The $6.95 Giant Snack Pack comes with Nuggets and Popcorn Chicken@ on a big ol' bed of Chips. Not everywhere and not forever. Pick up only.
Giant Snack Pack $6.95, 8 Wicked Wings for $8 (Pickup Only) @ KFC

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No it’s not, that’s kilojoules, not calories. It’s ~1110 calories. Which is still insane for a “snack”
You have to remember that I meant to say
People have to remember that you made a typo / mistake, before you admitted to it?
@AustriaBargain: You couldn't just admit you made a mistake could you, instead you had to keep digging.
The commonly used phrase - more than twice half.
That still doesn't make sense. Start with 1, twice is 2, half is back to 1. More than twice half is still more than 100%.
Why can't people just remember you meant to say "more than half"?
@AustriaBargain: more than twice half and half again, gotta admit, you had me at the first two halves (and half again)
You have to remember that I meant to say more than twice half your recommended calories.
Learn to be a better human being. Admit when you make a mistake. Schools teaches little kids this basic concept
@MuddyClear: Why's everyone getting on a high horse about him sarcastically avoiding admitting fault?
🎶 woooooo the negs are getting biggeeeerr
Yes but for Giants is fine
Maybe in Austria….
Gotta congratulate you for the snarkiest, most sarcastic, most hilarious comment thread of the week (I know its only Tuesday)
And it’s in a KFC post 😂
Kardiologist Frequently Contacted?
Kiss Fat Cxxxx
No you are so wrong! Is Kids Fun Club!
Kids Fattening Centre
I don't care, I love it
Klingon's fuark cids?
Shut up and take my money
Can you pm me your bsb and account number then?
why do u need his bsb and account number to take his money?
cause if you send someone money and write "uno reverse card" in the description, you will receive money instead
give it a try, preferably with $20000 pls
Sign him up for direct debits
People actually like and quote these ads? After this many years?
Its a meme at this point.
It was a meme, from Futurama, then KFC appropriated it and ran it even further into the ground than normal.
KFC is alright, sometimes satisfying, often disappointing. I have nothing against them. But their ad campaigns are from hell. I wouldn't care if they just wouldn't re-use the same thing for years and also show up in places where their stupid ad pops up EVERY other ad break (e.g. tv or youtube).
@hetzjagd: Not saying i like it. Just saying. They are a business. They run ads. Just like every other business in it to make money.
Going by kfc reusing the same ads. I guess its working for them. Or they would have changed it already.
Again not saying i like it either but <insert this is business meme here>
about as giant as 3x3 grid nugget size?
Great I’ll take 10
Based on the image it looks like a small chips/Popcorn Chicken and 5 nuggets. I reckon their nugs are rather lacking so don't think it's worth the $6.95 in my case. Thanks for sharing regardless OP
Speaking of nuggets does anyone remember when Hungry Jack's had the best nuggets in the game? Sort of peppery, longer and more slender than a usual nugget. I'm still upset with the change to this day and if anyone knows what that supplier/product is that'd be cool
If you click into it on the app it says 2 portions of chips (so probably equal to a large chips?) 6 nuggets and popcorn chicken. Popcorn chicken is listed as 3002kj so equal to a maxi popcorn chicken.
Wow a maxi Popcorn Chicken for less than the regular $9 asking price with extras on top. Guess the advertisement wanted to make it look pretty instead of generous. Thanks for clearing up my misinterpretation
Pretty easy to count the KJ instead of trying to guess based on presentation
@King Steuart: We've got some disagreement from Jessie Ryder down there so I think it's easier to get mislead than you think. If they showed an entire bucket of Popcorn Chicken or chips I'd expect them to serve me a bucket's worth (or equivalent amount to that advertised)
I don't think so, if you add up two Small Chips, 6 Nuggs and Maxi Popcorn its over the 4600kj for the pack, those items are over 6500kj.
I will wait till they are over 9000.
Yeah it doesn't add up. The kj listed is probably wrong.
Guess we have to wait until either someone gets it and confirms or an employee does.
2 portions of chips (so probably equal to a large chips?
Just to confirm, two smalls at KFC is a large chips. Same thing if you gravy cancel a combo to include chips
gravy cancel a combo
Why does this sound like a fighting game technique.
@Ttch: Because I learnt about it from the fighting game community in Melbourne, any gravy order can be changed to a small chops
Nuggets are going for almost $1each these days (I had an 'offer' for 3 for $2.95… so this is decent value in comparison
If only this came with a holy Trinity of KFC sauces-supercharged, bbq and pepper mayo….
You could always ask?
Some said 50 cents each… XD
Local is 60c each, such a ripoff
It doesnt come with any sauce lol, atleast the original came with supercharged sauce
I've been having mcFeast for lunch everyday over the past week. Time to swap it up a bit.
How’s your health?
Muddy clear
I’m more of a maccas Angus burger kinda operator but I can respect your choice
Is the Angus on special though? McFeast meal for $5.95 for the past fortnight at least.
Oh what I totally missed it
@digitalbath: Dang must be app specific
I only have trash offers like free delivery orders over $45, 20% off orders over 40, $1 apple pie, $1 frozen coke
@Jimothy Wongingtons: Have you checked between the times CptnObvious mentioned? If not, check again now.
The $5 McFeast meal was my go to snack back in the day. Nice to see it has returned, even if ~20% inflation
Class action lawsuit against KFC for misuse of the word Giant.
Clearly marketing is from a very disappointed woman.
It's a giant snack not a giant meal
That's what she said
I’ll stick to the 6 spicy pieces add on for 7.45
Pretty sure it's 4 pieces unless you know some secret hack?
He's referring to the hot & crispy 6 pieces.
We need a poll !!
Had a giant snack pack last week, can confirm is giant.
edit: no actually I mean a Kentucky Snack Pack ($3.95), the Giant Snack Pack is a new SKU
Where do you find the wicked wings deal?
I have it in my KFC app. if you don't have it try relogging, could work. Don't think its targetted as my other new acc has it too
Changes since the last time I posted them:
Change Price Description ID New 6.95 $6.95 Giant Snack Pack C-32322-prod New 9.95 Original Tower® Burger C-32481-prod New 9.95 Zinger Tower® Burger C-32482-prod New 13.45 Tower® Burger Combo - Regular C-32483-prod New 16.45 Tower® Burger Box - Regular C-32485-prod New 2.0 Hash Brown C-32487-prod New 8.45 Brekky Wrap C-32480-prod New 11.95 Brekky Wrap Combo - Regular C-32479-prod New 13.95 Fave Crave Box C-32288-prod New 13.95 Triple Stacker Burger C-31287-prod New 17.45 Triple Stacker Burger Combo - Regular C-32478-prod New 4.95 Large Chips ADD ON C-32505-prod New 7.45 Maxi Popcorn ADD ON C-32506-prod New 4.95 Large Potato & Gravy ADD ON C-32507-prod New 4.95 Large Coleslaw ADD ON C-32508-prod New 5.45 6 Nuggets ADD ON C-32509-prod New 8.0 8 for $8 Wicked Wings C-32407-prod New 10.95 2 Piece Combo - Regular C-32200-prod New 9.95 Original Tower® Burger C-32498-prod New 9.95 Zinger Tower® Burger C-32499-prod New 13.45 Tower® Burger Combo - Regular C-32500-prod New 16.45 Tower® Burger Box - Regular C-32502-prod New 8.0 $8 Festive Feed - Regular C-32494-prod New 12.0 $12 Double Zinger Feast - Regular C-32495-prod New 11.0 $11 Double Tender Mates Pack C-32496-prod $ changed 5.95 -> 3.95 Kentucky Snack Pack C-32392-prod Removed 4.95 $4.95 Mashies Fill Up Until 4pm C-32464-prod Removed 4.95 Original Mashies 6 piece C-32465-prod Removed 7.95 Original Mashies 12 piece C-32466-prod Removed 14.95 Original Mashies Box - Regular C-32469-prod Removed 6.95 Zinger® Chipster C-31155-prod Removed 7.95 Zinger® Crunch Sliders C-32231-prod Removed 7.95 Tender Crunch Burger C-32272-prod Removed 10.0 20 for $10 Original Mashies C-32472-prod Removed 10.0 15 Wicked Wings C-32377-prod Removed 15.0 Value Burger Box C-32139-prod Real hero don't wear capes.
someone something kfc
Someone callous, heartless, unemotional, unsympathetic, aloof, and blasé
Then offering moolah.
RIP 15 Wicked Wings for $10 sadface
I miss that. I want that back.
My belly fat doesn't
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