Yes it’s $99 and 24 months but $1300 seems pretty good
$2,376 minimum cost over 24 months
JB Hi-Fi Mobile powered by Telstra
Expires today
Anyone know if we can still get $10 off through Telstra live chat?
Yes it’s $99 and 24 months but $1300 seems pretty good
$2,376 minimum cost over 24 months
JB Hi-Fi Mobile powered by Telstra
Expires today
Anyone know if we can still get $10 off through Telstra live chat?
I don't think you can now. Jbhifi have moved systems to console and the credit was done via Siebel.
Interesting.. what system have they moved to?
To "Console" the old system was siebel.
I believe it’s Salesforce “Console”. Started happening a few years ago, some info on WP forums.
What do you mean credit done by Siebel?
siebel is the system they used to use. Telstra has been slowly moving to their new system called console. JB has now moved to this system, which works quite differently.
Interesting when I signed up for mine last year the credit was done on telstra end after a live chat
This change happened about a month ago.
No more $10 or $20 credit and you can't move your exaiting number (Telstra plan) over anymore.
Better off go with Boost mobile.
I got $10 off last year December and would not recommend. Had to go through months of emails and phone calls, temp sim card before everything worked.
That's $650 per 12 month commitment. Had $600 on a 12 month $69 plan before…
Times have changed
is it not $538 per 12 months?
$99 x24 = 2376 -1300 =1075/2 = $538 per 12 months?
$44.83 per month.
I think he is only talking about the credits which are $1300, so for two years so $650 per year.
oh ok sorry I misunderstood. Yes, than its correct.
Wasn’t it 500 before on 12 x 69 (nice)
I have this plan I signup before 6 month ago when gift card was $1200 on $89 plan, I managed to get $20 discount via Telstra chat and Im payment $69 per month
They were saying that there is no credit anymore
Telstra will tell you speak to JB, and JB will tell you go talk to Telstra.
Yeah I this is what is happening now. So there is no chance to get any credit per month now?
would love Telstra to throw in free International Roaming too.
I will take in a wink if they add international calling. Is international calls covered?
Nopes. Not included on this plan. And you can’t add it on either.
Since they don't do 12 month plans anymore, I guess it's goodbye to $500 vouchers for a 12 month $69 plan.
I'd still pull the trigger on a $800-1000 voucher for a 24 month $69 plan but seems like that's mainly for $99 plans now :/
I still remember getting the $500 voucher on a 12 month $59 plan back in 2019.. Those were the days.
I also got that and also got $10/month credit. So $500 for 12 months on $49. Did that two years in a row.
Telstra (direct) cheapest plan is $58 going up to $63 in July, They are a joke. They say 'but we give you so much data'. Data that I don't need.
There was a way to continue getting this without porting out and back in again - does anyone remember how to do so?
The unofficial way was to get a new number then request a number swap between the number. Despite the fact people saying they have had success doing this i would say the fail rate would be around 90%
Thanks. I didn’t neg you btw.
I do remember doing something along the lines of this two years ago (when I signed up for the 2 year $99 plan then) and it was pretty straight forward and it worked. I don’t remember ppl saying it didn’t work though - was there ever a workaround if it didn’t work or did ppl just keep their new number?
shrugs maybe some telstra fanboi did who knows. dont care
with console, its a new system with new rules so it will come down to factors such as but not limited to
previously if you complained enough they might have eventually done it but again depends on who you deal with
You can sign up and move your exisitng number over to the new plan, and then cancel the old/expired plan but you will not receive the $1300 gift card.
If you want the gift card you will have to get a new number and won't able to move your old number over. Plus once you signed up the plan and want to terminate later you will get charge $1300 but keeping the gift card.
JB and Telstra changed the rule, so think twice before commit into 2 years - $99 per month.
@zipzap090: So you mean the $1300 on top of the $99 x 24 months? Isn’t the $1300 supposed to be part of the $99 x 24 months?
I had done it this way the past 2 years with the 12 month gift card deals. Keen to get this offer but worried that method won’t work anymore.
Not working anymore.
@zipzap090: Damn. What if I get the new sim, port my old number out to Optus etc for a month and then ask to port back in a month and replace that new sim? Will that work?
@dwhes: Yes if you port out then back again is ok, previously you can just move the old number to new plan that method stop working.
@zipzap090: Yeh but I mean can I grab this deal now on a new sim. Move my old number away for a month. And then move that umber back on to Telstra and replace the number on this new sim? Will that still work?
@dwhes: No, as soon as you sign up now mean you lock in.
If you terminate the contract you will get charge the gift card $$$, and keep the gift card.
@dwhes: in theory the system should allow the changing of a mobile number without the need to disconnect the service, such as for DV or Fraud etc to case no disruption to the customer that is not of their fault/actions
the question/debate here would be "why" you have to do it
in these scenarios its obvious you are trying circumvent restrictions which is against T&C so it will boil down to who you speak to/how you speak to them
It stop working
You can with JB hifi directly but you won't get the gift card and then stuck with $99 for 2 years.
And Telstra will tell you go speak to JB because they can't access JB system.
Is the voucher given at time of sign up? Can I sign up then buy something and use the Perks discount today?
Yeah you’ll get it straight away
Yep a couple of years ago I signed up to a plan and used the gift card to immediately buy the phone I wanted
Somethings to keep in mind with the new JB HiFi Upfront Plans:
no Telstra Plus points is another killer for this plan 😐
that's almost 24 000 points you are forfeiting over 2 years 👎
I want to get back on Telstra (from Mates) but there are no good deals atm
just to confirm, does this mean JB plans are no longer managed in the Telstar web/app?
So it wont count as an active Telstra service to redeem existing points aso?
Max Voucher Repayment Fee of $766.67?
There's a potential to generate free JB Credits by signing up and cancelling the next day.…
Is this legit?
I just followed the link to the Critical Information Summary from this page :
That Voucher Repayment Fee is for the standard $800 voucher. The repayment amount is set out in the Service Terms under 6.3.
(a) Month 1: You will need to repay 23/24 of the Voucher you received;
(b) Month 12: You will need to repay 11/24 of the Voucher you received; and
(c) Month 23: You will need to repay 1/24 of the Voucher you received.
That would make the maximum $1245.83. The devil is always in the details, although you may have a case for the CIS not reflecting the correct figures - I wouldn't risk it though.
You are such a nice person. The voucher repayment kicked in ages ago and people still asking this question …….
I'm aware voucher repayment kicked in ages ago.
The devil in the detail is the fact that the CIS is a more recent document (time stamped May 10 2023) than the Service Terms (time stamped April 10 2023).
@cbrbargainer: Dates don't matter - they're two seperate documents. The CIS is a summary of an offer, the Service Terms are the actual contract.
Not bad getting 1.3k now, since inflation will devalue that $99 / month over the next 2 years.
they are probably allowed to up that $99 in line with inflation like Telstra are doing.
In a weird situation someone might be able to give me best solution!
Mrs currently has a broken screen on her s20 (w/ insurance) but has been hesitant to send it in and be without a phone for a few weeks. Would I be able to sign up as a "new customer", get this deal and once completed the insurance claim and have both phones in hand port her number to the "new number sim" or something along those lines..
I feel like it would be less stress to just buy a cheap Android phone for a couple hundred dollars to use while her Samsung is getting repaired and then when it's back just whack it on marketplace - that's what I did anyway!
+1 this, Nokie 3310
Who needs a 40mp camera when you've got Snake??
That sucks that it's only available for today only :/
Is this plan subject to CPI increase every year?
The woman told me if you sign up before the CPI increase the plan won’t be affected by it
no, as these are contract plans for 24 months. CPI increase applies to all telstra plans since none are on contract and casual
Ok, i just got this deal at Jb-hifi Chadtone and pay only $166.10 for an S23 Ultra 512GB after all discounts applied.
I also claim a free Watch 5 from samsung redemption.
6.. Pay back $2,376 over 24 months
Congrats you got the handset free, but if you buy it thru samsung offers and then get a boost long prepaid or telstra long prepaid. It would have been net cheaper in your pocket, but now you have to pay 2000+ for the sim plan, i dont think you will ever runout of 300GB per month.
I just came back from JBhifi and signed up for this plan. I received a $1300 gift card, but the fact sheet I was given showed that the voucher I should have received was $800, and the maximum voucher repayment is $766.67. I immediately checked with the rep, who reassured me that the extra $500 is indeed correct and provided an example that if I quit like after 1yr, I would only need to repay $400. If this is true, isn't this a loophole?
Yes, that's the strange part. The rep reconfirmed with me that the voucher written on my contract was $800, and if I chose to terminate early, the repayment would be calculated based on the $800 stated in the contract. She even voluntarily brought up the example of needing to repay only $400 if I leave after only one year. She said that this is often why these high cash-back promotions usually only last one day. Anyway, the deal has now expired. Maybe next time there is a similar promotion, I will consult a different rep.
I would like to know as well if the $10 or $20/ month credit still available when requested on Telstra chat