This was posted 1 year 9 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS5, PS4, XSX, XB1] Diablo IV $73.99 Delivered @ Mighty Ape


Just ordered this myself

Diablo 4 PS5 / Series X for $73.99 delivered from MightyApe…

Using code from previous deal here:

Note the code is one use per account so if you have already used it on your account, you will need to create a new account.

Original Coupon Deal

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Mighty Ape Australia

closed Comments

  • +36

    I wish PC price is this cheap

    • +28

      This is why physical games are important.

      • +8

        $110 for the base game is just insane.

        Though it is worth keeping in mind that on console you have to pay to play online -> but I mean console owners all already pay for this generally.

          • +5

            @M0squit0Man: I remember paying 70 or 80 dollars for Sega master system games in the 90s…though generally they were cheaper but it wasn't uncommon

          • +3

            @M0squit0Man: Yeah but since then games used to be physical. They sued have to print discs, covers and cases and ship it all.

            Now, we pay for internet to download, can’t sell it, and the market is 5x what it used to be.

            I’d say they are doing just fine.

          • @M0squit0Man: The children have answered

          • +4

            @M0squit0Man: Its not about inflation. It's about whether people wages have gone up or not and it hasn't gone up enough to justify a massive price high. It was expensive back then and it's expensive now.

        • +2

          I watched the recent Skill-up review and he says the game is priced fairly compared to the hours of gameplay you would get from it at launch. But of course on Ozbargain we should never pay full price :)

          • +2

            @nomadspartan: The problem with this is even trash games will start charging the same price saying that our game also has 100+ hours of gameplay. Would always prefer high quality games over bloated content and this sort of pricing strategy.

          • +4

            @nomadspartan: I'm not trying to decide for everyone but personally $110 for a game with mAcrotransactions (usd25 for a horse armor DLC on first day of release) plus Battlepass and paying to play online is madness. Blizzard lost me forever when they were charging north of USD540,000 for max upgrades in Diablo Immortal. Yes, you read that right, that's $800,000 in AUD that you can potentially spend on a mobile game. To make it worse, the upgrade options are hidden until you've spent about $100,000. I've been around since Diablo 1 and I'm honestly happy for those who can still enjoy the game without burning their pockets, but I'm far too disillusioned with Blizzard to support them any longer.

            • -1

              @gasura: Wow. How do you even make a payment that large on a mobile game? Pretty sure you need a special kind of bank payment as that's way past the payment limit on a personal bank account.

            • @gasura: I played immortal till story bit was done then some more to kill time I don't have lol…then uninstalled it. Diablo is my fave PC game (II being on the top of that list) but I just do the campaign's then move on.

            • @gasura: So you enjoyed and supported Blizzard North, and not Entertainment.

            • @gasura: Seriously? They have special 'extra-fleecing' products for ppl who've dropped 100k? Am i understanding that right?

              • @Sxio: That's right. Just Google "$540000 diablo immortal reddit" if you want to see the full discussion thread. And it's USD540000 only if you're really lucky with the gacha, so the max amount can very well go above $1m. I wish more countries would follow in the footsteps of Belgium and Netherlands in banning predatory games like this.

                • +1

                  @gasura: That is…. just
                  unconscionable. Wow. What the (profanity) is going on over there?

                  I used to love Blizzard but I think that's the final straw. That is just… wow. Unbelievable. They can see people have a problem so they see how much they can take. After the millions and millions they've already made. I am so disappointed.

                  • -1

                    @Sxio: How much do you want to hold people's hand?
                    At some point people need to take ownership of their own problems and stop looking for someone else to blame when things go wrong.

                    • @2024: But no-one is doing those things here?

                      I am aghast that a huge company would actively target ppl who clearly have a problem. There are other companies who don't do this for the exact same reason, these are sad individuals throwing their money away on digital item who need help. So i judge blizzard for actively targeting these ppl. It's disgusting.

                      Gotta say, your attitude is pretty negative. It's very 'survival of the fittest' but we live in a society. We can expect more from companies and institutions than simply preying on the weak.

            • -2

              @gasura: Wow, it's like blizzard puts a gun to your head forcing you to spend money on a free game.

          • @nomadspartan: +1 for your choice of reviewer!!!

        • -3

          yeah, Id never pay $100 for point and click game, will wait thx till high seas bring a release

      • +2

        If only PC was physical, even a code in a box at least there would be price competition for this game on PC.

    • -5

      do you also wish to pay an extra $10/month to play online?

      • +1

        $5/month with easily obtained 25% discount.
        Also includes free games etc.

        • $5/month or free. Which is it?

          • +1

            @Valowick: Lol good call 😂
            Perhaps I should have said 'incuded extra games' for that $5

    • I thought XSX games can run on PC too?

      edit - nevermind, you need game pass for that to happen and it plays on cloud.

    • +1

      Its physical vs digital, one has a competitive market place the other is a monopoly. Only thing stopping third party PC key sellers is pure greed.

    • Both Ps and Xbox require a subscription in order to play online. It's definitely worth it if you plan on playing for a long time. Personally, I've been playing D3 for 9 years, although not as much in the past couple of years.

  • JBHIFI wont price match this will they? Seems they don't price match coupons.

    • +1

      That's been my experience
      Amazon usually won't go through and price match based on a coupon either

    • +1

      You can try price match through online chat usually works for me

  • +2

    why is the digital version on pc so much more expensive.. doesnt make sense

    • +5

      It does to Blizzard, on PC it’s only available on their store, they get 100% of the sales value and they know how much people want to play it so they have price it as high as they think they can get away with. Of course some people like myself would never pay $110. But millions of other people who aren’t me will give them $110, even if they grumble about it lol

      • +1

        Not quite, EB Games is selling physical game cards for the PC version in-store - same price as Blizzard directly. It's not listed on the EB website for some reason. Might be able to use cashbacks on gift cards to bring the actual price down a bit.

        • According to JB's June 2nd email newsletter they are meant to have PC codes in store as well from June 6th. Probably full retail price.

        • Ultimate giftcards (inc. EbGames) at Coles is 10% off at the moment.
          So basically $100 for D4 PC version.

      • -3

        Not quite right, although you're right that the game is only sold on their online store so they have no competition, but I think the main reason is that on pc you only have to pay once to play the game all the time and don't have to pay for the online game, but on other platforms like PS or XBOX you have to pay for the online game after you buy the game.

    • -1

      because the retail stores are subsidising it for you….

    • +9

      Thanks for thanking him for letting us know…..

      • -3

        Thanks for thanking him for letting us know…..

        No worries

  • Cheers, ordered

  • Ordered. Thanks!

  • +2

    Did anyone see that Diablo billboard "Welcome to Hell" with the choked out New York skyline.

    Happy for Blizzard to luck out from the environmental disaster. Silver lining in every cloud and all that!

  • +4

    The only game I am playing to end 2023. Probably 2024.

    Insane game.

    • +2

      Agreed, great game. I'm biased though as its my favourite franchise of all time.

  • +2

    Thanks, bought a copy now the reviews are mainly positive and no major launch issues.
    Down with pre ordering!

  • +1

    Shame PC is so expensive , would jump in at this price.

  • +2

    My copy was delivered today… I paid $10 more from Amazon last week.
    I know what I'm doing tonight, maybe worth it. :)

  • Have never played any game as much as this one in the last few years, and that's from just under a week. Played on PC, been awesome.

  • +3

    FYI Mightyape ships out from New Zealand. May come with a different cover, as Elden Ring I purchased from them had an odd New Zealand classification label.

  • good price for those that missed out on getting it for $70 and change from gamesmen ebay during the last sales pre-release

  • Any pc version available?

    • +1

      Best you could do for the PC version is maybe cashbacks on gift cards and buying a game card in-store at EB Games. Still $109.95. It's not listed on the website but it's there in the gift card section.

  • -2

    Bring on the switch release! You sad mofos down voting me. Switch is the only real console here.

  • Such a good game, worth the $140 I paid on PC.

    • I'm with you mate,0 regrets paying up to get earlier access, I'm sure I've already lost 30-40 hours to this game

      • +2

        Same here I just look forward to playing it after work each day, it's been a long time since a game has had that effect on me. The only bad thing is I cant keep track of time I swear I log on for a bit and it's already 1am :(

  • Is it worth playing as a solo player or not as fun?

    • +3

      still good solo for sure

  • I assume there are heaps of us playing this game thanks to this Xbox deal.
    What level is everyone up to?

    • 43 here, haven't really been grinding much just stuck to the campaign… Just finished Act 6 yesterday.

      • Nice, it's smart to focus on the story since enemies will be capped at level 50 if you don't get to world tier 3.

    • 53 but there are loads of 60-70 level people running around already

      • Yeah fair point and I'm one of them lol! A guy in our clan reached 100 yesterday but he got early access though. My current goal is to get to 73 so I won't have any level handicaps when doing world tier 4.

  • How well does this game translate to controller vs. Mouse and keyboard?

    • +2

      It plays extremely well on controller, the game was made with controller very much in mind.

    • I played the beta on PC with and without controller. Controller feels much better than keyboard and mouse.

  • +3

    To anyone losing their minds over the PC price being $109.95, just take a minute to think about all the poor souls that purchased Redfall for $119.95…

  • Am I missing out much only playing in offline mode?(have ps5 copy)
    I mean is the world boss /end game content worth paying for the ps+ ? Or best to sell ps5 version and get pc instead

    • +3

      I don't believe you can play in offline mode, it's a mmo arpg.

      • Yep you can, just press O (on PS) to cancel at the ps plus screen then start playing. It will prompt that you are playing without online features.

  • +4

    Good timing for everyone who had their Ultimate Edition hack cancelled this morning.

    • Good while it lasted i suppose!

  • This and the good cod titles are the only games I am honestly really willing to pay full price for oh and if they ever get around to doing a Warcraft 4 but honestly at this point I am resigned to the idea that that will never happen so looks like cod and diablo until I die.

  • $110 game with microtransactions AND a paid battle pass. What a f***ing joke.

    • What are the micro transactions for?

      • +2

        Purely cosmetic. I don’t see much point personally as the character models are so small unless you zoom in.

    • +1

      It has a lot of content for what you pay, the microtransactions are cosmetic only and arguably nothing special over what you can already get in the game.

      • +1

        It's absolute insanity that the consumer has been brainwashed into purchasing a game for $110 that has a chunk missing from day 1 to milk you as much as possible. It's a roleplaying game, cosmetics is basically a core function of the game.

        • Yup it's criminal that gamers have been brainwashed into rationalising "cosmetics only" justifies anything… It's an essential part of the gaming experience and was always a given back in the old days of video games. Stop giving them leeway to gouge the living shit out of you! Before you know it the next mainline CoD and Zelda games have $1,000,000 spendable gambling mechanic money sinks targeted at vulnerable people.

        • +1

          To be honest, I haven't ever spent money on any post release DLC outside of the Battle Passes. The game as it is on release, has many hundreds worth of gameplay hours. To me at least, that justifies the spend. It has been a real solid game so far that I see to have a lot of replayability. Seasonal content becomes free, so eventually everyone can end up playing the updates regardless.

  • The XSX disc days at top of the cover that it works for the original Xbox one also.

    • Yes Xbox version is cross gen, which makes it a better value imo.

  • +1

    Might as well get this now the Xbox hack has been refunded! Thank F that saved content is across systems.

  • -1


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