HSBC 2% Account Error Charges

Hi all,

I have the HSBC global 2% cashback account which I'm sure many here have. A friend mentioned to me that he just noticed a few times he was charged the same thing twice on the account so I reviewed mine and sure enough multiple times there have been 2 charges for the exact same amount and time to the second.

I can only review the last 90 days on my app. I contacted HSBC and they have said to look through my transactions and lodge a complaint against each which seems ridiculous when it's their fault. So just wondering if anyone else has noticed this and if you have this account recommend having a look at transactions because if it's both of us it's bound to be pretty prevalent and worth raising awareness and maybe there's a way to put pressure on HSBC to fix this if there's numbers involved.


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  • This is so strange as I noticed the same thing.

    I had just assumed it was a late transaction from previously.

  • I checked mine and it looks okay

  • I remembered seeing it for a while and I thought it might be a glitch. Then it disappeared

  • I only send when I plan to spend.

    My account is looking good.

  • mine doesn't seem to have this issue, thank god. I am like others. I only keep around $100 in there and only top up when I do transactions, so I am always keeping tabs on the spend anyway

  • Are you sure you didn't split the transaction multiple times to take advantage of the 2%

  • +1

    Is it a glitch where it's just recording the transaction twice or are you actually being charged for it twice? Wouldn't you have noticed your money disappearing into thin air if it was the latter?

  • Thanks for the feedback, so my friend pursued it with them and yes they had been taking money twice! It's the only person I know who has HSBC and seems crazy that we both had the issue.
    A few charges were for 30 dollars and with HSBC not being instant transfer for me I had a few hundred in there and hadn't been watching it too strictly because I'd only use for smaller transactions to get the 2% benefit.

    I have to go through all of mine now to then tell them about each and would strongly encourage others to check, it kind of looks like an error charge but they it doesn't revert back even weeks later. Abit frustrating that they don't do the leg work for their error. Seems like a major stuff up really for using your debit card in the normal way as apple pay. I'd like to warn more people but don't know how to spread the word more effectively.

    • +1

      Its a problem for me because some of my transactions look identical.

      Did yours have different posting dates? Because one of mine look identical but it has a different posting date.

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