Update: thanks everyone, went with a combination of recommendations. Timber dowels on the bottom of window frame and steel screw lock at top. This along with existing flimsy lock should be enough for them to make a he'll of a lot of noise.
I guess ultimately most thieves are opportunistic, looking for windows or car doors left unlocked (depending where u live of course…)
Cheers OZB peeps
We have just moved into a new apartment (villa type 2.bedroom).
Can anyone give advice on materials they've successfully used to secure a window from being opened? Our windows have small locks (that don't instill confidence), and I'm just wanting some back up in case.
Obviously if someone wants to enter a house they can if determined enough. But the aim is to deter without to much daily inconvenience to secure - a wooden, steel or similar pole seems to suit.
The window would be closed fully at night, and the pole cut snug into the entire channel, so there would be no way someone could put a device through to lift the pole out. Potentially in summer I might look at another solution for partially open windows (though renting makes it hard to go drilling holes).
I'm hoping to pick up from a hardware store, and I can cut it to size. Timber seems to be what most people use, I would imagine a good hardwood could work but still potential to split under pressure.
(I will be asking the landlord, through the real estate, to see if they will go halves in installing a dead lock on the front door), once I get some quotes.
Appreciate anyhelp - I couldn't see any other forums on this topic.
Just a chunk of dowel in the slide rail of the window and any sliding doors (assuming they are sliding windows) will be fine- as long as the dowel is a bit thicker (I use 15mm I think). You can also get these little guys: https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEw…
I use these on the narrower windows or ones I want to open a tiny bit