Woolworth's Mobile 10% Grocery Monthly Discount Changes + Unlimited delivery

I just got an e-mail from woolworths about the mobile 10% off no longer applying online starting in July which is insane cause the whole reason I got this shitty plan with it's barely passable coverage and much lower speeds is because of the online deal.

I also got the plan in late January only so I had to wait 45 days for it to take effect, and so far only used the 10% 2 times. To add insult to injury I just got the unlimited delivery a few days ago since beforehand I used the free month. So I literally paid 120$ for no reason given that without this deal it makes no sense for me to shop at Woolworths anymore since I only got it is due to the 10% off via the mobile plan, which I only planned to use online.

Otherwise I would have just shopped at Coles since it's both significantly closer to me if I were to go in person, and would have been cheaper with the 2$ online deliveries if you purchase a day or so in advance/free over 250$, not to mention it's slightly cheaper on some regular price items I get. If I wanted to go in person, I would've stuck to Aldi but I'll now have to go out of my way to go in person to Woolworths ffs.

I don't get how they can change T&C mid cycle though and not allow people to finish their plan before making the new changes, is this legal? Cause at this point I feel like I got scammed, both with the shittier coverage for the same price as something like boost (have the 365 day plan), and with the 120$ unlimited plan that I'm now stuck with and won't be using anymore.

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  • +4

    Yeah, I'm really p***ed off too, about the changes.

    On top of this, the minimum online delivery charge has been jacked up to $75, AND we now have to pay fees for the paper bags.

    I'm planning to do all my shopping at Coles & Aldi, from now on.

    • Is Aldi's online delivery plan/discount better? I wasn't aware they even had one!

    • Does this affect you even if you paid the 120$ upfront yearly fee or only if you pay on a month by month basis?

      Surely there must be some laws against changing terms of contract within that same cycle after payment is made.

      Edit: It does, but they gave me 3 extra months free. Whatever, done w them after this, both mobile and shopping there in general.

  • Yip, if i’m now driving places I’m off to Aldi or Costco.

  • +1

    I’m with you. It’s not right.

  • Issue is no other super market offer 10% discount so Woolworths can do whatever they want… !

    Best to continue shopping with Aldo and Coles.

  • +2

    Yep. We all should move away from Woolworths mobile as soon as our plans expire, and vote with our feet by shopping elsewhere. Very disappointing.

  • Same only reason I used Woolworths mobile for 10% discount and deliveries online which I've been doing for 3+ yrs!

  • Yeh it’s disappointing

  • hey folks, looking to shop at Coles online since the 10% online discount is being phase out at WW.
    I have ~$600 worth of flybuy dollars as points right now so looking forward to utilise these too.

    Trying to line up payment options for when I switch, Anyone shop at Coles Online?
    Could you pls confirm my understanding below:

    • Cannot use discounted eGiftcards (the ones typically around 4% discount from employer rewards/membership schemes etc).
    • Can use flybuy dollars only up to $50 worth per transaction and via Flypay (when it works!) (In store the FB$ redemption limit is higher?)
    • Can I split payment either directly or via Flypay payment across multiple cards? For eg if my shop is $150 and I pay via Flypay, can I choose to pay $50 via FB$, $50 via Card 1, balance on Card 2?

    It would be great if I can load the discounted $250 Coles Mastercard on to Flypay and run them down across mutliple shops.

  • +5
  • Merged from Woolworths 10% off Online Gone

    Went to use my monthly 10% discount for Woolies while doing an online shop only to get an error on the voucher code. Checked the Woolworths Mobile app to check I had the right code, and it now says that the 10% off is valid in store only!

    Given this, it is now unlikely I will renew my Woolworths Mobile. Kinda disappointed tbh. Had a great thing going. How do you feel about the change?

    • Absolute rort, back to Aldi and pulling the pin on Everday Extras monthly membership.

    • only used in store, because I prefer to do my own shopping

      • how come?

        • +1

          selection of perishables to my liking
          keep an eye out for discounted items not in the catalogue
          listen to the instore music

    • I'm weighing up whether it's worth keeping for the discount off giftcards. But will probably dump it.

    • Bummer probably worked out you could do one online and one instore. I would still do Woolies over ALDI though, aldi is just home brand in a fancy label products are made side by side.

    • It's not like they didn't give advance notice

      • Well I guess I missed the advanced notice. Still a bummer either way.

    • Change didn’t impact me as we do our shopping in store anyway.

      Still think they’re an ok option as a carrier too even without the 10% given the access to Telstra and generally competitive plans from a data and cost perspective compared to other carriers. Might be cheaper deals but I’m not sure there’s anyone massively ahead.

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