Another fortnight, another round of KFC's targeted app deals.
This week's list:
- Original Mashies Box $7.95 (RRP $14.95) for your choice of burger, 1pc chicken [or 3 wicked wings], 4 mashies, chips, gravy, drink
- $2 for 6 mashies & gravy
Another fortnight, another round of KFC's targeted app deals.
This week's list:
haha yeah, just remembered that its that fortnightly Tue for KFC's deals to come out so headed in to check. Good one for this time around considering how prices have been hiked across many food chains.
Lol. Thinking that doesn't sound that cheap compared to listed price than realised you wrote Zinger Stacker. Noice.
The burger was $3. The wicked wings were $0.50.
$11.45 is the same price as a stacker by itself in regional areas such as mine.
I wanted a stacker. I chose to pay the price of one and get a ton of extras. Way to gatekeep a bargain post.
@Justin9mm: The stacker costs $11.45. I got everything above for the same price. How is that not "Ozbargaining"?
@Justin9mm: The deal is for a $7.95 mashies box. My comment was for extras.
I have no idea what you're trying to accomplish other than gatekeeping what people consider a bargain.
@NeggerOfDeals: I'm not gatekeeping anything, I'm trying to give you my point of view. You are narrow minded to not understand that some people may not see it your way and upgrading as I explained several times to a stacker may not be a warranted bargain. It was my opinion. My original post was not negative but just pointing that out, it was not really worth the upgrade in comparison to paying $7.95 for the deal in the first place but you obviously have trouble with thinking and comprehending on a deeper level. You are the one who replied first with a negative statement about me gatekeeping a bargain post. I even stated in my original post that $11.45 was still cheaper overall. This is on you.
@Justin9mm: Totally see where you’re coming from, and actually surprised so few people see it. Taught me something, your way of thinking is not as common as you think, in fact pretty rare.
@cloudy: Yeah not sure why so many downvotes. I had the same thought process when I considered upgrading to a stacker haha. Decided against it because > $11 felt like not a bargain anymore.
Yeah not sure why so many downvotes
yea the amount of negs is actually pretty brutal.
And its 100% correct if you keep adding full priced add on it becomes less of a deal.
It's like:
$2 free is great
$2 cash back on $20 is really good, but less than above
$2 cash back on $200 is really meh now
It's all the same amount of $$ discount, but call me a bargain gatekeeper or whatever, but its clearly not as good.
@Justin9mm: Don't forget the cheese.
Stacker burger also has cheese.
So for the $3.00 upgrade on the burger you get the extra fillet and cheese.
To buy a single zinger fillet piece on its own would cost $4.45 so adding it to the normal zinger burger (with the cheese) for only $3 is still a fair bargain upgrade.
@AnophthalmiaCervidae: Yep and just like the Dagmar, you think it's a bargain and that's fine and your opinion but majority of people wouldn't see it that way, cheese or no cheese, I have explained several times as to the psychological reasoning. Not everyone is going to see it the same way but I know how to evaluate and analyse and know that majority would not do that upgrade, it kind of defeats the purpose of the cheap deal. I'm not trying to tell people don't do it, I just pointed out that the $3.50 was not worth the upgrade to most. I'm not going to continue explaining to people who don't understand, you do you.
I wish we could swap out the gravy too
Thanks for the info
Thanks currently eating this combo. So much food I'm struggling to finish!
Got both these two offers as well
Me too.
Friday lunch sorted 👌
Thanks for the headsup
Thanks OP. Dinner sorted.
haha $100 UberEats last night, KFC tonight…hoping the fitness clubs lurking around give us some deal! Its gonna be in demand!
Been eyeing fitness deal for a long time
Been eyeing fitness deal for a long time
Oh me too
- since 2019
Still haven't found one that works for me 😂
100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 squats, 10k run. Then you can spend another $100.00 on uber eats for yourself 😀
$100 UberEats. 😳
Sounds like a decent feed and also my week and a half grocery costs. 😁
what are you eating thats only costing 100 bucks for a week and a half of food?
What's a mashie? Is it just potato?
Yes, mashed potato with the Kentucky coating on the outside.
I tried it, its not that good
They're not that good, but they're not that bad, either. Very edible.
just had it for lunch… wasnt great imho…
Yeah. Tried it for the first time with a grt expectation. But threw away after eating 1. Tasted very bad.
I loved it dipped in gravy tbh
you can dip anything into a gravy and love it
Just a potato? How dare you, sir!
Damn, having hot dogs with our cashier. Tomorrows lunch/Dinner sorted - Only 1 redeemable though. :(
I actually just ordered this to pick up for lunch today with Zinger burger and thigh piece (with its yummy bummy) . Solved!
I am in love with KFC. Just waiting for their merch store to have a sale.
KFC certainly isnt what it used to be….
had some the other night, the wing and drumstick was that small, it still had egg shell on it.
Friday date night sorted
Just saw it too, also large goes for $10.45 for those interested
$2 for 6 mashies lol
lol, what can I say…anything below normal price is considered a deal. In reality though, I'd rather buy a kg pack of hash browns for ~$3 to cook at home instead of going for those tiny mashies (oops sorry KFC)
Haha good one! Now that's value. 16 mashies for $4.50 😂😂
You get gravy with it too, so it's not bad.
I still get $14.95 :(
Hey @Phorm, can you check the Promos tab on your app and see if you got this 'Targeted' offer? If so, add that so your cart gets discounted to $7.95, otherwise no luck.
Same..although I only just signed up..
perfect timing for the rba rate announcement!
haha been waiting for bank offers - BOQ v ING lol
just opened the app, I also have 20 x OG mashies and regular gravy for $10
Hi @Mercina, that one is actually an ongoing promotion previously posted here. Good thing is you can redeem is as many times as you'd like but most ppl here on OZB agree that Mashies aren't good value for money.
good deal but i've smashed too many Zinger boxes to care about KFC these days…. been going to red rooster for some change lol.
Have you tried eating the kfc instead of smashing it? They should also give you change, no need to go to hungry jacks!
My app deals never change
App deals. App deals never changes
Oh I meant the promo and rewards sorry. All I have is 3 nuggets for 3 and 2 wicked wings for 3 and a family burger deal
Nah what I said was BS, I was just trying to make a reference to Fallout
Obviously didn't work lol
All I have is 3 nuggets for 3 and 2 wicked wings for 3 and a family burger deal
Same here… always hit with the s****y promos. Didn't get this either :(
@CrispyChrispy: Are you a recent/new signup? I've heard from people signing up recently that they're not getting these promos, so its likely going to customers that are over 3 months old. Sad :-(
I was so excited that the mashies were coming back but my god they are beyond average. Stale, tasteless, it's like eating primary school glue.
They used to be amazing when they were first introduced years ago.
What did they use to taste like? Never had them before…
In a word, good.
The potato was fluffy and they were more crunchy
I thought it was a bad batch this time but I've had it a few times and they're rubbish
The mashies are so disgusting I dunno what they did to them but they are not the same. Cant wait for them to vanish again. BRING BACK THE SWEET SESAME CRUNCH CHICKEN!
You can change the 3 wings to 1pc of chicken and possibly get 1 chicken wing.
Is this a one time offer? Or once/day?
Ordered one, then the deal disappeared. Wondering if it will re-appear tomorrow?
Hey browser, unfortunately, it is a one time redemption only. You may ask someone who may have this offer to order for you if you really want more haha.
All good, I guess the silver lining is that I won't be having KFC for lunch for the reminder of the week. :D
Make some more accounts, I received this offer on a few of my accounts.
how would i be able to go back to KFC afer all these $100 free meals!
haha how many times did you order $100 free meal lol? As KFC says, not everywhere, not forever lol.
Insane RRP
This is what was in the suitcase in Pulp Fiction, a true gift to earth, KFC#1
how to access this? I went to app - still $14.95 ?
even signed up giving my phone number and email to the Kernel..
despite incoming onslaught of brainwashing fried chicken propaganda, still no mashies box for $7.95 - damn you poultry people! my pregante wife has cravings and the interest rates are up again!!
Hey, I think I mentioned in one of my comments above, this is a targeted deal. As a new signup, you won't get such offers straightaway. All I can say for now is to let your app age in the background and you "may" get targeted eventually in the next few months.
Remember to pair it up with the survey for an extra free 600ml drink!
Sorry, the survey won't stack since this is for online orders only, but happy to hear if someone tried it and got lucky? Even if so, it might be because one particular staff/store allowed it. I wouldn't expect it to work on a bigger scale.
I done it before, all you have to do is say you also have the receipt with the 'code', give it to them and they just chuck in the drink. As long as the transaction is over $4.95 (doesn't say has to be at the counter) then they should provide it.
If you were ever to visit the Parramatta KFCs - Level 1 - they strictly implement no stacking of promotion with another promotion. E.g you can't get the $4.95 fill up with a drink 😞
Level 5 - they aren't as strict with stacking, but they're one of the rare KFCs I've seen that actually enters your validation code on a separate machine to validate it 😂
@nsingh21: Nope, ours they don't even put the free drink on the till! They just get the manager to see that I have one, and then they just say grab a drink and give it to the customer☺️
@PhillipC: Haha you're lucky to have a chill Manager in your store. With all due respect though, that is absolute stupidity. All free items given away must be recorded. Helps reconcile inventory and record discounts/freebies for tax offset.
@PhillipC: My local doesn't even ask for the receipt, you just say you have an online order, then say you have a feedback rewards voucher, they say what drink, you drive up, they hand you food and your drink and off you go. Been the same for years.
$10 for 20 mashies
$2 for 6 mashies
Two deals on the app….neither of which are particularly exciting.
I didn't have this deal originally when I opened app. After switching accounts then switching back, then changing my selected store than changing back, I had it! Not sure what did it… never noticed this before with targeted deals. Has this worked for anyone else?
Same. Wasn't there in my app earlier and wasn't there when I posted just before.
Just showed up…dinner on way home from work, with extra 600ml drink
Local store had 11 wicked wings for $11.
(Country store with surcharge and higher price, as usual)
Added that to the $8.45 mashies box…(3 wicked wings)
14 wicked wings in the mix. (2 orders for two free drinks)
Did you relog or change store locations? Wish I noticed this for the 15 wings deal :(
No, just the one store.
Only thing,was to close down app after anytime I opened it, save on phone memory.
@nsingh21 Wicked wings is an extra $0.50.
Haha yeah I knew this one from when I was playing with the customisations but figured to leave it as is…entirely depends on your preferences. Some days I'd prefer to swap out the chicken for a fillet 😂
Just got this tonight, changed out the drumstick for 2 wicked wings for extra 50c, great value thanks OP!
I might get the 7.95 box and pay $7 more for 4 pieces of chicken….not sure…..thoughts?
with the box you can OJ instead of pepsi no extra cost
also get the $4.95 fill up before 4m plus the mashi box $7.95 another option
Beat me to the post. Apart from the mashies, it's all customisable. I just finished downing;
Zinger Stacker
3 wicked wings
Small chips
4 Masheies
Can of soft drink
Small gravy
All for $11.45. Actual bargain.