• expired

Logitech LS11 Speakers $1, Pickup Only - Gosford, NSW (1 Hour North of Syd)


I also have the following for pickup only. 1 Per family/Person.

Deal is on again! As per our last deal here: http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/69711

Logitech LS11 Speakers $1 - Sold Out

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/phasercomputers

Pickup Only.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    what the fudge

  • average speakers, but for a dollar, you'd be crazy not to grab some

  • +4

    Great deal! Will these work with Mac?

    • +4


  • +1

    Great deal if you live close by …

    • +7

      although, thinking about it. 1 hour north of sydney is around 75km. with an average car doing 9L/100km that would be approx. 6.75 litres of fuel * fuel price at $1.40+ = $10 worth of fuel.


      $1 speakers plus $10 fuel = $11 ozbargain if you live in sydney

      • +13

        A true Ozbargainer would walk to save on petrol money :)

        • +17

          a smart ozbarginer would hitchhike

        • +8

          pure ozbargainer would ask for free

        • +3

          A true Ozbargainer would move to the Central Coast where the houses are 50% off :)

        • lmao that mean i gotta hitchhike a train from Mel to Sydney to get this speaker.

        • +4

          Remember to get both or you'll have to repeat the trip for the other speaker

      • +15

        $11 is a bargain, but then you're kind of stuck in Gosford. As I assume you'd want to return home, the price would actually end up at $21.

        • +5


          I live in my car

  • +1

    MY GOD. I am on the hill at Somersby. What's the chance there will be any left at 3:45 after I finish work? Checked it too late otherwise I could have rolled down the hill on my lunch break. DAMN!

    • +1

      id say u are safe

      • So I come in the store and pay. I dont order online and pick up?

        Great! Seeya at 3:45pm :D

        • +1

          no, come in

        • Good guy, amazing bargain. Thanks allot!

  • 11 now in stock

  • Central Coast represent!

    Will be driving home past Racecourse Rd about 5pm… what time do you close? :)

      1. haha. unlucky.
      • Sucks to be me then… might try my luck tomorrow morning :)

        • sorry. typo. was 4pm

  • 8 now in stock.

  • AT cob today there is 7 left. :)

    • Cheers might swing by tomorrow for some

  • How will you enforce the one per family rule? Will you be checking identification documents to make sure buyers are not related? What if a buyer is unaware that a family member has already taken advantage of this deal?

    • +3

      It's more when a a dad comes in with his 8 kids and they all buy 1 and then stick them on ebay.. it keeps it fair so there is enough for everyone :)

  • Does your store open at 9am?

    • yes

  • Are there any left? I'd come pick one if you can reserve one? Coming from central …$11.40 return + $1 deal may not be the best in town, but for the spirit of ozbargaining, I'll come anyway. Please let me know if reservation is possible, thanks :)

    • That's a fairly decent walk from Gosford Station..

    • Why don't you pay the extra few dollars for postage and exchange it for half a day of your life? Now that's a bargain!

  • All sold out. :)

    • What if I gave you… 2 dollars?

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