Been waiting ages for the $199.00 special to be repeated on this lens then this, One-day special appeared - SWEET!
Excellent buying at this price and looks to be a very useful, high quality though crazy cheap lens
Canon EF 40mm F/2.8 STM Lens $179.00 Delivered from DWI - TODAY ONLY!

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I used the code, $172.58 shipped (including 2% paypal surcharge). EXCELLENT price.
I wish i had that code when i purchased from them last night!
fyi, there is an advisory from canon on this lens:…
needs firmware update. may not be a problem for most.
ELI5: why does a camera need a firmware update to use a lens?
The camera assumes there is a problem with the autofocus when it sees that the autofocus position is different (from the push on the top of the lens bumping it away slightly) to the one that the camera told the lens to go to. The camera thinks there is some fault and prevents the autofocus from continuing.
Camera getting a firmware update can mean it'll be less strict on the autofocus position - and allow it to be minutely out (as I'd assume this lens' autofocus sensor may be overly touchy).
In short, a software workaround to a hardware bug that wasn't detected in QC in the prototypes.
thankyou, that makes sense. (i also did a bit of research on auto focus)
why do you want this compare to the 50/1.4 or 50/1.8 ? anyone care to explain?
wider angle.
much smaller,and less noisy on the AF.
also the focusing is better for video recording. (new motor system inside) "STM allows continuous AF while shooting video, when paired with an STM-capable body"Google some videos. If you record video whilst shooting with this lens, the AF is NOISY.
In manual focus mode, it still uses a motor to turn lens resulting in noise.
Which isn't such an issue with an external microphone - I think I'd prefer to use an external microphone as a workaround if I get something as cool as continuous AF in video!
-thinner and lighter. This is a lens you can ALWAYS throw into your bag, no matter how light you're travelling
-Sharper by far then the 50/1.8
-continual AF without noise for video use
I own the 50/1.4 and just bought one of these. The 50/1.4 is awesome, but starting to get towards the large end (bigger than the typical kit 18-55 for example). Obviously not as large as my 200mm f/2.8L :p
This is a tiny lens with great quality.
Just one more thing to add to that list - the build quality of the 40mm is SO MUCH better than the 50mm f1.8 it's not funny…the 40mm, in spote of it's size, feels really solid, whereas the 50mm f1.8 just feels like a plastic toy that could break on you at any time..
"-Sharper by far then the 50/1.8"
I figured the 50mm 1.8 would be better because it's 1.8 compared to 2.8? I still don't quite know how this works :)
That's if you need 1.8 - dark rooms or for the bokeh.
2.8 is also good with dark rooms.
the f value indicates how much light the lens can let in when fully opened.
50mm f/1.8 - aka nifty 50, it is not the sharpest lens, especially at f/1.8. However, the thing is you can do f/1.8 if you want to. With f/1.8, you get about 1.3 stop more than f/2.8.
Basically, do you want more low light performance or you prefer a sharper image. And this STM lens is 40mm (wider angle). However, neither of them can compare to an L lens.
This STM lens is well liked by reviewers. Probably one of the best pancake size lenses this year.
200mm f2.8 is large? LoL. You haven't experienced any of the large primes have you? 200 f2, 300 f2.8, 400mm 500mm etc. Heck even a 70-200 f4 is bigger.
This lens IMO is geared towards people carrying the smaller cameras like the XXXXD or the XXXD series. It was developed for AF during videos but seemed to be falling short of expectations due to the noise.
Why would you want a smaller lens when using a XD or even a XXD body? Makes no sense IMO. The body is so bulky, what's a little more?
You'd quickly realise that for that 10 extra mm you're sacrificing 2 stops of light, which is significant. IMO, since you have the 50 1.4, you might quickly realise that it's not worth the extra $$ spent, nor the weight savings.
Thanks Guys, now seriously considering to spend the cash again. damn ozbargain!
This is annoying, I would have preferred this lens over the 50mm :/
Do I really need both?
if you feel you need , the wider angle. Or the STM motor
It is a better lens over 50mm f/1.8. Compared to 50mm f/1.4, I am not sure (because f/1.4 is 2 stops better).
Do you really need a light weight lens? Do you do a lot of video and the focus motor sound tends to annoy you? If yes, get this STM lens. If you really want this lens, you can get it and sell your nifty 50. This lens, like the 50mm is not really a wide angle lens unless you have a full frame body.
Does anyone know if the 550D supports STM lenses? cheers
Supports as in "it works" or supports as in "works with continual autofocus while shooting video" ?
Yes to the first.
No to the second.In short, yes.
Continual autofocus while shooting video, Canon 550D does not have continual auto focus in video mode so regardless of which lens you use, you are NOT going to gain the new feature in video mode just because you have the STM lens.
As for continual auto focus in video mode, it is kinda "okay" even with 650D/STM support, but read the reviews, continual auto focus in video mode is more for casual uses. To get better video on DSLR, you are still better off doing the focusing yourself.
The key feature of STM: quiet focusing, you can still take advantage of that with 550D (even in video mode).
great thanks for the replies.
The ONLY current camera that supports this lens in terms of constant video auto focus is the 650D. Not even the 5D mkiii supports it for this purpose :-(.
Could Canon make a firmware update for the 550D for the STM?
In fact is there any new firmware updates for it?
Could Canon make a firmware update for the 550D for the STM?
Possibly. But they won't - they'd prefer you buy a 650D instead. :)
Disclaimer: I don't know anything about camera lenses.
I'm about to buy a 60D and was going to buy a 17-50mm Tamron lens as an all around lens (Stills and Video)
So my question is: This Canon Lens vs That Tamron Lens? I'm liking the look of the Canon because it's cheaper!
for an all-round lens, the 17-50 would be better. This is a bit long for an all-round lens, and you have to be used to a fixed focal length too.
Yes, 17-50mm Tamron lens is a better all around lens. Got one.
I started with a 17-50 tammy as well. Well worth the $$. Went to a 17-55 f2.8 IS, didn't feel much of a diff other than the extra IS, weight and $$ down the drain. Went to FF and HELLO!!! The rest as they said… is history.
40mm Canon vs 17-50mm Tamron actually pretty hard to compare as one is zoom lens that another not.
BUT personally I will suggest you to get a 2nd hand 17-50mm Tamron (if you keep developing your photography skills and you will find that 17-50 cannot satisfy you after six months) and use the rest of your budget to buy a 50mm 1.8. A all around lens + a big aperture lens can keep you busy on daily life photographing and creativity (with photo retouching software as well).
After some times, you will see what you want and then upgrade you lens step-by-step, year-by-year.
P.S.: Good lens can keep for your life but camera doesn't. So buy good lens if you can.
I agree with the other commenters. You can't go wrong with a Tamron 17-50. It's great at 2.8 and tack sharp at 4.0, provided you have a good copy. I bought the original (non-IS) version 4 years ago and still use it as my walk around lens. Just make sure you buy local as I've heard people getting a bad copy with front/back focus issues.
Thanks for the advice everyone. Pretty overwhelming support for the Tamron! Last question, VC or non VC?
I have non VC version. Works great. I think I might have gotten lucky and got the good copy. Bought from DWI and I heard VC and non VC isn't so much different. Works alright with low light.
The non-VC is optically better than the VC. Take a look at the review on photozone:…Also, at these focal lengths, you can usually handhold some of the slower shutter speeds making VC less useful.
Bargains AND great advice, this is what makes this site what it is. Thanks again. Enjoy your positives ;-)
If you intend to record video though, VC is invaluable. IMHO anyway.
Yups, VC does come in handy sometimes but not often enough. Remember, VC/IS/VR does not stop motion, a faster shutter speed does. VC/IS/VR is only good for stationary subjects.
The extra $$, the hit in performance and the extra weight is not worth it IMO.
"VC/IS/VR is only good for stationary subjects"
I find this sentence a bit misleading. VC is good for when you're hand-holding the camera and the technology can compensate slightly for the camera shake. If the camera is on a tripod (for stationary subjects like landscape) you actually need to turn off vc.
What he means is stationary subjects while handheld, e.g. you're in a hipster restaurant taking photos of your stationary food to post on your food blog.
Worth it or not - that completely depends on what the camera will be used for. If it's for taking photos in bright places, there's little point in having VC. If the OP is going to take photos in dark places like the inside of a restaurant, it's recommended. If they're going to shoot videos, it's highly recommended. Landscape? No point. Unless it's a handheld moonlit landscape.
There's no yes-no answer to questions like these. It really depends on the application.
Just put my order through for one with Express Shipping plus Insurance. With the DWIDAD coupon, it ended up being ~$185.52. It'll be a great replacement considering I left my nifty-fifty in America at my uncle's place when I was over there earlier in the year!
VERY new to cameras.. but would this work with a Nikon 5100?
I already got 18-55mm VR and 55-200mm VR Lenses.Nope, you'll need a Nikon lens for your Nikon body.
Maybe you should have bought a Canon. ;)
when i try to buy, it says $355 :(
Just untick all the extras you're purchasing. You probably included warranty, cleaning cloth and so on ;)
Thats how they make there money!:P
good deal but!
What an impressively thin 40mm lens!
Would the 1.6x crop factor apply to this 40mm lens?
crop factor affects all focal length. unless u have a full frame of course.
Most.. if not all.. SLR lenses are specified in the 35mm equivalent focal length. Only when you go MF and larger or the small pns then it refers to it's own category.
Some PNS state 8mm-30mm… that is based off the focal length of the camera. Sometimes they will state the 35mm equivalent as well or just the 35mm equivalent…. and sometimes not.
Why 35mm is used as a base is because of the popularity of the 35mm/135 film. Most people got used to the 35mm image size and it just passed on from there on.
lol well what do you know, I wonder whats improved.. and does the STM work for 550D with it?
Thankis for the info… did not know it was out… haven't had the problem myself but hopefully this improves it anyway.
Delivery Method: Free Shipping via Standard Courier with Shipping Insurance $2.68
Fathers Day 2012 save $10 - $10.00
TOTAL PAYABLE: $175.32Thanks to your sir !
Has anyone had their order progressed past the processing stage? Quite pointless choosing the express shipping when they taking days to even ship it out.
Just checked mine, it's still "In Process".
got the lens.. and its awesome
Save $10 for any purchase over $100 using the coupon code “DWIDAD” when checkout. The offer is valid till 3 September 2012.
I haven't tried. but should work