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P&O 5 Nights Auckland to Melbourne Cruise 29th November Twin $200pp @ Cruiseguru.com.au


Already signed up to a cruise from the 20th Nov - 3rd December on the Pacific Adventurer but if you're looking just for a cheap break this wouldn't be a bad idea, $40 a night for Interior and opens up the potential for having a little NZ road trip before hand (flights to NZ aren't bad right now).

General info:


Wed, 29 Nov 2023 AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND CHECK IN STARTS AT 0200P — 6:00 pm
Thu, 30 Nov 2023 AT SEA — —
Fri, 01 Dec 2023 AT SEA — —
Sat, 02 Dec 2023 AT SEA — —
Sun, 03 Dec 2023 AT SEA — —
Mon, 04 Dec 2023 MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA 7:00 am —

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closed Comments

  • +1

    WFH with oceanview. Do they have any monthly plans? Cheaper than most rents.

    • Yep.. Work from sea ✌️

      • isn't that WFS and not WFH

        • Thanks OP. Booked now think later.

          Nothing beat WFS while sipping the Airjo coffee and sunbathing with my ozb t-shirt on. See you all on Deck 14.

    • +3

      I'm sure the daily wifi charge is reasonably priced with unlimited bandwidth…

      • Take your starlink with you since you have ocean view, or upgrade to balcony

  • Isn’t the above 5 nights ? Wed/Thur/fri/sat/sun

    • im not a rocket surgeon, but the 5 nights you posted looks like 5 nights.

      do you also believe 1+1=3 ?

      • Yeah fair call, typo sorry

        • +1

          he probably meant 6 days, which is correct.

        • +2

          Let's keep it respectful guys, I did stuff up in fairness.

          • +1

            @boomlogical: no excuse to be a jerk. you are sharing an awesome deal with us, and there is no reason for him to be like that to you. i don't want this community to be toxic.

  • For someone who has never been on a cruise before, does the $200 cover everything except booze?

    • correct. a lot is included, you just need to find flights.

      for me for 2 people is going to cost $800ish on just flights. so it's a pass for me coming from sydney.
      flight from sydney to auckland is expensive. melbourne to sydney is cheap.

    • Yes, covers every thing.

    • Covers everything you need - but there's a lot of optional extras e.g. shops, drink, spa, photos, casino, fancy restaurants and other things that you can spend more on if you want. But if you don't want to spend any more you don't have to either.

  • Do border security greet you with rubber bullets when docking in melbourne? lol

    Asking for an unvaccinated freind

    • -2

      With the propaganda awareness campaign around covid ramping up again in Victoria, I probably wouldn't discount it happening again.

  • +2

    Does anyone know for sure if they still require you to be covid vaccinated?

    • -4

      And boosted 5 times 😆

    • +3

      Thankfully yes, should mean that there will be less transmission

        • +4

          Per capita mate, much higher stuff ups non-vaccinated. If you wanna get shot without a bulletproof vest sure but don’t put me in the cross fire when the bullet goes through you and hits me.

          • -4

            @boomlogical: Keep convincing yourself that 👍🏾

            Bullet proof vest does not protect you. Snipers aim for the head killshot. And if you were shot in the vest, good luck when you get 2 or 3 fractured ribs and are in bad pain for months, thats if you dont end up also getting a pnemothorax.

            • -1

              @easternculture: Snipers often miss, when they do and hit my vest I'm all good bar a decent bruise, but then they miss and hit your chest we're all fcked.

              • -3


                I'm all good bar a decent bruise

                Dreaming mate. Your looking at at least 1 fractured rib.

                Covid vaxx only protects against a strain/or few. Viruses are highly evolving which means the vax does not guarantee to protect you against a evolved virus. Take influenza as an example. Multiple muliple strains but the vax only protects you against 3 or max 4 strains that most of the time are global strains and not Local strains.

                There is no massive profit in covid vaxx at the moment. Pharma are not going to dump millions of vaccines in favor of updating to newer strains. You get the pitch.

                But believe what you want 👍🏾

                • +1

                  @easternculture: Look, first, they have released new ones that target the new strains. Second, while you interesting perspective it isn't exactly correct, you'll still be much better off when you do get it but you've also get a decreased chance of getting it even if it isn't 100%. Sure there are lots of vaccinated people going to hospital sick but the fact is, a majority of people are vaccinated and if there are 100 people vaccinated getting sick and 90 people unvaccinated getting sick, the rate of unvaccinated is still higher since you guys only represent less than 5% of the population but are approaching something like 50% of hospitalisations in the example above.

                  Like if you can understand OzB cashback deals surely you can understand then surely you can understand how people who aren't getting it/getting it more mildly and not coughing the virus into your face as much reduces the chance you'll be stuffed over even if your vaccine doesn't cover every single strain under the sun but still kind of covers it?

                  • -4

                    @boomlogical: Lol.
                    Like im talking to a brick wall

                    getting it more mildly and not coughing the virus into your face as much reduces the chance you'll be stuffed over even

                    As stated above the vax does not reduce transmission. the vaxx only reduces severity of certain strains of covid. You can be covid asymptomatic and still couch and spread the virus exactly the same as a non vaccinated person

                    since you guys only represent less than 5% of the population

                    Incorrect. The stats dont account for all population ages/groups. For example <5 years old are not included iirc.

                    Which means there is a higher unvaxxed population if you include all age groups.

                    Look, first, they have released new ones that target the new strains

                    Next time you go to your chemist or GP for booster , ask them to see expiry or batch date. I believe pfizer has a 18 month expiry period.
                    Then lets talk.

                    • @easternculture: If it helps I feel like I'm also talking to a brick wall here.

                      I can tell you being covid asymptomatic is not going to be as likely for a non-vaccinated person verses a vaccinated person and the non vaccinated person is probably the type of person to go to work sick.

                      Obviously not the exact right stats, but mate there aren't enough kids to make it that a majority of people are unvaccinated, Australia is literally becoming a retirement village age wise. According to the Health department the coverage rate for all children at 5 years is 94.27% and the 1 year old coverage is 93.75%, unless there are a boat load of babies below 1 that somehow outnumber the Australian population I think you may be talking sh1t.

                      Also, what are you even on about batch date/expiry wise? bivalent vaccines looks pretty good stats wise and seems to be holding strong against XBB variant.

                      Why do people seem to be completely fine with smokes, alcohol, drugs ect but as soon as we pull a needle out that feels like a mozzie everyone wimps out? Move on, man up it's just a tiny prick and you're good to not be sick/as sick/ sick for as long.

                      • -1


                        I can tell you being covid asymptomatic is not going to be as likely for a non-vaccinated person verses a vaccinated person and the non vaccinated person is probably the type of person to go to work sick

                        🤣🤣🤣🤣 a vaccine of any type doesnt stop the virus from entering your system and incubating.
                        Vaccinated vs unvaxxed people of any virus can both carry and transmit the virus equally and both can be in the community asymptomatic. Even pfizer execs have admitted in parlimentary inquiries that their vaxx does not prevent transmission.
                        The (debatable) difference is that it prevents severe illness, but i call bullshit as vax makes your body produce spike protein, and it is the spike protein in the virus that causes all the bad symptoms. But now as a large population is vaxxed, you cannot prove if the vaxx spike protein or virus spike protein is causing the illness. And if it was true, they wouldnt admit to it due to amount of lawsuits they will have to deal with.

        • +3

          Well, of course - we are 95% vaccinated. So of course those in hospital would more likely be vaccinated; it's not a shield that prevents you have any symptoms at all, which is the only way that proportion could cause fewer vaccinated numbers in hospital.

    • +2

      Currently that is still required, and there is no word on that stopping - even though it has everywhere else in the world - including NZ. It is only required on this cruise due to Vic rules.

  • +1

    cheaper then 'renting' a house and it comes with utilities and food

  • +1

    Interior sold out .managed to book oceanview $260 per person.thanks OP for the post .Needs to book flight now . I am not sure if the flights charges are reasonable at the moment from melbourne..any thoughts from someone who booked cruise from melbourne.

    • +2

      Cheapest I could find were carry on only flights with Jetstar for $280.

  • Do we have any onboard credit for this booking ?

  • anything to sydney?

    • +1

      There was a mothers day deal that you just missed out on :/

      • oh nooo…. i missed it :(

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