• expired

33% off All Pirelli Tyres at @ mycar Tyre & Auto


Save 33% on all Pirelli tyres this EOFY. 8 – 9th June 2023 only.

Purchase any Pirelli tyres online, by phone (13 13 28) or in store with mycar between Thursday 8th June and Friday 9th June 2023. Have your new tyres fitted between 8th June – 7th July 2023

Don’t miss out.

Terms and Conditions apply and can be found on the mycar Tyre & Auto website.

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  • +6

    But this was 50% previously?

    • +8

      I've seen it 50% off on Black Friday but not at EOFY. Still a decent deal if you can't wait until the Black Friday.

      • That makes sense. Cheers

    • +2

      Yes. But i didnt need tyres then.

    • Starts Thursday 8th June and Friday 9th June 2023

    • +3

      the ' IN 3 DAYS' headline would be a clue i think.

  • +1

    i was looking at the Scorpion Scorpion all seasons.

    it says "Not recommended for BYD vehicles.". what the hell is a BYD vehicle?

    • +2

      It's a Chinese automotive manufacturer.

    • +1

      It's an acronym for Build Your Dreams

    • The new Holden…

    • +7

      Reality #2 - Electric cars are at the limit of tyre weight carrying capacities.

      They also go like stink, and the average muppet takes off flat out these days. So large masses with high acceleration = much friction.

      Looking forward to all the future whinging "why are my tyres wearing so fast….these tyres are rubbish…blah, blah, blah..

      So cant blame them for ruling out one of the most common electric cars with smaller tyres.

      • +2

        They also go like stink, and the average muppet takes off flat out these days

        Funny you say this, because one thing I've noticed is that I've never ever seen an EV driven fast. It's like they all seem too scared to drain their batteries…

        • -1

          Very true. You hear a lot about the acceleration of Teslas but the reality is they get overtaken by every P plater Corolla on the road

          • +5

            @Zackeroo: Colleague lost his license in a Tesla 3 Performance. Absolute hoon in it. Street raced any fast car he saw. Lost his license for 3 months after running out of points. Sold his for a standard Tesla 3. Found out it still isn't much slower. Still losing points.

            • @sobriety22: Lol, the fact that they thought buying a standard Model 3 would make any difference. Driver error, has nothing to do with the car

          • @Zackeroo:

            they get overtaken by every P plater Corolla on the road

            EV driver here. This statement is actually correct. And every P plater ranger/hilux/d-max driver actually.
            Cannot understand why in AU people buy the biggest bricks on the market and try to speed with it, while the ones who buy supercars go 5kph under.


            I've never ever seen an EV driven fast. It's like they all seem too scared to drain their batteries

            I drive the cheapest EV I could find and I am on OzBargain. You bet that I am scared to drain the battery. At least now I have the relief knowing that at every deceleration I get some energy back in the tank…like cashback for hypermilers

        • Mate just be glad you haven't been around the ones that drive fast. I have, and it's not fun babysitting fkwits on the road just to prevent a crash. E.g. They love overtaking from stoplights in lanes with parked cars ahead of them because they just assume their car will be faster.

    • +1

      It's like a Tesla but better built and nicer design.

  • +8

    with 33% off are they finally the same price as everyone else's normal prices now?

    • When i looked around ages ago everyone was around the same price as mycar.

      • +1

        defo not what I and many others have found tbh. they were a good 30% plus above regular prices of other places (searched for regular passenger, high performance 19" and ute tyres)

      • +2

        When i looked around ages ago everyone was around the same price as mycar.

        If you live in Sydney, Tempe Tyres generally has much cheaper prices. Get their price then use it to price match at your local tyre shop.

        • Gold Coast for me. I’ll look around first.

          • @PVA: I looked at Brissy and GC and these guys were by far the most so not sure where you been looking?

        • +1

          FYI - Tempe/Ozzy/etc.. are usually parallel imports. Nothing wrong with the tyres except sometimes age but a lot of mainstreams may not price match

  • Thanks, need two front tyres and this will bring them down to close to the cheapest tyres.

  • +5

    Rubbish service, go match with Jaxtyres, much better local service.

    • do they price match?

    • 85 km round trip to Jaxx. I might pass.

  • +8

    I wouldn't recommend MyCar, they practice unscrupulous behavior throughout all their operations

    • +1

      I treat them like the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld.

      Every year I get my tyres changed using the Black Friday 50% off for either my car or my wife's car. So our tyres are being changes on each car every two years.

      For half price I kind of put up with it. I know they're known for scuffing tyres, but I've not had that experience. I've always spoken to the guys and shown some care and told them to keep an eye on my bloody rims!

      • +1

        Every year I get my tyres changed using the Black Friday 50% off for either my car or my wife's car

        How many kms per year are you each doing?

        I replace my tyres every 2 years but I drive 50k kms per year and rotate tyres every 10k kms.

        • +1

          Do you rotate them yourself or get the mechanics to do it during a service? IS that something you can even request them to do? I never get this done lately, i remember my old mechanic from decades ago used to do it as part of the service if he saw some tyres worse off than others. The issue i have is, i keep going through tyres so quickly and its because apparently i dont check the air often enough ( I only remember to check them every 2-few months) But i dont drive too much either. Probably around 5-7k, but i seem to change tyres every 2 years or so out of necessity (pink slip wont pass)

          • +1

            @lonewolf: Sounds like you have a wheel alignment or dodgy suspension issue to me. If you are wearing out tyres every 15k (unless it's some huge V8 you drive) something is very much wrong. Tyre pressure, over a few months, should only drop a few psi unless you have a slow leak somewhere. A few psi will not abnormally wear your tyres every 15k kms.

            I service my own car (even though the warranty period - yes it voids the warranty) but it's the risk I absorb. I rotate the tyres every time I change the oil. Service interval is 15k but I service every 10k.

            • @MS Paint: Yeah thats what i thought, But when i asked my mechanic and the guy who does the pink slip for me, he said it was not a wheel alignment issue because of the where the wear and tear is and on both sides, its an air pressure issue. And yes the reason why i dont do a check ever fortnight on my air pressure like some people recommend to me is that most of the time when i check its only down from 240 to maybe 220 or on occasion will come across one tyre that may be down to 190 or something like that (months in between the last check), but its random. Doesnt seem like a slow leak. I am driving a v6 camry. I probably dont drive the best as i am driving at peak hour traffic and so probably changing lanes quite often, lots of accelearation and braking. But again not many ks in the long run. And its weird how quickly i go through the tyres.

              • @lonewolf: What sort of tyres are you using?
                Harder compound ones will last longer, but they really don't grip much, logically.
                I had some Diamondbacks that showed no wear after 15000km or so, but grip in wet was close to suicidal. Gave up and changed them out.
                BTW - tyre pressure is very important - use more pressure than the manual recommends.

                • @Weshouldgetsushi: Truth be told , not sure, Sometimes they were brand names like goodyear / bridgestone, other times it was other names. Its usually whatever my mechanic recommends / can get adn they are cheap. Like $130 or something. So i just used to put it down to cheaper tyres but people tell me at that price they still shouldnt wear out that quickly.

                  Yeah i do put in about 10-15 more than what the manual recommends as i had heard its better to put in a bit more than what they say.

                  • @lonewolf: I'm still in PSI land.
                    For manual showing 32 PSI (220 kPa), I use 38 PSI (260 kPa). Or 40, if I'm feeling frisky.

                    • @Weshouldgetsushi: wow, you go way over, I didnt realise that was possible. I was only going like 10-15 over, I was worried if i went more that tyres may explode or something. I presume it sounds like theres no issues with that. Maybe i should do 260, I believe my camry is 220 as well in the manual.

                      • +1

                        @lonewolf: you should be able to see the maximum pressure/pressure range a tyre can handle printed on the sidewall

                        • @shxhshzhz: Also the tyre placard in the driver door frame shows standard and max pressures in most cars these days.
                          Pressures are lower to make a softer ride. For me, harder is better. (that's what your mum said).

                      • @lonewolf: Generally, you'll find the steering lighter, braking better (until pressures get too high) and handling much better feel. Tyres last longer. But YMMV, especially since a Camry is not really meant to bias to sharp handling.
                        Be aware that petrol station air pumps are not consistent and may not be correct.

          • @lonewolf: Local Toyota dealer charged me for rotation and balancing in a recent log book service but didn't actually do either (I marked the wheels after reading complaints from others about the same thing). When challenged the excuse was that that their "policy" was to do nothing if the tyres looked to be wearing evenly. No policy on refunding the cost of same, which using their quoted times and hourly prices would have ranged from $80-120! My fronts were slightly scuffed on the outside and rears were perfect, so the excuse didn't wash. In the end, after speaking to the lead mechanic who should have done the job they didn't offer a refund, just a vague 'oh well, we'll do it at the next service'. My guess is that they ran out of time and didn't think I'd notice. My response was that I'd do it myself and they would never be servicing my vehicle again. If you can't trust them to do simple things then why would you trust them to do anything complicated?

            • @Igaf: name and shame to warn others please?

              • +1

                @CVonC: Toyota in Belconnen. They aren't the first Toyota dealers to be caught not rotating wheels in log book services. The reason I marked mine was after reading a couple of comments on 4WD forums

        • What tyre model are you using that can last 100k kms??

          • +2

            @shxhshzhz: Bridgestone Turanza Serenity Plus

            80% of my driving is regional. I rotate every 10k, maintain tyre pressure (35psi) and don't dry turn.

        • 50k a year? May I ask what profession?

    • +3

      I would go back there at 50% off simply because at 50% off the price is too good to ignore…BUT. My experience with the last promotion was not at all good. The tyres I ordered somehow weren't in stock when I arrived for my appointment, so I had to reschedule. No warning was given; I took time off work for the appointment so it was a major hassle. Then, I was told that they could fit tyres that were exactly the same but were just branded a bit differently. I said…uh, okay, and then researched these tyres. Turns out they were most definitely NOT the same, and they were much cheaper than the manufacturer-spec ones I'd ordered. They then argued with me about that. In the end I got the right tyres at the right price, but by Christ it took some doing.

      • +1

        have heard a few of these stories…

    • +4

      Recently did a service using 100$ off voucher. Given a non-roadworth defect note on the service notes. Asked me to fix it ASAP and give 600 $ quote. Went to the Subaru dealer (where i normally do service) and they said, there is no major issue (other than expected wear) and it can be addressed next service if needed - and charged me 0 $ for inspection.

      I have used myCar for pervious car at another location and i am shocked by this service. May be this location or tech competency issue - but trust is gone for me.

    • What unscrupulous practices are you talking about?

  • +1

    The total opposite for me. Ive had nothing but great experience with the 6 or so mycar centers ive dealt with.

    Last tyre package i got fitted, i got a Nail in the side wall and they replaced it free of charge, 9 months in. Free tyre rotations and inspections always.

    • +1

      If the nail is in your sidewall, they shouldn't repair it. You need a new tyre.

      • +1

        It's 'illegal' to repair a sidewall on radial tyres iirc.

        • +1

          Yep, because that's where all the load is.
          If the tyre fails catastrophically at speed, because the side wall now has a defect, then you're in for a really bad time…

      • +6

        If the nail is in your sidewall, they shouldn't repair it. You need a new tyre.

        Pretty sure that's what they wrote…

        i got a Nail in the side wall and they replaced it free of charge

  • I got half price Pirellis from these guys last Black Friday. I got the tyres I ordered on the date we agreed on, nice guys, no complaints with the service. Some goop still on the rims of a couple of tyres but no scratches. I have been thinking about going back and getting them to rebalance the wheels, though; feeling pretty wobbly 6ish months down the line.

    • My last couple of tyre changes have been done through MyCar, and whilst I've had no huge issues with the pricing or service provided, I find that my wheels are always filthy when I take the car back. Does anyone know why this is?

      The one other issue I've had with them is probably specific to a particular franchise, but a few months back I had a slow puncture in one tyre. I took it to a service centre and asked for it to be repaired under their Tyre Care Plan which I was eligibile for. The manager tried to tell me that I wasn't eligible as it was about 18 months since the tyre was purchased, even though it's meant to cover the entire life of the tyre. I raised this with her and she changed her mind, but might just be something for others to look out for.

  • I had very good experience with them for tyres. I usually either use the 50% off or I price match with Tyre Sales. No issues at all. I had a couple of punctures repaired for free. The guys are usually happy to do some extras for free too.
    Not so good experience with their service though. The last time, I took my VW and I am not sure what sort of rubbish oil they used. 2-3 and 3000kms months later the oil was so black I had never seen it that bad even after 20000kms.

  • Are people buying the tyres and keeping them in storage till they need to replace their tyres or do they just replace all their tyres even if they dont need to when these sales come up? I am curious as i never know my tyres need to be replaced till getting the pink slip done

  • Advice please:
    I booked an appointment tomorrow with bridgestone select to change 4 tyres for my honda civic RS 2018. ATM I have the Brisgestone potenza RE003 and I'm going to change for Bridgestone Turanza Serenity Plus. It's buy 3 get 4 for $867 + $79 wheel alignment for 215/50/R17. Should I consider Pirelli and check their range before? Also, anyone can give me their feedback about pirelli?
    Thanks guys

    • Bridgestone Turanza Serenity Plus

      These are awesome tyres and my go to tyre. Unless the price with Pirelli is significantly cheaper then just stick with the Bridgestones.

    • I've never like Bridgestones either for cars or my motorbikes. I find them noisy, too harsh and dont give enough feedback to the driver\rider.

      For a car like an RS, i would definitely look at Michelin Pilot sports and Pirellis P7

      • +3

        It's an RS not a Type-R

        It's a civic with a body kit and a CVT. Hardly tyre shredding.

        • -1

          Neither the Michelin Pilot or P7's are for tyre shredding. They are a performance orientated tyre that inspires confidence in all weather conditions.

          Whether you're driving a M3 or a Hyundai i30.

          • @nuno:

            "For a car like an RS"

            bro, it's an NPC car, relax. Stick to Primacy once the factory PS4 is done.

            Whether you're driving a M3 or a Hyundai i30.

            Not sure what's the point you're trying to make because it sounds bloody stupid.

            G80 makes like 650Nm down low, it will light up and shred ANY tyre known to man.

            If you put PS5 on the M3 it will light up like a Christmas tree. shit's actually scary and is not even funny. PS4S is the absolute minimum, Cup 2s is ideal on the M3. and pilot sports (of any kind) will be OP for i30. But if it's an i30N PS5 is good enough.

            • -1

              @dukeGR4: Ps4 ?
              Ok.that explains it, you are either trolling and/or have NFI.

              Wait a few more years to get off your Ls and then get reality.

              • @nuno: Prior to us having this conversation i doubt you even knew Pilot Sports is a range and not a model of tyre…. like really, what is the point that you're trying to make?

                like what @frankiijay said, Civic RS come with PS4 from factory. Once they are done, switch to Primacy for value. From value perspective, recommending Pilot Sports 4 or 5 is too OP for the RS. you would have a point if it's a Type R that car will start tram lining if you send it. Unless you were referring to Pilot Sports 4S or Cup 2s? I doubt it, because it would not even make any sense.

                I was not the one reading off the brochure and suggesting the proposition that:

                "[Pilot Sports] are a performance orientated tyre that inspires confidence in all weather conditions."

                So how dare you suggest that i'm trolling and resorting to ad-hominem insults when you are the one saying tyres function the same on M3 and i30. Even within the PS range, they drive very differently… especially on different cars.

                So let's stick to the spirit of OzBargain and talk about value, options and choices like ADULTS.

        • +1

          The 2021 Civic RS that has the 18" wheels come with Michelin Pilot Sport 4 from factory.

  • It's a shame they dont do motorcycle tyres. I'd even be prepared to take the wheels off my bikes and give it to them.

    Even if I can buy it through them, and fit them myself that would be awesome.

    Mycar national Rep ?

  • The one at top ryde (NSW) is good. Not so much for the one at Macquarie centre. Had a puncture and Macquarie told me unfixable (to replace the whole tyre). Went to Top Ryde and they repaired it.

  • Need to chuck at least 2 new front tyres on wifey's Kamiq as we're selling it. Any thoughts on what's a good tyre that won't look too cheap to potential buyers?

    • +1

      $50 2nd hand fronts to match the brand at the rear. Why spend more for new if selling ? No-one will suspect and you'll have a full legal set.

      • I'll look into it. Thanks

      • Why even bother with matching the brand? Can be anything.

    • Why selling the Kamiq? It's a good car!

  • +2

    Pirelli Scorpion Verde All Season are great tyres for RAV4. My first set passed rego with 60k on them

    • +1

      Might give the Scorpion ATs a run if they do 50% off again later this year. At >$100 a corner less than alternatives like Geolandar G015s and Falken Wildpeaks 'buy3 get one free' deals, it seems a no brainer. Decent reports on Tirerack

      • They'll be loud on the highway

    • I had the regular Verde on my Tiguan and got 40k. Changing to All Seasons and I'll be handing the car over to my son next year so hopefully he'll get similar range as you.

      • Young male drivers get poor mileage on tyres for some reason ;)

    • Yep, great on our SUVs.

  • Great, just had a full set of P-Zeros put on over the weekend.

    Either way, I wouldn't use MyCar. They aren't knowledgeable (at least the ones I've spoken to) and I've heard they often damage rims.

    May be ok for cheaper cars but for rims that cost ~$2K each, I wouldn't risk it.

    • What knowledge do they need if you've selected online. Take photos of the rims before the appointment and let them know to take care and that you're concerned about rim damage.

      • +1

        Ordinarily, I'd agree but the accounts of them damaging rims is far too common to ignore.

        Who'd leave that to chance? and, given their reputation for dubious scruples, you'd be left with a hefty bill for the rim repair / replacement.

        In any case, I've never found them to be well priced, so why wouldn't I go to someone trustworthy?

  • +1

    Anyone have any experience with the Pirelli Cinturato P7 or Pirelli Powergy? They are roughly the same price for my size. Looking to get 2 tyres for a 2018 Mazda 3.

    • +1

      P7 is pretty decent on my Camry. Got 4 for $428 last Black Friday.

      • Which one last longer P7 or Powergy

        • Sorry I have no idea

          • @Corgirun: No Problems, hows the P7 in the wet, are you satisfied with your purchase?

  • Do you do motorcycles?

  • +1

    "your brakes are low"
    "your disks need machining
    "your boot seals are low"
    "the trailing arm on your rack and pinion steering box needs some alignment"
    "the ball joints need flushing" …

    • +2

      thats why i take the wheels off my car to give it to them physically and put them back on myself :D

  • I have replaced front 2 - EOFY 2021, & another 2 in BLACK FRIDAY 2021.. nothing but positive experiences both the time…

    Got lifetime care deal which is good, benefits last year - got new tyre as puncher wasn’t repairable.. and I do visit every 10k for quick checks - free tyre rotation!!

    • +2

      Most Canberra reviews are very positive.

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