Hi everyone,
A couple of years ago I came home from an overseas trip and our toilet water was murky and the bowl was stained. We were not able to get it out via scrubbing, toilet cleaners etc.
I suspect it is limescale via google searches but the recommended methods to remove have not worked for me. It's helped don't get me wrong but I still have the heavy stains.
Pics: https://imgur.com/a/L3KETIc
Methods used:
- Bi-carb + vinegar, then toilet brush. Emptied the bowl of water first, just pure vinegar. I did this a second time and left it in all night.
- CLR. Have done this twice, first time left it in for 20 minutes then scrubbed with pumice stone, then toilet brush. Second time left it in for 2 hours. Again emptied the bowl first.
Does anyone know what this is for sure or have ideas?
Thank you.
Edit: Scalex was the lifesaver
10pm last night - I emptied as much water as i could, added 2 heaped teaspoons of Scalex then topped up with warm water to the highest stain point.
9am this morning - just scrubbed with the toilet brush and flushed.
Try Scalex from Bunnings - Pretty tough stuff. Did real good on our loo :)