV is really very dependent on your circumstances. If I replaced my car, I could probably charge it from a 1kW system, I drive so infrequently. But my spouse does 200+km per day for work, and would mostly charge at night…
So I am leaving that out of the equation for now.
Get some quotes from a few local installers, look around on Whirlpool etc. to check any brands that might be known as unreliable, and don’t pay any extra for options you might use in future, chances are they will be cheaper by then.