Similar sized trailer nets are selling for $20-25, so quite the bargain at $2. Appears to be in stock at most stores from my quick search.
SCA Trailer Net - 1.8m X 1.2m $2
SCA Luggage Net 0.9m X 0.9m $2
brought one as capture net
Just put some 10% off gift cards on the floor with the net above and catch yourself some OzBargainers?
I got four which I'll join up for larger prey.
$1 (down from $5+) shackles and rope at a few stores too:……
Was $22 a few years ago. Clearance $10 last year. Good deal
Got 2 to double glove the trailer. Cheers op.
The misses always says to use 2, just in case one fails
got to cover your load!
Yep don’t want any spillage!!
Would this work on a ute tub?
They work best with a tray but doable with a styleside tub. The larger one is pain as it's to big for general tub sizes, but good to cover larger or high loads.
Throw the net over and use some ockys/bungee straps to secure any loose sections etc. Might need them regardless depending on what and where your tie down points are.
Bugger, none in TAS. Looks like only Big Islanders get to have all the fun.
Thanks OP, happy birthday for Dad
Great deal. thanks op!
Got the luggage net for my bike trailer. Cheers OP. Received message this morning the click and collect is ready.
SA - only Renmark or Thebarton
Need one for growing cucumbers.
Half my kingdom in exchange for the arcane knowledge of how to store these things without them taking 10 minutes to untangle
Replace the hooks with carabiners?
Remove hooks except for the ones in the corners before stowing.
Renmark only in SA :(
Cheers OP ;)