So I was building a home in Marsden Park with a custom builder who was providing me with a competitive quote earlier.
He was successful in getting my plans and all the approvals for starting construction a week back. But then he mentioned that the plot of land has been assesed with a high BAL rating of 29 and my build costs would go up by 20k for a Double storeyed home.
I checked with another neighbor who is building on the same street and he confirmed the BAL rating. Somehow my solicitor didnt even mention it when settling the land in January
Am I being taken for a ride by the builder? Are these costs legit?
Edit: Just checked my plot on and I can see a "Bushfire Zone Buf 2" specification. Any one knows what that eqates to in BAL?
20k looks about right.
We built in a Bal 29 zone about 10 years ago for a single storey and the costs was around 9k.