• expired
  • targeted

Spend $0.01 at Woolworths and Top up to 2000 Rewards Points @ Everyday Rewards (Boost Required)


Check your emails
Recieved on multiple accounts.
Subject email: EC, top up your points piggy bank 🐽

Tip: If you are not planning to buy anything, or have multiple accoints, buy a plastic bag for 15c and pay with cash.

How it works

X points will automatically be added to your balance when you spend $0.01 or more in one transaction and scan or link your registered Everyday Rewards Card at checkout. This offer can only be enjoyed once during the promotional period. To enjoy your offer in-store, you must scan your Everyday Rewards Card before completing the transaction at the checkout. To enjoy your offer online at woolworths.com.au, you will need to ensure your registered Everyday Rewards Card number is linked to your Woolworths Online account prior to completing your order. Offer period is based on the local time of the store you shop at in-store or that fulfils your Woolworths Online order. See woolworths.com.au for full terms and conditions

Referral Links

Everyday Extra: random (959)

Referee and referrer get 1500 points after referee's first paid month of subscription.

Related Stores

Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards

closed Comments

  • +8

    "pay with cash" is a good idea if you have several family accounts and would like to stay anonymous because they keep a hash of your credit/debit card (not the actual numbers) and can easily match and see where the same method is used to pay across all the WW group

    • But do they even care? Someone got their acc closed before or something?

      • +5

        Its common to have 4 or 5 in a family.

        But when you have 20+ accounts and over $4k accumilated in reward points from generous offers ….. πŸ˜‡

        • +2

          Haha Easty, if you know anyone that has 20+ accounts, they really need to pay with cash.

          • +2

            @King Tightarse: Yeh. Thats what i do.

          • @King Tightarse: Do they need to have 20 mobile numbers, one for each account?

            • +1

              @Yola: I would assume yes these days but its years since I opened mine

            • +2


              Do they need to have 20 mobile numbers, one for each account?

              No…Same number for multiple accounts, different email.

        • Guess you never need to pay at supermarket at all.

        • Dam you just took these offers and accumulated that much money? You're supermarket god :) Ok I'll probably use cash in the future.

          • +1

            @StephenCurry: Yeh. I get 2000 point offers 3/4 weeks on multiple cards, sometimes more.

            Just with regular grocery shopping , points add up quickly over 6 months.

            Trick is small spend, more rewards i find

      • +2

        I just find it a bit creepy as they make a big deal of supposed privacy (but are really profiling you)

      • +1

        Yes they do care, and yes know someone who had account closed especially if you have rewards+ they keep track of how many cards are used under one account.

        • That's too bad… Thought they were too profitable to care these things. Good to know!

    • +7

      I always pay with GC's and use a different one for each account.

  • Sadly not targeted 🎯

  • buy a plastic bag for 15c

    My local Woolworths no longer has the 15c and all replaced by the 25c paper bags.

    • +1

      Mine still has.
      I just got and do a bulk redemption for all my accounts and watch the staff awkwardly stare at mean scanning plastic bags for a few minutes

      • +1

        Probably another reason why they're rolling out cameras to photograph all who use their self-service checkouts - profiling the cash payers!

        • Supposedly not using facial recognition technology (yet) but with all those cameras everywhere who knows?

          • @King Tightarse: FRT has already been rolled out by both WW and Coles.

            • @wavesgreen: I have only have seen articles saying that they video record customer scans. FRT is a whole level up if they are doing it.
              I know that Bunnings and KMart supposedly paused their use due to privacy concerns

        • they dont care that much….

        • +6

          Spot the ozbargainers wearing COVID masks and sunglasses?

        • +1

          Just wear a mask.

        • I like how when you do self check out and the machine stops to say "have you left anything behind?", in trolley or maybe have my empty bags on the left hand side. Someone is watching I guess.

      • +1

        You mean, the same plastic bag 10 times?

        • -1


          • +3

            @easternculture: Why not buy some basics that you actually need like a rice or pasta, or a tin of baked beans, chickpeas, etc?

            • @wavesgreen: Why spend $1 to get a $9 profit when you can spend 15c and get $9.85 profit

              85 cents gets you a whole extra can of chickpeas

              • +6

                @Choc0: Your profit is 100% if you are buying something that forms part of your regular grocery shop. You are losing 15c on each plastic bag otherwise.

                I mean, unless you are using 10 plastic bags a month in your day-to-day needs, but seriously invest in reusable bags and pocket the $1.50.

            • -1

              @wavesgreen: Cause cant be bothered spending half hour shopping.

              Buying bags = 3 min tops

              • +1

                @easternculture: Huh? The only time lost between grabbing 10 cans of chickpeas vs 1 plastic bag is approx 2 mins to walk to the aisle and back.

                But you do you I guess. Enjoy your 1(/10?) plastic bag(s) and $1.50 loss.

                • +1

                  @wavesgreen: They're a cheap bin bag. Once they are all phased out, people will have to buy bin bags again.

                  • @Daabido: Honestly surprised there are still Woolworths selling plastic shopping bags.

                    (Also they're not that cheap. Almost twice the price of actual bin bags.)

    • -1

      As I've done with 2000pt Rewards offers @BigW, took in an old 15c bag & scanned it at self service.

  • +1

    1300 pts for me

  • 1300 pts for me, no minimum spend required.

  • +3

    I just got 6960 points from a single shop, I ain’t getting targeted by anything but a sniper πŸ˜‚

    • Damn

    • +1

      Pretty much the same, can't complain. + got ~14% off the entire shop with 10% woolies mobile and paying for it all with 4% discounted gift cards through free NRMA membership from here.

  • +2

    I feel jibbed. Rarely shop at safeway & I got a stingy 1000pts for $70 spend.

    • +1

      I bought 3 of the discounted Coles Mastercards during the last sale, and flybuys factored them into the click and collect order I’d picked up the same day.

      My spend for points offers are ridiculous now.

    • Same $70/1000, 'Email subject ___,this offer really can't wait until Christmas'

      I also have a spend $90 for 2 weeks get 4500points on week 2/2, so it at least fits in with that.

    • That is the price to pay for banking for xmas:)

    • Same boat

  • I didn't get an email yet, but I checked the app and mine was 1600 points for $0.01+ purchase

  • +1

    For months have received multiple targeted offers of 2K for $40 spend, so accounts have steady 2k pts. Spend @2K each week as $10 off shop, 2K added.
    Possibly no top up. No email yet.

    Latest targeted offer is 3Kpts for $30.
    Also have targeted 500-1000pt, no min spend.

    Luckily an old with 100pt has 2k top upπŸŽ‰

  • +1

    Nothing here! Don't shop with them enough I guess.

  • +1

    I dont get any offers from Woolies anymore, but Coles keep on giving the spend $60 each week for 4 weeks and get 10000 points lol so I guess i'll just go with them, good thing both shops are the same distance.

    • +1

      Have multiple Rewards & Flybuys accounts for better chance.

      My Flybuys 10k offer alternates between cards - so can always choose the 4 x $50 spend.

      But Rewards targeted 2K on $40 spend per week over 3 weeks… is same pts/$ as Flybuys. Importantly, can miss a week - without losing accumulated benefit. Unlike @Coles!
      Used that offer for months across Rewards cards.

  • The everyday rewards member going change some discount benefits, 3x points change to 2 , cannot use code online , price for member fee increase. Going to cancal soon

    • +2

      You're discussing paid membership changes. Never saw benefit in it as spend little @Woolies.

      Paid Membership is not needed for this Rewards offer! It's free.

  • I shop at WW maybe half a dozen times per year. One of those times was last weekend. That account got this offer, the other one I haven't used in months, didn't.

  • Check my email and received this: Great news, coming some changes to your membership
    1. An increase to member fee
    2. 3x -> 2x points
    3. No more 10% for online
    We will give you 3 months extension for compensation.

    • I just cancel when finish, waste time cheating customer pay member fee

  • always eastern culture posting these deals

    he probably has 90 accounts to sift through

    lookout bankstown woolies!

    • +1

      Yeh man
      Supermarket hacks.
      Private health insurance hacks (they are basically paying me πŸ˜„πŸ˜„, recent deal that i just churned from gained 4 weeks free and total 35000 live better points = $350 in vouchers (25000+ 10000)).
      Energy hacks (have been paid over 1k so far in less than 9 months)
      Plus ive been paying everything with the 10% off coles mastercard and vanilla visa (still have 10k worth)

      Gotta go hard in these days of inflation

      • Medibank really likes paying people!

        • +2

          Going to sign up to cheapest extras just for the live better program
          If my calculations are right
          200 point weekly challenge x 52 = 10400 points
          Monthly challenges 3 x 500 x 12 = 18000 points
          Monthly challenges 2 x 750 x 12 = 18000 points
          Level up bonuses over 12 months = 6000 points

          Approx $500 in vouchers or apple watch every year

          Cheapest is $25 a month = $300 a year
          But you get 100% of optical @ $150
          2 Free dental checkups at medibank dental network = approx $300 to $400 value based on my dentist prices.

          And you're allowed to have multiple tax rebates on PHI

          • @easternculture: It gives you better return to hold the most expensive policy for just a couple of weeks. You can get about $100 worths of pts and the full optical/massage/free dental benefits.

            • @truetypezk: This would be a seperate long term extras policy.

              My regular hospital/extra i churn every 2 to 3 months

              • @easternculture: Unless you use a fake ID i dont think you can hold 2 policies at the same insurance company. Not sure if that would involve some legal issues.

                • @truetypezk: Yes ive moved to peoplecare

                  • +1

                    @easternculture: I am actually tempted to open multiple policies like Woolies accounts. Just not sure if that is considered as insurance fraud and probably have much more serious legal implications than having a bunch of Woolies/FB accounts.

                    • @truetypezk: I had 3 PHI policies at one stage for a few years while doing orthodontics

                      I claimed my tax rebate on the 3

                      Didnt encounter any issues. As long as you dont double dip, its legal

          • @easternculture: I think there is a cap on how many Live Better points you can earn per year. Believe it is 30,000 points

          • @easternculture: hey easternculture!

            I have medibank extras but had no idea about the points system. Would you be able to explain in more detail on how you get these points in the livebetter app?

  • Wow, only 300 points for me.

    • +1

      Tops you up to 2000

    • And I thought I was bad. 400 points for me but needing another 1200 points to reach $10

      • +1

        my stupid piggy bank email offers me 10x points pft (back to Coles for a while)

  • +1

    Targeted? I never got this offer.

  • I got 30x online shop instead.. which makes sense considering I have not ever and will not ever shop online with Woolworths.

  • the offer i received is for spend $70 for 1000 points…

  • Same got the $70 for 1000 points :/

  • Last time I used my rewards card, $50 ish at EG fuel pump in 2022 baby !

    got 1900 points offer

  • Does anyone know a good way to score 2000 points right now? Since I haven't received this offer 😒. Need them for something else. Only idea is 20x points on Apple gift card.

    • +1

      Targeted offers:
      2000 pts for $40 spend
      3000 pts for $30 spend etc
      Spent $75 today for 5720pts across 3 accounts.

      Will do my 1c top up shops tomorrow.

  • Instead of rewards points, how about ending price jacking and shrinkflation of food items? Coles and Woolworths, stop ripping us off.

  • Got the offer with 1500 points

  • +1

    I entered the Bank for Christmas offer recently but didn't get offered this one.

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