• expired

Kogan FREE SHIPPING until Midnight Tonight - Samsung Galaxy S3 $539 Delivered



Free Shipping for most stuff on Kogan until Midnight Tonight! Code is FACEBOOK

Brings the S3 16gb Down to $539 Delivered.

Please help me vote for the S3 to be lower than $500! http://www.facebook.com/kogan?ref=stream&sk=app_336882526397… PS. You can vote as many times as you like ;) OzB power.

However that deal is not certain as the Ipad was quite a mile in front before they removed the vote count

Original Facebook Announcement

Congratulations to all Kogan fans! Our Facebook Community now has over 200,000 people in it! To celebrate, we want to reward our passionate fans with FREE SHIPPING on nearly everything until midnight tonight. Just enter the discount code FACEBOOK at checkout. Enjoy :)

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closed Comments

  • +2

    hope they don't try to jack up the prices on items like they did in the past whenever the free shipping promotion is on.

  • -3

    I don't think Kogan understands.. we want discounts on their discounted products.. not free shipping! Though both is nice…

    • +4

      LOL Shipping from Kogan is quite a lot and in the end it comes down to delivery because they have no physical store. :(

    • What if the discount is less than the price of shipping? :P

  • I'd rather see the Powershot S100 for $249.

  • Free shipping not on all items

  • Nexus for $359 delivered, not bad

    Still tempted to wait for the Note 2

  • +1

    Saved me $19, got the S3 delivered for $539 :) Not baddddddd!

  • +1

    pulled the pin on an S3 as well!!! $539 well spent..

  • +3

    Thanks OP!!
    Was Umming and Ahhhing about a D5100 with kit lens. But for $539 delivered with the code you supplied, couldn't help but pull the trigger. Saved me $29 in shipping.

  • +1

    Thanks! Just pulled the pin and got the Galaxy Nexus

    • +1

      *pulled the trigger

      • Did it go bang when you pulled the pin?

        • +4

          Apparently the grenade has a 5-8 working day delay, so no bang for a while

  • damn and i just got the ipad priced matched with kogan from myer @ $628 16gb 3g/wifi. without the delivery price ipad prices way better than US pricing!

    nice one OP

  • +8

    Why would you get this when Coles has an Android phone for $49?

  • only thing i really want was the 26" LED, and its out of stock!

  • jokes aside, what will be after Jellybean that starts with K?

    • +1

      Krispy Kreme!! LOL kidding probably illegal to do that hahaha

    • +4

      i thought i heard somewhere that it was going to be Key Lime Pie.
      ICS, JB, KLP… it works

    • +4
      • kool-aid would be a brand name so no, tho may be trolling, cant tell…

  • +1

    And with each passing day, the tablets are tempting me more and more. Must remain chaste until Microsoft Surface.

  • The S3 blue 32gig for $599…… Want it baaaaaaad…….

  • +6

    Thankyou, the missus is now a happy apple -> android convert ;)

    • +3

      Wise move from Apple to Android. :)

  • You can get the PVR for $39.00,anyone own this?

    • I can remember when you could get it for $9 http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/50569

      …ah, good times! ;)

      • Did you get one?
        Was just looking at that for reviews,you can buy similar on ebay for $37.00 -

        • Yep, I got one but ended up just letting a mate have it!

          It worked fine, the media playback was a bit spotty with some codecs/containers, but for ten bucks I suppose it was worth it. I only did a couple of quick PVR tests but IIRC it worked ok.

          TBH, in retrospect I wouldn't wanted to have paid any more for it though. Hey, I just remembered…if you know a pensioner you should be able to get one for nix ATM!!! ;)

  • really really want an s3…..aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaghhhhhhhhhhhh

  • +2

    You can keep clicking the vote button and sharing and the count keeps climbing. I'm trying on a dummy account. Looks like the S3 already above the iPad at 1364 to 1278 ;-). Keep voting!

    Proof: http://i.imgur.com/Y4Ne2.png

    • +2

      I've been doing that the whole day probs put in about 50 votes LOL

      japik voted about 150 times! haha Come on we can do this! OzB Power!!

      • +2

        Lol damn taking on the ibot army. Who's with us!

      • +2

        Haha think I voted over 300 now currently got it up to 1605 ipad is on 1322.

        • ipad +1

  • I want to get Nikon 18-105mm lenses but Kogan doesn't sell them individually. What a pity.

  • 540 poorer :(

  • Remember, the note 2 is a week away from being announced if you can hold off, I'd expect even more savings in the coming week 3-4 weeks.

  • +3
    • +3

      Kogan discovers how to exploit the bogan demographic.

    • The comments on that are win.

  • maybe i should hope for the voting deal for S3?

    • +1

      Votes are needed then ;-)

      • Just voted, the count for the Galaxy s3 is currently at 1780. Not sure what the iPad is at..

        edit: this is my second vote - from what I know you don't need a smurf account to spam votes, just set each post so it can only be seen by you, and then you won't spam all your friends :D I think I should warm up my clicky finger…

    • Remember you can vote more than once! :)

  • does anyone know how long it takes to delivery to Victoria please ( from Kogan )

  • +2

    lol just voted like 40 times for the kogan gs3 deal. Im pretty sure it already has the highest votes by far.

    • Current vote total Ipad 2710 and GS3 is 1919

      • How do you know that?

        • post a vote on the Ipad and then the SG3

      • What the heck, the iPad votes have skyrocketed! :|

        • +3

          I don't want one, but it seems the OZB community does so i just voted for the SG2 200+ times.

        • Thank you!

  • so it's $459 if s3 has highest vote, how much is the shipping?

    • +1

      Probably $19 which brings it up to $478

  • Thursday 3pm, very bad timing, everyone is working, dole bludgers gets the goodies.

    • That's the announcement not sure if that's when it will be sold haha

      • The deal with the most votes will be made live by Kogan for customers to purchase at 3pm on Thursday 23 August 2012.

        • oh awesome I'm at home HAHAHA

  • Ipad is 780 votes ahead of S3….come on guys.

    • Where do you see the count?

      • You can vote for the both sides.

    • whoaa serious??

  • Over 650 in front now…keep voting for me to get a cheap SIII :).

  • +1


    some ipad fanboy around here.

    • +1

      2248 GS3
      2836 ipad

      • +1

        2876 ipad
        2289 gs3

        • You guys better have had a 10:1 voting ratio to find the ipad votes :P

        • +1

          2316 to 2890. Been voting for the s3 constantly for the past 20 minutes.

        • good work son.

        • 10:1?? More like 50:1 only then do you deserve to check it HAHAHA

  • +1

    This is some inspiration for all of you to keep voting for the S3 (White).

  • +1

    2376 to 2893. A lot of momentum in voting for the s3, C'mon ozbargainers.

    • I'm working hard but captcha is slowing me right down!

      • hahaha No captcha for me :D

  • Can't see the votes anymore, looks like I'm all out…NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    • Same here. Looks like I shall continue tomorrow morning!

  • Whoops accidently voted Ipad anyways its 2895 atm

  • how long does it take to get the S3?

  • keep voting for the gs3 troops, i have clicked at least 50 times today. keep going, show them what oz bargain can do!

  • Damn i thought my 300 votes would help looks like I need to vote again :(

    • Just got it up to 2925 for s3. Am I the only one voting atm? All up now Ive voted more than 700 times and feels like we are still no where lol

  • Ipad currently 2935
    GS3 2572

    To see I copied the whole webpage and pasted in word

    • Ipad currently 2943
      GS3 2750

    • cool ok will do that. Feels like my votes are not counting without seeing.

  • +2

    GS3 2951
    iPad 2951

    the power of ozbargain is mindboggling!

    • +1

      People are now messaging me wondering if my Facebook is ok…

      • lol just hide it. turn on privacy in your account settings so that only you see it. Lol your friends are getting spammed and probably getting mad.

        • +1

          Their problem, not mine!

  • mine says 2959 ipad, 2961 S3. I can't vote again it doesn't show the count like late last night and this morning. But people can because it still changes just before it was 2960 S3.

    edit: wait it works :) Got on another dummy account.

  • +1

    S3 @ 3677 votes.

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