This was posted 1 year 8 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Up to 40% off BBQs, up to 70% off Furniture, 30% off All Wood Heaters @ Barbeques Galore

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Barbeques Galore

closed Comments

  • +1

    No Webers included in the sale

    • Not unusual, that's why the Weber Q Premium sale a few months ago was worth jumping on. The standard Weber Qs come up more often but don't have the higher domes useful for roasting.

  • Any Kamado afficionados care to comment about what the best value model is for a newbie?

    Aslo is this… the Series II D&C Classic, recently on sale at $1599?


    • +2

      The classic was 999 a few months back with free delivery and thats post Covid pricing.. this is not really a good deal unless you are in a rush..Series 2 had the spring loaded lid and rain proof chimney as new design, series 3 had the slow roller and a larger body as new but all of them work great …series 2 and 3 do not really drop all that much but if you are chasing a classic.. wait

      • Thanks. I see that chimney difference now. They had the series II for $1599 in late May, now (cough) $2699. The markups must be enormous. Not fussed - I can wait or leave it completely.

        • I have 2 kamadao joes, a classic and a junior and the junior is my go to in most cases… Chargriller Akorns have a good name, lighter being steel so no chance of cracking but triple walled so a little too efficient and the coal does not burn enough so the smoke flavour is a problem, but that can be counteracted and their two piece design makes dumping and cleaning very easy, now they have the auto kamado as well which is not in the Australian market yet but something to consider..if you are just starting off buy an akorn mini from bunnings or from marketplace…who knows..maybe thats all you will need Kamados will never die but if they are bloody heavy and need good handling .. these akorns were not around when I bought mine otherwise I would have considered them

          • @shaidas: Ive got a big akorn
            Kj classic
            Akorn jr

            Love the jr , my favourtie , its awesome

    • Big joe for $1799 would bang for buck atm

      Kettle joe for $499 is not a bad deal

  • Beefmaster. Lol

  • +2

    It feels like these should be the normal price as I don't really see any deals here

  • +1

    Go on FB Marketplace, people cant get rid of them for free!!

    Sure maybe its not exact models as posted here, but youll bags a even better bargain.

    • Link? Saw similar comments - although low price, not free - about another product and there was nothing even vaguely close to what the commenter was claiming.

      • Sorry bud, I dont have direct link which is why i said "Sure maybe its not exact models as posted here, but youll bags a even better bargain."

        Im sure youll be able to bargain your way into a deal.

        If not, youll find plenty of freebies on the side of the road 😁

        • Any road in particular? Of course you don't have a link. I had a look and there are no freebies and the cheapies you couldn't pay me to take. Cut the bs fella and stop trying to mislead Ozbargainers with your exaggerated waffle. Sorry, let me rephrase that. Love your enthusiasm. If you could temper it with some reality occasionally that would be helpful

          • @Igaf: LOL.. you do realise you are asking me to do your shopping for you based on NO info about what you are actually shopping for yeah?

            Also I can't tell you when people are throwing things out, when and were. But i have driven past enough to know its frequently in the suburbs.

            But hey ill bite..

            $50 -…

            $50 -…

            $125 -…

            $75 -…

            Thats just a quick search. Yes most need a clean but thats why its cheap and you could probs negotiate a even better price.

            • @vash5: Thanks for your "help" but your comprehension needs some attention. The product I'm interested in is clearly mentioned in my queries. Your original catch all comment offered nothing most people didn't already know - Gumtree, FB Marketplace etc. We ALL know there is plenty of instant junk and problem inheritances among the second hand gems, and even the occasional cheap new or almost "new" items at a decent price (and plenty more at higher prices than discounted brand new products). This site isn't about those options but a link to comparable near-new/refurbed products is/might be useful occasionally.

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